SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: No rants about what a superior human you are. When I see people "blanket" trashing homeless people. I figure that they consider themselves to be vastly superior.
I have never understood how some have zero empathy and consider themselves superior to those homeless. Yes, a fair amount of homeless have drug and/or alcohol abuse issues. I would be willing to bet that on a percentage bases, people living in safe homes have on percentage bases much higher percentage of substance (alcohol & drugs) abuse.
Translated living in a home and safe in that home "DOES NOT" mean drugs and alcohol are never abused. So, I am asking nicely that you not turn this thread into your negative opinion of homelessness.
Can you honestly assess your personal ability to function and survive being homeless. I don't know why but I find myself asking that question a lot.
Speak to anything about homelessness other than how superior you are as a human.