Someone gave me a car battery for the car yesterday. That's over a 110.00 savings. Now i can get into the car and start it up,with no worry.i told her that she did all of her good deeds for this year and next year alike.
Ate grand daughter's snacks,for some reason I thought animal crackers had taste. These don't have any taste.
These were name brand.I have a bag like that. I use them for goat treats. They were the generic brand.
What are roasted chooks?We saved money recently by -
- Going shopping Christmas Eve and picking up ham @ $3.60 per kg (bought just over 1kg), roasted chooks x 4 half price @$4.50 ea, reduced to clear steak and lots of other bargains saving $63.83 on usual prices or 34.08%. Our freezer is now full of meat so shouldn't need to shop until February now.
- On Boxing Day we saw the 90 cm dual fan oven we had our eye on reduced down to a really low price and upon ringing them found they had one left. When we went into the store the manager had reduced the oven down by a further $100 so we saved all up $212. We will be saving up to have this put in in end of January early February with our friend who is an electrician along with 3 more either fluro led lights or 3 batten lights and a couple more power points.
Thank you for the information@MoBookworm1957 we call a roast chook any chicken that has been cooked in the oven or rotisserie.
Yes! That is it exactly! I am a fan of popcorn and have eaten lots of it over my lifetime. I am so glad to get a new (to me) one. It is a prep and a useful tool. If power goes out, my air popper won't work, but this will work on the burner on my grill or on a campfire!Would that popcorn popper look any thing like this one?i got this one at least 3 or 4 years ago..i normally use it at home.but have taken it camping.
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