How did I save money today?

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@hiwall. Up the mountain we were about the 10 mark (maybe 20 certain times in winter) so that's what I'm used to, but we don't have the option to change things here as we are currently just renting. The outlets have the little green lights. The stove has the digital clock and readout. Etc. It's like they were trying to see how much electricity they could use. It's crazy! And no alternatives which I really don't like, but for now it's where we are calling home. One day I hope to join you back down in those single digits. If I can work it out while we are here, I'll share.
@LadyLocust I share your pain with power usage as we were in an all electric house for our last rental and you are right you have no alternatives. We did have a slow combustion fireplace though for heating which saved a fair amount on the heating bill in winter.

Likewise here in our new home we are all electric as well but the advantage of a slow combustion fireplace to save a little there as air conditioning for heating does cost a fair amount to run. We run 2 x 400 lt freezers and 1 x 400 lt fridge and have 2 electric pumps one for the rainwater and the other for the grey water sullage pit. We are running at about 9.58 KW of power per day average here and we bulk cook a lot. On average we looked at our power bill after adding another 400 lt freezer and it cost us about $20 a quarter to run it but could be more there in the States. It all helps to reduce electricity costs thinking laterally though.

Ahh the new bed, the new mattress we did that just recently too and you will sleep better as we did and think it is still gloriously comfortable.
@MoBookworm1957 Has the vet determined why she has lost weight? I hope she is feeling better and gaining soon!
Strawberry's vet put her on diet 3 months ago.
She had to put down 3 of Strawberry's siblings due to obsbess, the owners fed them people food.
Strawberry eats no people food.
Unless grand daughter slips her something.
Strawberr's siblings were so big, they kept breaking the legs, bellies dragging the ground, diabetic.
Strawberry eat Pure Balance Grain Free food.
May have to go to Pure Balance Grain Free, Gluten Free food in the future.
But she's my girl, my seizure dog.
Today we took back the hay to our friends farm that we accidentally picked up instead of manure and picked up 3/4's of a cubic metre of cow manure free saving us $206.95 over buying it by the bag at the hardware store less a little fuel to go a couple of blocks from home in the car. It seems that the places where we used to be able to buy cow manure from no longer sell it which is a real bother. I think they are selling now for more money to the local landscape suppliers. Our friend we picked up the cow manure from today also has another farming friend who has sheep manure under a sheep shed so we are going to organise to pick that up too next week as sheep manure is a good alternative to cow manure.

Day 3 of not spending any money today :) .
@Sewingcreations15 Sheep manure isn't as "hot" as cow manure so is a little safer to mix in where you might have more sensitive plants. Or if you're composting it all, it doesn't matter. (You probably already knew that.). A neighbor put about 4" of manure over his garden last year and tilled it in thinking of it as "if some is good, more is better." He burnt his tomato plants. His corn survived but not sure of the production. This year it will probably produce like crazy. He is a far better gardener than me so I was kinda surprised. I think he just got excited as a sale yard told him to take all he wanted.
Thank you @LadyLocust no I haven't worked with sheep manure before so the information is fantastic thank you. Oh dear your poor neighbour that is a bad result and we always till manures int0 the soil a couple of weeks before planting. We have well composted horse and cow manure from our previous rental, picked up some well composted horse manure from a local horse stud and the cow manure mostly has been well composted except a little fresh stuff we picked up from the paddocks while we were there and the sheep manure is well aged under the sheep shed so should be fine too. It should be fine to just till with the soil and put straight in the garden beds.
@Sewingcreations15 @LadyLocust ... with kindness...

Just wanted to point out… a hot compost pile can be a good thing. With livestock you end up with a lot of hayseed in the manure, not a good thing, your strawberry bed might turn into a pasture.

Allowing the compost to go through a heat cycle before adding it to you garden is a wise choice. This will kill many of hayseeds and weed seeds in the manure.

With manure… since I have cattle. I compost it for a year before I use it, sometimes 2 years. I allow a couple of tons of fresh manure to go through a high heat cycle for months.

Here is a site… the guy understands how the heat cycle works… Funny… 5 of the plants he mentions are medicines.

Anyway, there are advantages to planning your compost 2 years down the road.

Hope this helps! :)

Here is 1 ton of 2 year old compost spread out over my elder bushes and what will one day be my 50yrd herb bed.

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Thank you @Peanut and I usually do compost my manures for ages as well. Most of the manures I picked up were already composted as will be the sheep manure I pick up next week too. Most of the above ground garden beds I am using horse and cow manure I have had brewing for about a year so it is well broken down, the horse manure we pick up from the horse stud is likewise well composted too as they sell it from the oldest heap.

Your gardens and grass are looking all really good and I notice some bee hives there as well.
Told both sons today that Mom's bank had closed permanently.
No more helping with car payments, no more helping out getting truck parts.
Maybe now I can get emergency fund, savings account filled back up.
Told youngest son if you're old enough to get married, you're old enough to figure out your finances.
Can't afford both car payments then you should have kept your truck it was at least paid for.
Told oldest son(grand daughter's daddy), you have a daughter now.
You and your lady have 4 paydays a month between you and the two of you can't manage your all finances.
I get 1 payday a month and do pretty good, when you and your brother aren't nickel and dime me to death.
Hard decision but Mom's bank is closed.
Told both sons today that Mom's bank had closed permanently.
No more helping with car payments, no more helping out getting truck parts.
Maybe now I can get emergency fund, savings account filled back up.
Told youngest son if you're old enough to get married, you're old enough to figure out your finances.
Can't afford both car payments then you should have kept your truck it was at least paid for.
Told oldest son(grand daughter's daddy), you have a daughter now.
You and your lady have 4 paydays a month between you and the two of you can't manage your all finances.
I get 1 payday a month and do pretty good, when you and your brother aren't nickel and dime me to death.
Hard decision but Mom's bank is closed.
That is fantastic. You got through your hard times and are the better for it. Too many deny their children the opportunity to grow.
We saved money today by -

- Combining errands to pick up our ceiling insulation batts, doing some medical shopping and a little top up grocery shopping for specials saving on fuel costs.
- Grocery wise on specials from 10% - 58% off we purchased 2 small chocolates (gotta keep our shopping energy up) 58% off, 4 x packets of nice biscuits 10% off, 1 box of special K cereal 40% off, 11 x packets of pasta and sauce 52% off and 8 x 250 g Philadelphia cream cheeses 50% off saving $34.70 in total on usual prices. We put aside $40 a month to top up our pantry with for super specials we can find.
- In the medical/personal care purchases we bought 8 x shave sticks for DH to top up supplies saving 15% on usual prices or $4.72.
- Also purchased 4 x 100 pk paracetamol from our cheaper chemist saving $4.40 on usual prices.
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I haven't spent any money for a week or so. We were out of cheese, milk, eggs, all fresh veggies other than carrots, and out of a couple other things. Hubby asked if the little 2" cube of cheese was all that was left. I told him "Yep, I haven't been shopping. It's my new save money on grocery plan. Don't buy any." He cracked up. Needless to say, I picked up some groceries today so blew the no-spend streak.
On the brighter side, it made for some interesting meals: eggless breakfasts, odd combo suppers etc. We have a pantry, it's just the fresh stuff we were without. I will be in a neighboring town Wednesday and do a bit of grocery shopping (more of a stocking up) then as I like the store there better.
@LadyLocust that is determination and glad you eeked out a week or more without spending any money. There comes a time though when you run low on food as we do here and I prefer to try and keep our stocks up where possible so if I see a good sale on something we use then I will buy it if it is in the budget. I am trying to have more no spend days.

Cancel the no spend day for today as I had to buy a new laptop as mine just died a huge death with the hard drive crashing and burning. I purchased a 500 GB HDD laptop for $423.89 on eBay saving $374.11 over purchasing them in the local shops here
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That is fantastic. You got through your hard times and are the better for it. Too many deny their children the opportunity to grow.
I came home and cried buckets.
But I live on less than a $1000 a month.
But I'm also very frugal with food, money ,clothes.
If I want something I save for it, don't go out and charge everything under the sun.
Now I'm concentrating on building bck up cash reserves, savings account.
That charge card will eat you up on interest rates.
I have one charge card for emergency only.
I usually spend $10 a year to keep it active.
Well, deep subjectt I know.
But will be busted on no spending tomorrow.
Got to pay bills, buy a few groceries, pay on Strawberry's unexpected vet bill.
Will be making grocery shopping trips to Alidi's and Save a Lot grocery stores, for things I'm out of for my needs. Then to Wal-Mart for Strawberry's needs, prepaid phone card and much needed trash bags, will use my discount card for those items.
In October of this year will start shopping at Commissary for some of my grocery needs.
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@MoBookworm1957 I had to do the same with my sons as every visit was the same thing we need money. Like you we do not have a huge income and both sons were working so I could not figure out what they were doing with their money. Eldest I knew was drugs and youngest was going out with a lady who rather than buying the groceries would buy the latest phone cover that displayed the coolest movie characters. I drew the line and when younger son did this perpetually and gave them groceries for the baby and basic staples to get them through but no money and needless to say eldest got no money either.

It's hard I know but as the old saying goes is "that you have to be cruel to be kind" and hopefully they will learn how to balance their budgets which they will have to do anyway eventually as you will not be around forever to bail them out. After taking legal action against me to get my previous house they have now both blown the lot and been cut off by their "perpetually funding grandparents" who have run out of money too. Since they don't know where I live anymore since signing over the house they will simply have to manage for the rest of their lives as they have everything they will ever get out of me.

Yes many teary nights from me also as it is a natural maternal instinct to look after our children but there is a line in which they cross that spells enough is enough support from parents.
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