I just do a lot of little things hoping they'll count for something. Still growing the garden and just planted a bunch of stuff for the fall over the past few weeks. Still a little more to put in but not much. The garden hasn't given us huge bounties all at one time but it's been pretty common to put away an extra few quarts of whatever is producing over the course of a couple of days. And those little bits have added up into a nice little stockpile that we'll eat well off of over the winter, not to mention that we've been eating some of it fresh as well. Plus, there is going to be an expansion of the garden for next year with a little more knowledge of the local climate, which is just a little unique. Did lots of learning this year.
Just this past year, we went from being debt free to being well saddled with debt. I hated to do it but we felt like it was the option that worked for us. The homestead was the biggest purchase and it is a 30 year mortgage. I'm paying an extra principal payment with every payment and if I can keep doing exactly what I'm doing, it will be paid off in about 14 years. If I can pay more, it will shorten it even more. We really did need reliable transportation, too, and ended up buying a brand new car. It's a base model but has way more bells & whistles than most of the cars we've ever had and wasn't any more money than a whole lot of used cars with nearly 100k miles on them. It started out as a 6 year loan that I'm paying extra on as well and if I keep on going, I have just about 3 years to go until it'll be paid for. (And if that's the case, we'll have a 3.5 year old vehicle with less than 50k miles on it and it'll be paid for.)
If the world goes to pot sooner than we can get stuff paid for, we'll be hurting. But we would have been anyway. The car is not so bad as we're not really upside down anymore and do have other vehicles, old and tired, but paid for. The homestead, well, if we lose it, we'll be exactly where we were before, homeless.
There are things that could happen. There is potentially an inheritance that could wipe out most of that debt pretty easily. But I am not counting on that. There is potential that one of the little plans in my pea brain could pan out and actually make a little money on the side that would knock debt down even farther. Or there could be other things we haven't even thought of yet. Life has a way of going it's own direction while we're off making other plans anyway.
I hate being in debt. But I felt like it was what we needed to do. Now to get out from under it and still have a little life left in us. Had we waited to pay cash for a homestead, we'd have been too old to enjoy it. I've been hearing about "The Coming Economic Earthquake" for 50 years. Sure, we've had a few dips and scares and scrapes along the way but we're still here. If it all somehow goes on another 50 years, it won't matter to me anymore 'cause I'll be pushin' up daises somewhere takin' my dirt nap.