Im normally up by 6am..and seldom turn on a light.
Im normally up by 6am..and seldom turn on a light.
I did the opposite of save today. Spent way to much.
I use leftovers to make soup.I hadn't heard of meatloaf in soup before.what types of soup do you put it into?
Today we purchased a new to us Ford Territory for towing and I haggled the price down and saved $550 on the asking price. DH saved $70 on the home pest and building inspection and saved upon phoning the land surveyor $185 on their original asking price.
We are amalgamating two blocks of land one with our house on it to both lower our rates cost and also in preparation for our old age pension and as our primary place of residence. Here in Australia you can only have one property up to 2 acres on one title as your primary place of residence and if you have two titles on one block the other gets deemed as an asset and your pension reduced.
All in all a good day of saving.
My sons say I am beyond frugal.
That I am more frugal than my little middle sister.
Sometimes when they says things like that I'm not sure it is a complintment.
Keeping on trend here on saving as much money as we can on all things especially now we are buying our home -
- I cancelled my car insurance with one company saving around $150 per year in prices.
- DH organised a multi policy discount with one car insurance company for our 2 cars and additional cover for our trailer saving $123.62 on their already low quote previously.
- Searched for fuel prices on the internet and found an independent service station selling fuel for 8c per litre less than all the others saving another $6.94 by filling up 4 jerry cans.
SC I've just found out and I confirmed it using the PetrolSpy app that fuel prices over in New Zealand have risen to between $2.40 to $2.50NZ per Litre.
It's tipped that we'll be following suit in the next 2 weeks.
Today's savings included -
- Made a half batch of chocolate brownie premix saving $18.13 over purchasing it in the shops.
- Made a 1.71 kg batch of triple chocolate walnut brownies iced with homemade buttercream icing saving $95.72 over purchasing them premade in the shops.
- Made a quadruple batch of oat, almond, honey, coconut and sultana granola saving $27.85 over purchasing the equivalent quality premade in the shops.
@angie_nrs we shall expect you in however long it takes to fly from the States to Australia, I think around 18 plus hours from now, but with DH around I am not sure any of the brownies will be left by then. Him and chocolate anything are a lethal combination and before I even went in to get my piece he had eaten once slice, but in all seriousness they may by some miracle last 3 or more days.
@angie_nrs we shall expect you in however long it takes to fly from the States to Australia, I think around 18 plus hours from now, but with DH around I am not sure any of the brownies will be left by then. Him and chocolate anything are a lethal combination and before I even went in to get my piece he had eaten once slice, but in all seriousness they may by some miracle last 3 or more days.