Black Friday is the opening of the Christmas sale season. That is why it is AFTER Thanksgiving.
Black Friday is the opening of the Christmas sale season. That is why it is AFTER Thanksgiving.
Question: why do other countries have black friday sales when its an "American" thing because of our Thanksgiving holiday?
Just seems odd to me but if it makes it easier to save money I'm for that lol
Your welcome!And AH's lunch.
Thanks, again Terri and hubby!
Dang Sentry, your inlaws must be loaded (pun intended).Grey Goose is not cheap!
There were so many German cars in our driveway over thanksgiving that the local VFW sent over reinforcements.
My father-in-law didn't drive here however. He flew one of his airplanes here from his winter house in Arizona.
:green man:I'm pretty sure I'm still eligible for adoption. Need a little sister? I always wanted a big brother!
My family is all cops on our waiting for gov't pensions, same boat you're already in. I will check with my wife but she already has a sister and two brothers, all of whom have probably already planned out what they are going to do with their inheritance.
Hubby just made the final payment on his last credit card! So all of them are paid off in full. I so proud of him!!! Now he needs to only use one card and pay it off every month like I do mine.
He sold his 50. cal to pay the card off