Day 6 of not spending any money today
No spend day
Now whats odd is that our walmart doesn't carry 5 pound bags of any cornmeal so I don't know where they came from lol I got both bags.
Thank you.MO!! Glad to see you back.
Thank youMissed you, Mo. Glad you're back
I'm hanging in the Sewingcreations15,Got to day 10 of not spending any money yesterday. Meals out were paid by DH's DVA meal allowance and groceries via a gift card we purchased previously.
Busted yesterday though as we purchased some shampoo from a different store and had to pick up and pay for some medications.
Good to see you back @MoBookworm1957 and hope you are tracking well after the operation.
Aren't those 1/2 gal. jars handy!? I like to dehydrate spaghetti squash and put it in that size. Then can just cook it up in same time regular pasta would take.Just spent $20 on some micro tomato seeds
Also went through the whole amount of grocery money. No savings to put back, but I did pick up some good deals for storage
Need to pick up more half gallon mason jars
Thats what I use them for also. And I make my suntea in one lol I'd love to find a big gallon pickle jar with a tight lid to make the tea in but I haven't come across one yet.I love that size for dried foods. I keep a number of them filled with different types of flour that I like to use.
Day 5 of not spending any money today.
Good pick up on that tablet at such a good price @VenomJockey.