@Sentry18 you are a good provider and I do similar and put money I have earned into things we need or things for DH most of the time (higher needs than I due to his injuries). I just don't let him know that I do it most of the time

. I also say no to things too that DH asks for but most of the time not if it is in the budget and he usually says we need x and is it in the budget or not as I do the finances. On the other side of things if I ask for something DH just says if you need x then just get what you need and if that means 10 then get them as he knows I rarely spend money on myself for anything.
We are also on a tighten the belts strategy as we are trying to save as much as we can for our 3 month emergency living expenses account which we will take up to 12 months after we have a few home maintenance projects done. I am also concerned as DH is going in for his operation for his brain aneurysm around April and I want to have backup savings there in case things go pear shaped.
@SheepDog we also discuss finances between both of us as well and find that is the best policy is to be open and honest with one another. We call them financial counseling meetings in our home.