How did I save money today?

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I guess this would be the best thread for this tip. I did not try this myself as I have no need to purchase coffee 'to-go'. I can make it here and take it with me! Video shows a man pouring coffee from three different 'sizes' of Starbucks cups into one another. Each one appears to hold the exact same amount of coffee!

Volume of cylinder = height X pi X ( radius squared)

Cooking for one isn’t that hard. Cooking for one and having a varied diet is very difficult. I make great chili but after 3 days I’m sick of eating chili.

A few years ago I bought a “Fry Daddy”, smallest one. It made a varied diet much easier. In 30 minutes I can fry a batch of catfish, shimp, chicken or porkchops etc.

Problem, I can’t really get a fry daddy clean. I can’t submerge it in water. The inside is a nonstick surface. Oil adheres to the outer surface as if it were a black hole in space. They get nasty and after a few months they heat oil to 400 degrees instead of 350. It was time for a new one, prices have gone up. $50 for a fry daddy and I have to order it.

I decided to give my camp oven a try. My stove is gas so it fits nicely on the grate. The short legs aren’t an issue. And it only holds just a little more oil than the fry daddy. Even better I have a fryer basket that fits the in camp oven perfectly.

I fried chicken wings twice last week. It worked better than the fry daddy. I was able to control the oil temp my first try. The gas stove gives instant adjustment of the heat. The cast iron holds heat really well.

So last week I saved $50 on a fry daddy I don’t need. As usual, cast iron is my friend!

Camp Stove may22 5a.JPG
Nice camp oven, Peanut... I love those things, they're great in the field. Food just seems to taste better out of one of those, lol. Of course, in the field the old adage rings especially true: "Hunger is the best sauce!" ;)

I don't camp as often as I used to back in the day, probably because I have the cats to think about here at home... but many a night in years past, I enjoyed good meals round a campfire, usually with friends or climbing partners. :)

One of those camp ovens or Dutch ovens makes life easier in the field, that's for sure... a nice large skillet is also a plus. With those two items, you can make anything, lol. After a day of climbing or dirt bike riding, a good meal is appreciated! :p

Edit: Oh, yeah, today I saved money by hanging out at the ol' hacienda... sadly, that has become the go-to way to save money in this Brave New Fraudulent Third World. I really need to get the thumper out & go for a ride in the mountains. :rolleyes:
I checked laundry detergent prices at Dollar General. Came home and ordered off Amazon much cheaper. Limit of 3 per account. If you watch they will have the bonus size like 25% more. I order pods. I have decided that is much cheaper for me. Liquid I add too much. I do have 2 large bucket of homemade detergent. I rotate.
I brought 5lts FenBen medicine for the best price on-line and a dog jumpsuit/cost for the Landshark and paid rent.

If I want to buy baby chicks I need to buy bulbs for the heat lamp. Heck I don't even know if they have baby chicks available still.
I REALLY don't want to go shopping today but I'm out of the liquid breakfast shakes that I mix the FenBen into and I'm almost out of MCT oil so there's that.
I don't want to get out of these warm PJ's and dressing gown and uggs to put on town clothes...

Blarh.....and if I shop on-line I know that they are going to decide the amounts of things I order are going to be too many and instead of giving me 4 packs of liquid breakfast that I NEED they'll give me two.....

IT's to darn cold and these stupid temp spikes are making my life hell!

I need a nap.
This may sound weird... But today on senior discount day at our local thrift store... We bought a case of 11x12" wax paper, flat deli wrapping papers.. Each sheet will get cut in half or quarters to wrap or separate homemade and home canned sausage links, patties, burger patties and homemade bacon.. We make these products out of a number of domestic and wild game meats.. The case of papers will last a long time, but we do use a lot...
Bills are paid.
Some left in checking.
Same for savings.
Even some in emergency funds.
Bought few things at Aldi's, mainly yogurt.
Too hot to eat.
Got prepaid phone card for IPhone 11.
Paid $4.59 to fill up gas tank.
Took $31 to fill up my Fiat.
Hi Mo, always glad to see you catching up!!
Tomorrow's pension day and I have a game plan in place.

If it makes sense I'm spending my money on tangables in order to save it!
When "they" do a bank bail-in when it goes pear shaped I want as little money in my bank as possible.
So, as soon as the pension hits the bank out it goes.
It's also a form of saving because of inflation.

Yes this pension is all about energy.
1 cubic ton of firewood. The guy deals in cash only so I had better withdraw it from the bank early before I forget and think I have more money in my account than I do and go silly.

9 ltr propane tank to be filled. I have it sitting on the passenger side seat, strapped in with the safety belt. I laughed when I realized I have the equivalent of a 9 ltr bomb riding shotgun..not to mention the gerry cans of fuel. If I have an accident I'm going out with a BANG!

Grain free Dog food is an issue and will always be an issue.
22kgs of dry grain free dog food for $118.98 and that's the cheapest.
Don't ask me how it happened but she seems to have picked up either ringworm or mange on her back end.
It spread quickly and I need to get medicated shampoo for it stat.
I know! I just never thing after another.
God wants me to keep her so she's staying but goodness she's a penance and a trial and an exercise in patience and restraint.

Costing out the trip to the hardware store, using their on-line store as a reference, is going to cost me
$126.00 for-
a mattock, 1 50ltr water proof tote, 3 18ltr waterproof totes and a can of expandable gap filling foam.
The gap filling foam is for the honking great hole the rats chewed in my skirting board to get inside.
It's behind the couch and it must have happened during the three weeks I was away getting my radiation.

I have gerry cans to fill with fuel and 70 ltrs of petrol is going to cost me $144.20
Petrol is $2.09 per ltr here.

I need two bottles of mega dose Milk Thistle tablets to protect my liver.
That's $40 for the pair and they are on sale.

Then after all that I get to buy groceries with whatever is left which if my dodgy math is correct is approx $150 and pocket change.
Tomorrow's pension day and I have a game plan in place.

If it makes sense I'm spending my money on tangables in order to save it!
When "they" do a bank bail-in when it goes pear shaped I want as little money in my bank as possible.
So, as soon as the pension hits the bank out it goes.
It's also a form of saving because of inflation.

Yes this pension is all about energy.
1 cubic ton of firewood. The guy deals in cash only so I had better withdraw it from the bank early before I forget and think I have more money in my account than I do and go silly.

9 ltr propane tank to be filled. I have it sitting on the passenger side seat, strapped in with the safety belt. I laughed when I realized I have the equivalent of a 9 ltr bomb riding shotgun..not to mention the gerry cans of fuel. If I have an accident I'm going out with a BANG!

Grain free Dog food is an issue and will always be an issue.
22kgs of dry grain free dog food for $118.98 and that's the cheapest.
Don't ask me how it happened but she seems to have picked up either ringworm or mange on her back end.
It spread quickly and I need to get medicated shampoo for it stat.
I know! I just never thing after another.
God wants me to keep her so she's staying but goodness she's a penance and a trial and an exercise in patience and restraint.

Costing out the trip to the hardware store, using their on-line store as a reference, is going to cost me
$126.00 for-
a mattock, 1 50ltr water proof tote, 3 18ltr waterproof totes and a can of expandable gap filling foam.
The gap filling foam is for the honking great hole the rats chewed in my skirting board to get inside.
It's behind the couch and it must have happened during the three weeks I was away getting my radiation.

I have gerry cans to fill with fuel and 70 ltrs of petrol is going to cost me $144.20
Petrol is $2.09 per ltr here.

I need two bottles of mega dose Milk Thistle tablets to protect my liver.
That's $40 for the pair and they are on sale.

Then after all that I get to buy groceries with whatever is left which if my dodgy math is correct is approx $150 and pocket change.
I always have "a game plan", surprises do come up, but at least money is spent on things it needs to be spent on!! Tankgirl, it was amazing that lady took the Landshark in when you were away! She is in your life for a reason!!
Tomorrow's pension day and I have a game plan in place.

If it makes sense I'm spending my money on tangables in order to save it!
When "they" do a bank bail-in when it goes pear shaped I want as little money in my bank as possible.
So, as soon as the pension hits the bank out it goes.
It's also a form of saving because of inflation.

Yes this pension is all about energy.
1 cubic ton of firewood. The guy deals in cash only so I had better withdraw it from the bank early before I forget and think I have more money in my account than I do and go silly.

9 ltr propane tank to be filled. I have it sitting on the passenger side seat, strapped in with the safety belt. I laughed when I realized I have the equivalent of a 9 ltr bomb riding shotgun..not to mention the gerry cans of fuel. If I have an accident I'm going out with a BANG!

Grain free Dog food is an issue and will always be an issue.
22kgs of dry grain free dog food for $118.98 and that's the cheapest.
Don't ask me how it happened but she seems to have picked up either ringworm or mange on her back end.
It spread quickly and I need to get medicated shampoo for it stat.
I know! I just never thing after another.
God wants me to keep her so she's staying but goodness she's a penance and a trial and an exercise in patience and restraint.

Costing out the trip to the hardware store, using their on-line store as a reference, is going to cost me
$126.00 for-
a mattock, 1 50ltr water proof tote, 3 18ltr waterproof totes and a can of expandable gap filling foam.
The gap filling foam is for the honking great hole the rats chewed in my skirting board to get inside.
It's behind the couch and it must have happened during the three weeks I was away getting my radiation.

I have gerry cans to fill with fuel and 70 ltrs of petrol is going to cost me $144.20
Petrol is $2.09 per ltr here.

I need two bottles of mega dose Milk Thistle tablets to protect my liver.
That's $40 for the pair and they are on sale.

Then after all that I get to buy groceries with whatever is left which if my dodgy math is correct is approx $150 and pocket change.
Land shark is there to help take a little of your focus off of yourself. Our spirits thrive when we do for others. It releases the good energy in our bodies to strengthen us. Her spirit thrives by loving you.

Love is always the answer.
This is the only place I can think to post this. I have not been very frugal lately, and like many have spent more for the basics. I've also been stocking up on what I can. I just ran our numbers for June. With 6 months of 2022 under our belt - If I double the numbers, we are on course to spend an amount equal to one adult working full time at min. wage and one half time - and that's stocking up! We even purchased a new rototiller this spring! We've purchased extra boots and shoes. And similar such purchases. So when folks in our state complain about not being able to make it on min. wage, they are full of hooey!
(I know every state is different.)
Parts house told my son that his battery was had been dead to long
& could not be charged, to buy a new one, without even testing it.
Being a good son, he called me, I told him to take it to another part house
& do not tell them how long it was sitting.
They charged it for free & I picked it up.

I went by Kroger got two loaf of bread for 0.53 each & one loaf for0.80
Day old bread taste fine to me.
Got pork shoulder for $1.53 a pound.
Got 36 cans of beans. Total saving of $15.15, not counting the mark down on the meat.
I have been riding my 257cc scooter a lot more these days, but not just because of the high gas prices. The transmission went out on my CRV and while it’s in the shop I’ve been depending on the scooter since that’s the only other transportation that I have. For me it makes a little more sense to have them rebuild the transmission and pay for it free and clear than to try and find a new or used vehicle now that the prices have increased and have a car payment. Plus you can’t find used vehicles very easily.

The one good thing about the scooter is that it does have a pretty large trunk under the seat! The one bad thing about the scooter was the day after my transmission went out I had a flat on the rear tire going to work at 5:30 in the morning. Two new tires later I’m rolling again and have added some motorcycle tire sealant to help alleviate any future problems… I hope!! Being able to do the tire changes myself saved a bit of money.

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I used to do a weekly shop, and just top up on milk etc as need be, in order to keep car costs down. My youngest has just started a part-time job in the nearest town, so now when I'm driving a work run in the morning I stop at the supermarkets to check the specials counter. Today's haul included punnets of strawberries and plums at 30 cents, which I'll add to our own fruit to make a mixed berry jam. A bag of peppers 30c, 2 coriander plants at 30cs for the herb garden, reduced bacon and sausages (a dinner for 6 for 2quid), and four bags of bagels at 50c each. The health food shop had 750g bags of bran at 16c each and €5 off a €11 tub of vitabiotics and lozenges-winter supplies. So long as I am not seduced into buying something stupid because it's cheap it works out well. Though I did buy a box of frozen desserts at half price and a few packs of 'posh' burger buns 75% off that I normally wouldn't do, because we have a family event in August.
My OH just informed me the layers pellets have gone up to 12.60, which is about 12.84 USD. Twenty years ago the bag was €5, then was €9 for about 5 years. It went up to 12 last year.
I work as a doctor, and I think it's hard to save money in such a profession. Often I am even at a disadvantage financially. But it happens more often because I am very kind and always support my patients with flowers and fruit when I see no one coming to them. Still, I could have saved a lot of money if I had used the financial planner on the website Financial Planning for Physicians | The Finity Group. If I had used financial planning from the beginning of my career, I would have saved a lot of time. But unfortunately, I didn't. Although my colleagues suggested that I do something like that, I was never interested.
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I work as a doctor, and I think it's hard to save money in such a profession. Often I am even at a disadvantage financially. But it happens more often because I am very kind and always support my patients with flowers and fruit when I see no one coming to them. Still, I could have saved a lot of money if I had used the financial planner on the website Financial Planning for Physicians | The Finity Group. If I had used financial planning from the beginning of my career, I would have saved a lot of time. But unfortunately, I didn't. Although my colleagues suggested that I do something like that, I was never interested.