How did I save money today?

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This past Sunday, we went to Wmart to get a mixer - just one of those handheld things. I haven’t had one since my last one died about a decade ago. I have an old manual one or a spoon. Had to make a large amount of frosting so wanted one. The one we picked out was the last one of that kind and the box was crushed (but the mixer looked fine). We got up to the register and the gal said if it’s like that she can give 10% off. We were thrilled and thanked her. She had to get her super to approve it. Her super came, looked at it and instead of regular price of $35 we got it for $20 😊. I was pleased since it’s not something I really wanted to spend money on.
This past Sunday, we went to Wmart to get a mixer - just one of those handheld things. I haven’t had one since my last one died about a decade ago. I have an old manual one or a spoon. Had to make a large amount of frosting so wanted one. The one we picked out was the last one of that kind and the box was crushed (but the mixer looked fine). We got up to the register and the gal said if it’s like that she can give 10% off. We were thrilled and thanked her. She had to get her super to approve it. Her super came, looked at it and instead of regular price of $35 we got it for $20 😊. I was pleased since it’s not something I really wanted to spend money on.
And how nice of the super to do that! Should have, but didn't have to! It's nice when people do the right thing!
Found good plastic boxes at walley’s friday, only $4ea (first 3 pics). They were in the fishing/tackle box section. Good for storing all sorts small items. The dividers are nice, lots of ways to configure them. The dividers in right half of the box can be removed completely to store larger items. The best part is the hinges and latches, they are pinned, not creased plastic.




Bottom two pics… one box has pinned hinges with creased latches. The other has pinned latches and creased hinges. Sooner or later the creased plastic will break. I try not to buy them but sometimes I need a box and have no choice but to buy crappy boxes.


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Don't know it others have noticed... but large totes always go on sale at the big box stores after christmas. Usually about half price. Today I noticed they had clear totes. There are no closets in my house. I keep things like bed linens in totes. I have black ones, invariably I have to move and open several to find what I'm looking for.

These clear totes were on sale, $12 for the smalls, $14 for the large size.

Couple weeks ago I bought several small storage containers for my tool room. I got one with half lids that fold together. My cart was over flowing with containers. I didn't notice that one of the half lids was missing... #$%^

Today I was back at the same store so I went and checked. They only had 2 of the half containers left. I was tempted to swipe a half lid from one of them. They were sitting on the floor and I pulled them out to look a them. I happened to notice a single half lid on the floor behind them. Probably my missing lid!!!! So I grabbed it and stuffed it into the other totes in my cart. The check out girl didn't notice so I didn't have to explain. When I got home it fit perfectly, snapped right in, works fine!!!!

A week or so ago I bought (on line) a really nice holder for my battery operated tools. I paid 22 bucks for it. Yesterday I ordered two metal shelves to hang beside it for 20 bucks. They are 16 inches wide & 7 inches deep, which is just what I need. I've got 2 big tool boxes but I find that small things get lost in them. I figured that with a little shifting around I can get the smaller items where I can find them & use the space I empty for stuff just laying around.

Oh & the saved money part,: The holder alone sells for around 50 dollars around here.
I had to make a parts run for hubby this week, so I picked a clear day and had my lists ready with 8 stops to make. I stopped at a few places just to see if they had any clearance deals and didn't find a whole lot. I went to WM and they had the most deals of anywhere. They had Mossy Oak long johns for $5 each so I bought all of them. They also has some MO knife sets for $13 and some frogg togg-like raincoats for $9. I bought them for the kids to put in their BOB's but I'll give them at Christmas next year. I got some kids fishing poles for $7 to donate for the Easter hunt. The deals were the best in the sporting goods section and they weren't advertised, just marked way down.

At another store, I found some clearanced socks for me and bought all 5 packs since it seems right now that all my socks are getting holes in them at the same time. Dang, that's annoying! I also bought some cherry wood on clearance for $3 per box. We cook over the fire all summer long so I thought it'd be worth a try. BIL makes brats and they are they might be even better.

I bought a bunch of fresh fruits and vegs on sale and even some on clearance. I wanted to make sure the frig was fully stocked before the 20th......although most of those items will be gone by then. I picked up some other groceries on sale as well. I didn't go crazy on the canned foods though b/c we have plenty. I highly doubt I will going to town again before the end of the month.
Yesterday I ordered two metal shelves to hang beside it for 20 bucks.

I posted the above a few posts ago. I had time to rearrange stuff & really liked the extra storage that I gained. Sooo...I went back & did more research & found 2 other shelves on sale for 7 something (for both). So I ordered 2 sets & the total came to 22 dollars for 4 more storage shelves. My only problem is that it's so cold in the garage that I'll have to put off putting them up. But I'm looking forward to them getting here.
Haven't saved a dang dime.
But paid taxes on Fiat.
Paid off another small student loan.
Replaced some things need to make my life easier ( crock pot).
Bought a few clothes for myself.
Started on blankets for Christmas 2025 for next year.
Will be organizing leather working tools a little bit differently for Christmas gifts 2025.
I've been doing this so long that it just came to me to say something about it. This applies if you feed birds. If you do you know that bird food is expensive for how much you get. So expensive that most people won't spend the kind of money that will really make a difference to the bird population. Here's what we do. I go to the local feed store & buy 250 lbs of Milo. Milo is sorghum, the little round balls that you see in every bird food package. Around here that costs about 11 dollars a 50 lb bag. I also buy 40 lbs of sunflower seed which cost 21 dollars a bag. I have 2 regular size garbage cans that I use to put in 3 BIG scoops of Milo & then 1 BIG scoop of sunflowers, over & over. That pretty much fills both cans. The result is that the bigger birds tend to eat the sunflowers & smaller ones eat the milo. Depending on the weather that lasts a while. Of course that depends on how many bird feeders you use (we have 5 plus I feed them spread out on large container tops on the ground). Also don't pay a lot for bird feeders because the birds don't care. The container tops are much more popular than the feeders. And doing it this way you get a much larger number of sunflower seeds than are in those smaller bags of bird food. This winter we are already on our third purchase (done today) & we have a really cold spell coming.
I've been doing this so long that it just came to me to say something about it. This applies if you feed birds. If you do you know that bird food is expensive for how much you get. So expensive that most people won't spend the kind of money that will really make a difference to the bird population. Here's what we do. I go to the local feed store & buy 250 lbs of Milo. Milo is sorghum, the little round balls that you see in every bird food package. Around here that costs about 11 dollars a 50 lb bag. I also buy 40 lbs of sunflower seed which cost 21 dollars a bag. I have 2 regular size garbage cans that I use to put in 3 BIG scoops of Milo & then 1 BIG scoop of sunflowers, over & over. That pretty much fills both cans. The result is that the bigger birds tend to eat the sunflowers & smaller ones eat the milo. Depending on the weather that lasts a while. Of course that depends on how many bird feeders you use (we have 5 plus I feed them spread out on large container tops on the ground). Also don't pay a lot for bird feeders because the birds don't care. The container tops are much more popular than the feeders. And doing it this way you get a much larger number of sunflower seeds than are in those smaller bags of bird food. This winter we are already on our third purchase (done today) & we have a really cold spell coming.
We've tried the milo before and our stuck up birds wouldn't touch it. The only thing they'll eat is black sunflower seeds. During winter we mostly have blue jays, magpies, nuthatchs, junkos and chickadees. Today we saw our first grosbeak. Sometimes we buy a bag of unsalted peanuts too.
We've tried the milo before and our stuck up birds wouldn't touch it.
I figure birds are like any other animals (like a dog or cat that's particular). If you don't give them a choice, they'll either eat it or ... they pick their food/hunger destiny.

Oh, and I quit feeding the birds. I was getting 1/2 ton of corn for the deer each winter but kind of quit on that too.
I buy one 40 lb bag of black oil sunflower seed every November. I know the guy up the road has multiple bird feeders and is into bird watching. No bird will starve around here! I feed them for my entertainment and my outside cats' entertainment!! I've been saving money because the city folks who moved in north of me got over their fear or the deer and now enjoy feeding them! Linda deer and her kid live here, like they sleep up against the front of the house in bad weather 🙄! So I feed them daily.
For a long time, a number of places I've lived I kept bird feeders out until there started to be trouble with bears wrecking things.. This even here at the ..Wrinkle Ranch.. senior housing by the river.. Then you have to stop feeding until bears are denned up..

One of the things I've made that seems a favorite with birds and ..tree rats.. squirrels is to mix bird seed, cracked corn, or shelled whole corn kernels in cheap peanut butter.. Warm a cup of cheap Dollar Tree peanut butter in the microwave 30 seconds, mix in a cup of cheap bird seed or etc, spoon into cup cake papers with a loop of string imbedded to hang it up with.. Refrigerate or freeze overnight and hang out for critters to enjoy..

I've read beef suit is very important to small birds and other critters as the extra fat helps them a lot in winter..
Got a few things done today: the wooden train that was still out because I forgot to put it away is now stowed away where it belongs. Made enchiladas for lunch tomorrow. Went and tried my key in hubby’s pickup because it was having computer issues. Got a couple more things washed. A couple loads of laundry done. And got a little knitting done on a sock.
Internet has been down for several days.
So no online window shopping.
But thinking about getting a Kindle Paper white for books.
I don't dare mention it to my Irishman or ask for his opinion.
Cause it will show up in several days.
I bought a kindle fire years ago for a month in Alaska, I read quickly and didn't want to be stuck somewhere without a book. I bought the Fire one because I can access my emails, and it was the only way the family had to contact me. Ten years later I still love it, and I was able to download the Homesteading magazines I can't get here. Highly recommended. I also use the Ravelry, borrowbox and pinterest apps on it.

Our money saver this week: Husband collects huge sheets of cardboard in his van for a friends veg beds from where my son works. They also gave him about 20+ large sheets of ply, of different thickness, that pianos etc were delivered on. About four foot by 8 each. When he checked them over couldn't believe the condition and quality of them. Half have been put aside as they are immaculate, and possibly birch, make a great kitchen for the cabin and shelving. The thinner ones are being routered and burned with a blow torch to clad the walls in the garage. Will post pics.
Last week I signed up for a new credit card. I had my old one for over 30 years, at first I got air miles with it then they changed it to points. It also had a $90 annual fee, which I didn't mind when I needed the air miles.
This new card offers cash back, no annual fee and for the first 12 months zero interest. The cash back will be nice and so will the zero interest. I have about $25,000 worth of equipment I want to buy before spring. Once the promotional zero interest is over I'll pay the card off.
I'm a big advocate for getting out and staying out of debt. But there are times when you can use short term debt to your advantage.
today I made the third full meal out of a $9 turkey and I still fed the dogs ( all of them) and have one leftover bag in the freezer
I did the same with a ham I got for less than half of what it cost originally

I do feed the birds outside, 2 birdfeeders, they get sunflower seeds ( our chickens and goats too, sheep don;t like them) and those suet things , there are very many of them, I do wonder if anyone else feeds them.
So basically the money I saved on food for us I spent on feeding the birds....
I'm going to call this How I maybe saved money today. Here's the story.
We have 9 air cleaners because after moving here we found that we are both allergic to this place (love it here otherwise). Seven of those cleaners use the same type filters which cost $37 for 2 of them & each cleaner uses 3 filters. Filters should be changed out yearly if not before. They need changing now btw. So I bought a flat piece of filter material that I'm sure is much higher rated than the replacement filters (cost $18). Today I'm going to cut the material to fit one of our cleaners & install it. If it works, I'll save hundreds of dollars short term & a lot more long term & breath cleaner air. Understand here our filters are nothing more than glorified fans with installed filters the air goes through.
Other than one trip to town we haven't left the property for a couple of weeks now. And since we haven't had any new snow I haven't needed to plow the road for several weeks either. That saves a lot of winter diesel at $5 a gallon. Also with the sunny days we're getting a lot of solar power, which means the backup generator has to run less now, maybe only 5 hours a day.
It's nice to go weeks without spending any money.
Understand here our filters are nothing more than glorified fans with installed filters the air goes through.
I used to run those filters as well.
My new approach is to just run the fan on the HVAC air handler constantly. (Set thermostat FAN option from AUTO to ON or use CIRC if you only want it to come on every hour or so).
Don't worry about the fan motor. They're built to run for decades.
We have an AC-1 filter (it's something like 4-5" thick) so it does great filtration. Depending on your unit, you may be able to get good quality or HEPA filters.

Running the air handler has other (even better?) values. It circulates the air through the whole house to give better balance of temps and humidity. If you have a basement it will pull out the moisture and balance with the rest of the house. No more power hungry dehumidifiers.
Update on a lot of stuff.
zoomzoom I loved your suggestion, but I don't think it will work for me. My 2 air intakes are located within 2 foot of each other. Our house is OLD & has been added on to many times. There really isn't much air circulation. Even the temps from room to room aren't really close to the same. That's a drawback to having a house that's over 100 years old & very long.
My wife & I tried the replacement filter. No real problem switching them out & the air flow is very good. I think we will change out all of them coming up. I haven't measured but I might have enough to change all of them & as I said the filter material was only 18 bucks.
My wife's hobby is making & selling jewelry. Hobby in that for every dollar she spends she "makes" about 3 to 5 cents in sales. She enjoys it so & I think that great. But she is getting older & moving big heavy foldable tables is getting to be a pain. So I showed here some foldable shelves (5 shelves, a little over 5 foot tall) & suggest she use those. She agreed to try them, so I ordered a couple of them for (with everything) about $100. They arrived today we put them together, if you can call it put them together. Basically, we screwed the wheels on. From folded up to locked together takes about 15 seconds & the same is true folding them up. And they are so light that she can carry one under each arm to where she needs to set them up. And they are pretty darned sturdy. She thinks I'm a GOD for finding them.

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