How long?

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I sometimes wonder if I would have relatives in the US, alot of people did immigrate from here in the mid and late 1800's

Luckliy, one of my cousins did all the work for me. Because of it, I can trace our family's American roots right down to the moment my first ancestor came here. It was in 1638, in Jennings Creek Virginia. So we've been here longer than the US was a nation, hehe.

I do feel that if society falls permanently, we'd see a warlord type deal spring up. Would have to really. That said, my plan would be to work WITH said warlord in a live and let live scenario, where we provide food, services, etc. for added protection and other trade goods. I'm not looking to rush towards it, but I'm not remote enough to be unseen forever, so eventually, bound to happen.
yeah,sometimes I just wonder 'cause I found my family name on the memorial wall, I know that it doesn't neccesary mean anything,but it would be nuce to know
Jontte, you can access US Census records online to see if there's anyone related to you. I used a long time ago and found census records detailing my mother's ancestor's records coming to American from England in 1857.
my mom has done loads of family research.and is one of there's the one the mormons have in utah..she made a trip there one year.and needless to say,that she came back very impressed..
I would love to know, dad sometimes mentioned Chicago,but can't ask him anymore, only know alot of people left Fin in 1800 and 1900 for a better life
i thinking it'll take years for us to rebuild civilised society at least close to the way know it right now..matter of be be extremely surprised if that happened while we're still alive and kicking.and the reason for that is this.we're most and like talking about a total collapse of everything we have going for us.the economy,stock market,transportation and the power grid.
I don't see why we have to rebuild "civilisation" or society after TSHTF, isn't that the reason for the collapse in the first place? I expect it will be more MAN made than natural and for that reason I want no part of any rebuilding of the status quo. i'll be off in the back country which will probably be very overgrown by then!!!
Specialization, as it did in our history, is going to be what leads to us rebuilding society. Like it or not, will happen just as sure as science.

if it goes medival,it means some types of warlords for some time,who they might be,I really don't know

That's easy, charismatic individuals with good leadership skills, weapons (or underlings with weapons), who kept his/her band fed during the turmoil, who then slowly added more and more followers. Some may even be pre-established, such as biker gangs, street gangs, or even a group of former cops and/or military who, without the constraints of working for a government, now use the authority, weapons, and resources to rule instead. It may even be born out of good will (i.e. benevolent dictatorships). Just as individual as the leaders of such groups will be.

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