How many found us by google searching?

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I came here when PS imploded and all the good people said this was the place to be. I found PS by doing an internet search, though not Google. It was probably DuckDuckGo but I wouldn’t swear to it.
I was looking for a better site, and was sent a recommendation from another member. We were like minded and wanted similar traits in a prepping site. This worked out very nicely.
Hi guys, I'm here, just busy as a one armed paper hanger... Right now I'm trying to keep up with 3 jobs at work and it is the end/start of our year, so closing out stuff, planning new stuff, and trying to address all the requests for information from self-important people...

I keep checking in on you, but I just don't have much fun stuff to talk about. I did go for an afternoon walk and loaded up on chiggers... I'm just itching to tell you about them:)

FYI- I followed @Amish Heart here after MainStreamPreppers went belly-up....
It's really interesting to see the connections many of you have with each other. Especially interesting since we are on the WorldWideWeb, and it can be a small place too.
I have found that lasting friendships are often times the result of interacting with someone online for many years, then meeting that person in person. The bond seems even deeper when you're not right next door to each other and have to drive/fly halfway across the country to meet. It's especially fun because you find that new friend to be exactly what you expected and the complete opposite of what you expected - both at the same time. Everyone builds up some image in their mind of what the person they're "typing too" in a forum looks like, acts like, their voice sounds like, their nice-ness/a$$-ness, etc. I will say that everyone I have met after interacting online has been better than I expected in person. Every last one. I have never been disappointed or disillusioned with anyone. And the big bonus is people that I wasn't sure I would like - I liked a whole bunch!