Welcome lilprep, I'm currently in Germany but only a few minutes and I'm in the Netherlands. The no guns is a double sided blade though, we can't have them but others can't either so that works out. Look into picking up a bow. Every the cheap, decathlon geologic ones for targets make great bows for defence. Not that there is no problem with the weather but it is different than north america. We get wind and more rain than they do and a large part of the Netherlands is under sea level. In an extended SHTF the dikes will break (or they won't be able to adjust to the raising and lowering tides and then flood) take that in mind when you are thinking about food. Start small, a garden for a full street is a big goal. Slow and steady is the way to go with prepping. I've been working with my parents over the last few months after waiting almost 2 years to talk to them. Don't rush it. Something will happen that will show why prepping is beneficial. Again, start small, think ahead and you will do great. Also, welcome to the forum