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Hello,I'm 17 in the UK,No offence to the site owner but since this fourm looks a tad dead I thought I'd mention a facebook group I joined a whle back for uk preppers,it's called "Prepping and Survival UK" great group,coupple of teen preppers there too already.
I had a look at prepping and survival UK a while back it focused more on bushcraft and wilderness survival rather than prepping and survivalism. if you are looking for a big Brit forum tat is active try P2S or UKPreppers. Welcome BTW :)
I had a look at prepping and survival UK a while back it focused more on bushcraft and wilderness survival rather than prepping and survivalism. if you are looking for a big Brit forum tat is active try P2S or UKPreppers. Welcome BTW :)
Uk preppers won't let me make an account,my ip is blocked for some reason,a few have had that issue,I'll try p2s
To the OneHitWonder, you are off to a good start. Next time you go to the bath room, take a zip lock bag, roll some toilet paper up put in the bag, add a bic lighter u now have fire and but wipe all in one. ( you can also use newspaper). Repeat often.Try to find out if older prepper are clos to you, strong ,young ,preppers are an asset to the older prepper that just don't get around like a teen.