I was down by Miami this morning. The whole ride down I saw dozens of utility trucks and lots of national guard equipment heading north. It really does seem like the response is better organized than other storms past. The new truck I picked up is diesel, and luckily has a 55gal auxiliary fuel tank in it. I didn’t see any lines at stations, but am only up as far as Daytona for the night. I’m hoping I won’t see any for the rest of the trip tomorrow, but the diesel can make the trip on full tanks easily. The car will have to fill up once during the 500more miles to go but I don’t expect any problems. I’m hoping the worst will be an additional hour due to some heavier traffic. I feel for anyone living near the coast. My brother in laws father has a home on the outer banks but at least he was smart enough to build it on 8’ stilts. He had the water come up just to the bottom of the place during a storm several years ago, but avoided any major damage to it. Of course he lost vehicles and utilities, but did have a home to come back to after everything settled. If I lived near the water anywhere in the SE I would consider 12’ posts....