SORRY..........."No SALE"..............I am not buying it. many deeply flawed assumption. It is "Classic internet" pre-packaged bunk. Classic Kool-Aid.
Classic Prepackaged Internet stuff??
I developed this phased approach to describe prepper environments after, I ran a Tiger Team TTX, in a previous job, on a very closely related subject.. with multiple Colonels and GS15s from HHS, CDC,DOJ,NORTHCOM, FEMA, some state EOM reps etc etc
(Not that all that horsepower was needed this is just common sense!)
Its some basic first, second and third order effects on what scarcity and loss of rule of law does...
. Its so basic its barely worth describing.. The only reason that this kind of thinking isn't second nature to everyone is the artificial , no scarcity, and Rule of Law environment we all live in (that goes for country folks as well).
What flawed assumptions?
Is it a also flawed assumption when you step in front of a speeding car that you will get hurt ?
Often when disconnected posts like this happen its folks thinking of different phases of a collapse.
Since you asked why folks are talking about large groups.. well of course I describe a Phase 2 situation, the phase when everyone has figured out what is happening population centes have emptied but most people haven't died off yet and and fighting for survival.
For the vast majority that means taking frlom those who ahve resources.
If you are thinking Phase 0, the current phase, the shaping phase, no you dont need a large group.
Same goes for phase 2 when an event has happend but most folks still sit in the cities waiting for things to normalize again.
Phase two is when the majority of people have realized things have changed the population centers have emptied out and while most folks are still alive they are desperate and will kill for what you have.
Maybe you are thinking of existing in Phase 3?
When the population has fallen so much that the lowered (due to societal collapse) food production is now again in balance with the much lowered due to die offs, population..
That's Phase 3..
Is this simplistic? Yes.
Might there be exceptions depending on the nature of the catastrophe?
But this does not mean that one must plan for plausible environment.
I suspect you have only a very small group and feel intimidated in trying to merge..
thats why you are poo-pooing these basics.
A small group approach is fine in phase 0, phase 1, and maybe phase 3..
But Phase 2. the kinetic phase the bottle neck that is unlikely survived by nuclear families by themselves..
We had an entire thread on this if memory serves.
One can argue how granular the phases should be.. some would like to add an additional phase between what I call 1 and 2.. thats ok..
but the analytical approach is not that hard.
Do you want to know what is
actually "classic internet BS and cool aid"??
That car's ECUs will get "fried" by EMP!
How about that?