This approach will only work in the most extreme isolated places and may only work for the 0.001% of Americans who are already living in close proximity to such areas.
Which BTW may turn out to eventually get crowded also will still leave you vulnerable to just about anyone. IF you are found.
But you can't just hide in a cave for 10 years (even if that were to work out) and when you emerge hope somebody else will have solved all problems. Not only is this is an extremely selfish approach but I also doubt it will work. why?
Because you are relying on not being found as your "defense" ... but in order to survive long term you have to do agriculture. As soon as you conduct agriculture you suddenly have a footprint.
Everytime one conducts a rational analysis of this problem for 95% of the United States the result is always the same:
As soon as your group size falls below having enough people to "afford" the man hours of 1-2 people away from productive work at guard duty 24/7 your chances of long term survival fall off a cliff, because you are not likely to make it through the bottleneck phase .... this is when too many folks are still alive to feed in a grid down environment.. but most of them are still alive... so they are struggling to take from anyone who has food/water/shelter etc.
This has to do with the types of collapse possible ( and i will not retype and rehash all the analysis on this subject that can be found on this forum alone)
A thread that illustrates the kind of operational analysis necessary and also why so many well meaning intelligent people can disagree on what is "best"... peoples imagination simplyseem to cover themsleves prepping for a different phase...