Jim's Rant For The Day. (On the Collapse and Reset)

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Dear Jim: Did you notice during the Super Bowl, when they introduced the folks . . .

To sing the national anthem …. The announcer said “ and from the
military district of Washington

and not from “the national capital” ???????????????????

it was very revealing to me

get out of dollars !!! its happening …..
He was introducing the color guard, who are literally stationed at the Military District of Washington.

Jim’s Daily Rant. Do Your Homework.​

It’s Going To Be A Wild Day Today.

Be sure to watch Clif High’s ½ hour podcast yesterday.

I will be writing numerous heavy Rants today that hinge off of his podcast.

Get to work.

“Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls For The Separation Of Red And Blue States​


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) on Monday morning set off political shockwaves when she called for a national divorce between red states and blue states.

“We need a national divorce,” Taylor Greene tweeted. “We need to separate by red states and blue states and shrink the federal government.”

Everyone I talk to says this,” she continued. “From the sick and disgusting woke culture issues shoved down our throats to the Democrat’s traitorous America Last policies, we are done.”

Marjory Taylor Greene previously floated the idea of a national divorce but never explicitly called for one. Less than two years ago, she posed a question to her Twitter followers asking for their thoughts on the matter.

By a narrow margin, they rejected the idea.

Should America have a national divorce?
— Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸 (@mtgreenee) October 12, 2021

Normally calls for a national divorce would involve states going to war with one another. Taylor Greene, however, explained the process for national divorce does not mean a civil war, but rather it involves a legal proces.

She went on to say “it’s a real issue bc Americans don’t like communism.”

Personally, I think folks should start acting NOW so as to be in the right position to force a “divorce” in the future. Move from blue cities. Move from blue states to a red state. By simply enough Patriotic Americans moving to the red states will give us the votes and, therefore the POWER to fix things or fight!
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James Howard Kunstler - Its Coming.

Alternate Link [Sorry for the inconvenience of having to go through my website to get to
the story. His link has the word F^^k in it and this website won't allow posting here.]

[He is referring to "The Truth"]

Excellent article about Woody Harrelson
upsetting blue haired people on Saturday Night Live.
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Solid questions. We will see. I personally don’t think the WEFers are prepared enough or ready for the total collapse of the dollar. It would hurt them in their WWIII efforts. Also, Americans aren’t yet in a bad enough starvation bind to force their 100% DIGITAL CONTROL MONEY on us. Of course I could be wrong and they are just going to pull the rug out from under Food Stamps, Medicare, Social Security and Disability Income.

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