How I learned to drive.
My dad and grandpa wanted to go look at a bridge before it washed away, we had had a total gully washer of a storm and it was expected, because it always did. (Rural TN, early 80's.) it was made of cross ties and sat on concrete pylons. So as soon as we got out of the driveway, dad told me to take the wheel, uncovered a case of home brewed beer and a 5th. of very old Barton, and he and gramps got in the back seat and proceeded to drink Bourbon and chase it with beer. So anyway, the twenty five mile trip there was uneventful, but somehow during the course of the trip, Gramps became convinced that the bridge was built crooked and insisted on taking a compass reading once we got there. SO... when we got there, water was lapping the edge of the bridge, but not over the bridge itself, so as we DROVE OVER THE SWAYING BRIDGE, Dad and Gramps had me stop so they could "Mark their territory and take the aforementioned compass reading. During this time, some buddies of mine from school pulled up to the other side in their Jeep to watch the thing wash downstream. Dad and Gramps kept arguing about weather or not it was true East or not, and suddenly, I heard the old bridge start to groan under us, so I told dad and Gramps I was going to drive over and hobnob with my buds and show off the fact I could drive like them. Well, they took another leak and never could decide if the bridge was warped or not and we went across to the other side and hung out about ten minutes, then I drove my totally bombed elders home. that fall, I ran into those guys and they were like:
"Yeah man, right after you left, that old bridge gave way and folded up like a Buck knife, if you'd been on it, you'd be dead dude!"
Really? huh. fancy that? I've had an interesting life. someday I'll tell you about how we blew up the grain silo.
True story. Now I NEED a drink!