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With beer on my mind... Anyone remember Miller 'Pony's'. A small 8oz glass bottle of miller high life, came in an 8pk i believe. First time i bought beer illegally as a teen, think it was Pony's. And on a Sunday no less (blue laws here).
Rolling Rock came in 7 ounce pony bottles in a 24 pack case. as I remember, bottle and case deposit on them in PA. I remember stacking cases to make runs to the ABC store.
The same is true for teachers of young children. The school nurse gave us a bag of about 10 bandaids when I was teaching 3, 4, and 5 year olds. When I ran out of them after about a week of school, I was told that those bandaids were my supply for the school year! "Sorry, I don't have any bandaids!"
Does anybody remember Bud coming in pony 8 packs?
No but I remember buying Coors in little 7 oz. one drink cans.
My wife sent me a 6 pack of baby Olys when I was on a cruise. That's not allowed so I drank them fast.
Every payday me and my buddies would go to all the local 7-11 stores and but all the 16 oz. cans of Coors we could.
Some of us would do that and the others would go to the liquor store. The first time I went to the liquor store I was surprised to see they had shopping carts. We usually filled 2 or 3 every trip.

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