Lake Mead Plunges To Record Low Amid Drought-pocalypse

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Here, I took a couple of minutes to look up some info for you to help you understand. It's ok, I have become used to having to do the work of democrats who are too lazy to do it themselves, instead relying on getting their info from their propaganda programming. CA's water conservation policies (democrat policies) have been a well known problem for a long time.

Just the Facts About California’s New Household Water Rationing Law

Just the Facts About California's New Household Water Rationing Law - California Globe

"California voters have approved more than $30 Billion in Water Bonds which has provided no new water storage, and water rationing on the horizon."

California Releasing Water from Reservoirs, Claiming Drought Conditions

The state has wasted enough water to meet the needs of 80 million people for a year
By Katy Grimes, April 7, 2021 4:13 pm

California Releasing Water from Reservoirs, Claiming Drought Conditions - California Globe

What they don’t say is that the state has been letting water out of reservoirs across California for months now. And it’s not going to farmers, growers, ranchers or urban use. Environmental policy says the water “flows” from reservoirs are necessary to produce a rebound of endangered Delta smelt and Chinook salmon. However, these policies are a failure as neither species have been collected in all of the latest trawling surveys, where they spend several days a month searching in more than 200 spots. This practice of releasing water and hoping fish improve, has been unsuccessful for nearly 30 years, according to Kristi Diener, a California water expert and third-generation Central Valley farmer. Both species are close to extinction.

Meanwhile, as the reservoir water flows are not saving fish at all, the State of California has known we are heading into a multi year drought. But northern reservoir managers have continued to release water through the Delta, and into the Pacific Ocean anyway.

Diener explains what is really going on in her “California Water for Food and People Movement:”

“Less than two years ago, every reservoir in the state was brimming with water, and held a supply to last a minimum of five dry years without another drop of rain. Shasta and Oroville by themselves held enough water to meet the needs of 80 million people for a year. With 25 million receiving water from these sources, those two reservoirs alone could deliver water for more than three years. But the majority of that stored water has been released to the ocean for ongoing environmental causes that have not benefitted a single endangered fish."

“There is no accountability whatsoever to show positive results for the water continuously taken from the human supply. The governor appointed peeps in the CDFW spend hundreds of millions of our dollars on everything from studies and monitoring, to decades of supposed habitat restoration. They have failed the fishing industry big time, in addition to drying up the water supply for farmers and families.”
Did I ever say I agree with stupid policies like the one you referenced here?
The biggest threats to our fishing industry are the foreign trawlers operating off our coasts, mostly Jap or Chinese. These ships never go to Port. They stay out fishing for years at a time. They can or freeze and package the catch on board and tenders pick up the catch to eventually be sold to stores like Walmart. Yep, most of OUR frozen fish was caught in OUR waters and sold back to us by the Chinese. Look at the labels next time you go shopping.
Another big threat to our salmon fishing is that indians are allowed to put out nets in rivers catching the salmon as they're heading up river to spawn. Its amazing that there's any fish left. And many salmon species in the lower 48 are already extinct. There's a lake in Idaho called Red Fish lake. It was named from the number of sockeye salmon that at one time was so thick it looked red. I'm not sure if any make it up there anymore. To be fair the dams along the Columbia and Snake rivers have cut the numbers dramatically, but the over fishing by foreign countrys and the indian nets have reduced the numbers of some salmon species to almost zero.
There's just too GD many people fighting for extremely limited resources.
I believe you came up with the answer for most of the issues facing the world today. There are just too many people competing for the limited resources in the world. BIRTH CONTROL would solve most of our issues.
The ancients managed without oil, and many of their roads, bridges and aqueducts are still in use today. But in modern times we can't seem to build anything that lasts more than 20 years.
I don’t think we will ever manage without oil. I just see the writing on the wall that we need to diversify now to develop other, cleaner ways of producing the energy we need too.
ive often thought about what you wrote. I have every tool I could possibly want. Cordless, powerful and ergonomic. Yet even with all these advantages we still don’t produce things as good of quality as the people that did it without them. Sad.
at some point humans will have to do without oil, it wont last forever, maybe not in our lifetimes although even that is a moot point as nobody knows how much is left as governments always lie about how much they have in reserve but at some time in human existence it will all be gone.
Oh, I didn’t think it would alleviate the water crisis for the area. I was just thinking it would alleviate the problem for the ones smart enough to move now. the only way to really fix the problem would be to get a bunch of desalination plants built quickly.
There are desalination plants around the world. I think California has one too. But they are very expensive to build and operate on a large scale. Drinking water is one thing, water for agriculture is another. Just isn't enough to go around for such a huge population.
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at some point humans will have to do without oil, it wont last forever, maybe not in our lifetimes although even that is a moot point as nobody knows how much is left as governments always lie about how much they have in reserve but at some time in human existence it will all be gone.
There's over a thousand year supply of oil based on known reserves. No it won't last "forever" but there's no shortage of it either for a very long time.
There's over a thousand year supply of oil based on known reserves. No it won't last "forever" but there's no shortage of it either for a very long time.
"A thousand years", your having a laugh, it'll be gone a long time before that.
I dont know why it is but I have never come across an American that didnt think oil would last forever or that climate change isnt happening, completely out of sinc with the rest of the world thinking.
if I didnt know better I'd think I was talking to a load of Sheeple.
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No, I am not your enemy. You decided to hate half of your own country. I agree with almost everything you said above as being terrible, stupid and ridiculous. Do you really think that because I think Biden is a better human being than trump that I think everything he does is good? I agree that most of his policies are ****. One point you brought up though isn’t real. The part about the election fraud. There were plenty if audits that showed it was accurate. How many recounts can be done before you would believe it. That answer is none unless they change the numbers to your liking. Trump was caught on tape saying to cheat on the counts to at least two states. Get over the election fraud because it didn’t happen. Now if you want to talk about how to fix some of the valid points you mentioned above then I’m all in for trying to come up with ways to fix them. But your blind anger and wanting to blame half of the country you supposedly love is not worth anything.

One point you brought up though isn’t real. The part about the election fraud. There were plenty if audits that showed it was accurate. How many recounts can be done before you would believe it.

That's a flat out Lie. Your delusional beyond any comprehention. Its not the counting that's the problem, its the authentication of which votes are legitimate.

If I give you a million dollars and half if the bills are counterfeit, do you have a million dollars? No matter how many times you count it, it will never be a million dollars. Its really not that hard to comprehend. You really should go see a psychiatric doctor.
No, I am not your enemy. You decided to hate half of your own country. I agree with almost everything you said above as being terrible, stupid and ridiculous. Do you really think that because I think Biden is a better human being than trump that I think everything he does is good? I agree that most of his policies are ****. One point you brought up though isn’t real. The part about the election fraud. There were plenty if audits that showed it was accurate. How many recounts can be done before you would believe it. That answer is none unless they change the numbers to your liking. Trump was caught on tape saying to cheat on the counts to at least two states. Get over the election fraud because it didn’t happen. Now if you want to talk about how to fix some of the valid points you mentioned above then I’m all in for trying to come up with ways to fix them. But your blind anger and wanting to blame half of the country you supposedly love is not worth anything.

The left supports:

Professors: US flag symbolizes racism, should not be displayed on campus

Professors: US flag symbolizes racism, should not be displayed on campus | Fox News

Star-Spangled Bigotry: The Hidden Racist History of the National Anthem

Star-Spangled Bigotry: The Hidden Racist History of the National Anthem (

Now the Statue of Liberty is cancelled! Washington Post writer claims famed figure is a 'meaningless symbol of hypocrisy' and 'unfulfilled promises'

Washington Post writer claims Statue of Liberty is a 'symbol of hypocrisy' | Daily Mail Online

‘Death To America!’: BLM Protesters Echo Iran During March Through Oakland, Calif.

‘Death To America!’: BLM Protesters Echo Iran During March Through Oakland, Calif. | The Daily Wire

To recap:

The left supports cancelling the national anthem, our flag, the statue of liberty, and wants "death to America".

No, Brent, your half of the country decided to hate America. I am not part of that half, so they decided for me. Again, you are NOT a patriot. If you agree with 90% of my post about the left, why do you continue to support them, because "orange man bad"?
One point you brought up though isn’t real. The part about the election fraud. There were plenty if audits that showed it was accurate. How many recounts can be done before you would believe it.

That's a flat out Lie. Your delusional beyond any comprehention. Its not the counting that's the problem, its the authentication of which votes are legitimate.

If I give you a million dollars and half if the bills are counterfeit, do you have a million dollars? No matter how many times you count it, it will never be a million dollars. Its really not that hard to comprehend. You really should go see a psychiatric doctor.
Your lack of respect and intelligence doesn't warrant a dignified response.
The left supports:

Professors: US flag symbolizes racism, should not be displayed on campus

Professors: US flag symbolizes racism, should not be displayed on campus | Fox News

Star-Spangled Bigotry: The Hidden Racist History of the National Anthem

Star-Spangled Bigotry: The Hidden Racist History of the National Anthem (

Now the Statue of Liberty is cancelled! Washington Post writer claims famed figure is a 'meaningless symbol of hypocrisy' and 'unfulfilled promises'

Washington Post writer claims Statue of Liberty is a 'symbol of hypocrisy' | Daily Mail Online

‘Death To America!’: BLM Protesters Echo Iran During March Through Oakland, Calif.

‘Death To America!’: BLM Protesters Echo Iran During March Through Oakland, Calif. | The Daily Wire

To recap:

The left supports cancelling the national anthem, our flag, the statue of liberty, and wants "death to America".

No, Brent, your half of the country decided to hate America. I am not part of that half, so they decided for me. Again, you are NOT a patriot. If you agree with 90% of my post about the left, why do you continue to support them, because "orange man bad"?
Who said I support the left, or the right for that matter. I am able to look at each issue individually and make an intelligent opinion on each. That doesn’t mean I don’t agree with you about most of the things you brought up. There are some really bad things happening in our country and society in general. But there are also some good things too. I don’t think throwing out everything because you don’t like the majority of them is a good call. I would prefer to work with people that want to think about answers vs bashing others and doing nothing but complaining.
How in the hell do you figure this is the democrats fault? I kind of feel your answer in life is to blame others for everything and constantly need an enemy.

The real problem is water rights laws written back in the late 1800s early 1900s.
On more than a few occasions, lawsuites between states have been brought to the SCOTUS.
IIRC SCOTUS did not take up the most recent case in 2019.
Who said I support the left, or the right for that matter. I am able to look at each issue individually and make an intelligent opinion on each. That doesn’t mean I don’t agree with you about most of the things you brought up. There are some really bad things happening in our country and society in general. But there are also some good things too. I don’t think throwing out everything because you don’t like the majority of them is a good call. I would prefer to work with people that want to think about answers vs bashing others and doing nothing but complaining.

Double talk. You should run for political office as an independent or a Rhino and then support the socialist democrats.
I do feel that my previous comments on the South West are spot on right now. SELL your property now while real estate is at an all time high and move to someplace that’s more sustainable. I’ve read about the dust bowl and seen pictures of it. You don’t want to be in that kind of situation.

I think that could be more said about high taxes, high cost of living, the recent increases in crime and then add into the equation lack of water, wildfires, rolling blackouts.
If I lived there, I would of moved out years ago.
"A thousand years", your having a laugh, it'll be gone a long time before that.
I dont know why it is but I have never come across an American that didnt think oil would last forever or that climate change isnt happening, completely out of sinc with the rest of the world thinking.
if I didnt know better I'd think I was talking to a load of Sheeple.
Sorry BP but I've been in the oil industry for a good bit of my working career in the exploration and production side and have seen the reports. You can listen to your silly environmental nut jobs if you want. I dont care.
I dont think anyone disputes climate change, its been going on since the beginning of time. Its just the cause of climate change where we disagree. And yes, most of the world are ignorant sheep.
Who said I support the left, or the right for that matter. I am able to look at each issue individually and make an intelligent opinion on each. That doesn’t mean I don’t agree with you about most of the things you brought up. There are some really bad things happening in our country and society in general. But there are also some good things too. I don’t think throwing out everything because you don’t like the majority of them is a good call. I would prefer to work with people that want to think about answers vs bashing others and doing nothing but complaining.

Gone are the days of debate in America, thanks to the left, who call you a racist, and silence you if you do not agree (while calling the right the authoritarians). We are at a point where the most basic ideology is

The left: Death to America
The right: the constitution and law and order
How many recounts can be done before you would believe it.

Well even if you do ten recounts the votes of the dead people who voted for Jo will still be there, including a few dead dogs who voted for him.

Sorry Brent, I know you love Jo more than you admit even though you probably didn't vote for the idiot, but this election was fraud without end and Zuckerberg as well as Benzos and Soros with your friend Bill Gates have contributed their dirt to it.

Are you still free???? Answer me this question. Even if you answer yes you are not free anymore. Look what has happened since this election, FB and Twitter now determine what democracy is and control free speech, everything is censored and the lying dogs have no inhibitions to hide it. Look what is happening on Youtube and other channels, regardless of Sleeping Jo, everything is deleted that is not left-wing enough, at the moment our story is also deleted and they just make us feel bad.

Nothing against you Brent, but the reality at the time shows me what's going on. A few days ago in Germany 3 women were cruelly murdered by an African fanatic, in the middle of the day, it is from the media as well as from politics Totgeschwiegen, not even the German Chancellor mentioned this cruel act with a word, not even a condolence to the relatives. But during this time all football players always go during the European Championship before each game on their knees and pay homage to this BLM "tradition".
To hell with the whole thing, I didn't like what the cops did to that black guy in the USA, but it can't be that our women are cruelly murdered by radicals on the open street and NOBODY cares. Sorry is and was now a little OT, but I have of the current "leaders" in this world like Jo and Merkel and your kind slowly the schnauze full, especially I do not intend to end as cannon fodder of any fanatics.
Gone are the days of debate in America, thanks to the left, who call you a racist, and silence you if you do not agree (while calling the right the authoritarians). We are at a point where the most basic ideology is

The left: Death to America
The right: the constitution and law and order

Yesterday went over to friends/neighbors for a cook out, fireworks, consumption of alcohol, and conversation.
Her, vowed Dem, hated Trump.
Him, registered Dem, liked Trump.

Her now, the left has gone dang crazy!
Him, told ya so.

Debate is possible, with the right kind of people.
However, as Helen Back has noted, there are some with there is no debate possible.
I find it to be mostly on the left side, but have found a few on the right who they too could not get past certain points.

When I see some say we have to "Take back the country!"
I say, "Why?"
There is a big chunk who think the others are white supremcists nazis.
The other half think the others are commies.
Would you want that other side as a neighbor? Teaching your children in school? Running the local town/city council?
If taking back the country involves crushing the other side of their thoughts, feelings, beliefs, backgrounds, color of their skin, etc. that begins to sound a whole lot like Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao.
I would rather not see our country devolve into that kind of chaos.
Granted, what I may or may not, may not matter as the downward spiral continues and we are all forced from a bad situation into a worse one.

Hence, we prep.
Just how does someone ******** respectfully???? 🤔

The wife and I have both done it to those who out rank us.
Use facts, figures, intelligent language to tell them they are wrong.
Even more fun when done in a open setting, and everyone around us knows I just got the better of him, did it to the point he could not refute, and with respect.
He did not come after me, as the General would take my side and he knew it.

Good times.
No, I am not your enemy. You decided to hate half of your own country. I agree with almost everything you said above as being terrible, stupid and ridiculous. Do you really think that because I think Biden is a better human being than trump that I think everything he does is good? I agree that most of his policies are ****. One point you brought up though isn’t real. The part about the election fraud. There were plenty if audits that showed it was accurate. How many recounts can be done before you would believe it. That answer is none unless they change the numbers to your liking. Trump was caught on tape saying to cheat on the counts to at least two states. Get over the election fraud because it didn’t happen. Now if you want to talk about how to fix some of the valid points you mentioned above then I’m all in for trying to come up with ways to fix them. But your blind anger and wanting to blame half of the country you supposedly love is not worth anything.

Brent, every time you do this teeter-totter thing you lose credibility. Can't you unequivocally adopt one position and stick to it?
The Western USA has climatic cycles of drought. That is what undid the Anasazi in 1200 B.C. and they were around long before that.
Yeah but now days its fashionable to bring drama in to things that have been going on for millions of years. And of course ignorant people want to blame Man for any changes. Doesn't matter if its hot or cold, wet or dry these fools think Man caused it. Its not uncommon for a drill rig on the north slope to dig up trees from thousands of feet deep, or find fossils of palm trees in Antarctica. Climate always changes, without or without Man.