Lake Mead Plunges To Record Low Amid Drought-pocalypse

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The mods we have here are really polite and patient compared to other forums that I visit.:cool:
Well that's good to know, after 20 years on message boards and forums there is one thing I have learnt above all else, that it isn't worth arguing with disagreeable people. That's what the ignore button is for hey.
Sorry BP but I've been in the oil industry for a good bit of my working career in the exploration and production side and have seen the reports. You can listen to your silly environmental nut jobs if you want. I dont care.
I dont think anyone disputes climate change, its been going on since the beginning of time. Its just the cause of climate change where we disagree. And yes, most of the world are ignorant sheep.
the "oil age" is liable to be very short compared with other ages that have gone before.
the British government is banning the sale of all new petrol and diesel vehicles by 2030 and wants everyone to buy electric cars, which is laughable as we dont have enough recharging stations in the countryside and we dont have enough power stations to supply all the extra electricity that will be needed. watch the lights go out!!!
Brent, every time you do this teeter-totter thing you lose credibility. Can't you unequivocally adopt one position and stick to it?
How have I changed my position on anything here? Unlike many here I can form opinions on individual issues and not just be a puppet following their party lines. When it comes down to it I am for tough crime legislation, strict immigration, able bodied people having to work and not get free handouts, education reform, and many other conservative issues. I still thing trump was a pig though, and that was due do his behaviors, not his Republican status. If the ones here can’t handle me not believing in their savior then why even bother responding to my thoughts?
Well that's good to know, after 20 years on message boards and forums there is one thing I have learnt above all else, that it isn't worth arguing with disagreeable people. That's what the ignore button is for hey.
So ignore me already
Yeah but now days its fashionable to bring drama in to things that have been going on for millions of years. And of course ignorant people want to blame Man for any changes. Doesn't matter if its hot or cold, wet or dry these fools think Man caused it. Its not uncommon for a drill rig on the north slope to dig up trees from thousands of feet deep, or find fossils of palm trees in Antarctica. Climate always changes, without or without Man.
I do agree that the climate has been changing for millions of years and will continue to do so. many species have come and gone by its effects. Hopefully mankind will be resourceful enough to survive the changes that are coming. We can be pretty creative sometimes. But to not believe that all the pollution we are pumping into the atmosphere can make changes as well is short sighted. My favorite analogy is would you piss in the pool your swimming in. Sure, a few cars and factories in a big world isn’t a big deal. But with the numbers of people, cars and smokestacks spewing out 24/7, there isn’t enough atmosphere to be able to absorb it. At least not in the short term. Over time it will all get reabsorbed but that’s not going to help our kids and grandkids in their lifetimes.
the "oil age" is liable to be very short compared with other ages that have gone before.
the British government is banning the sale of all new petrol and diesel vehicles by 2030 and wants everyone to buy electric cars, which is laughable as we dont have enough recharging stations in the countryside and we dont have enough power stations to supply all the extra electricity that will be needed. watch the lights go out!!!
Cart before the horse thinking. Same problem here.
How have I changed my position on anything here? Unlike many here I can form opinions on individual issues and not just be a puppet following their party lines. When it comes down to it I am for tough crime legislation, strict immigration, able bodied people having to work and not get free handouts, education reform, and many other conservative issues. I still thing trump was a pig though, and that was due do his behaviors, not his Republican status. If the ones here can’t handle me not believing in their savior then why even bother responding to my thoughts?

I was not here, at least actively, during the election, so I can not speak to this seemingly "Lets pin everything Dems related on Brent S."

So he did not like Trump, and voted for Biden, right or wrong, that is his right.
Agree to disagree, and send him a "Don't blame me! I voted for Trump!" tee-shirt.
I do agree that the climate has been changing for millions of years and will continue to do so. many species have come and gone by its effects. Hopefully mankind will be resourceful enough to survive the changes that are coming. We can be pretty creative sometimes. But to not believe that all the pollution we are pumping into the atmosphere can make changes as well is short sighted. My favorite analogy is would you piss in the pool your swimming in. Sure, a few cars and factories in a big world isn’t a big deal. But with the numbers of people, cars and smokestacks spewing out 24/7, there isn’t enough atmosphere to be able to absorb it. At least not in the short term. Over time it will all get reabsorbed but that’s not going to help our kids and grandkids in their lifetimes.

Well, when micro-plastics start showing up in mussels or fish have traces of Rx drugs in their brains, that could be a problem.
Yeah but now days its fashionable to bring drama in to things that have been going on for millions of years. And of course ignorant people want to blame Man for any changes. Doesn't matter if its hot or cold, wet or dry these fools think Man caused it.
How have I changed my position on anything here? Unlike many here I can form opinions on individual issues and not just be a puppet following their party lines. When it comes down to it I am for tough crime legislation, strict immigration, able bodied people having to work and not get free handouts, education reform, and many other conservative issues. I still thing trump was a pig though, and that was due do his behaviors, not his Republican status. If the ones here can’t handle me not believing in their savior then why even bother responding to my thoughts?

So, you like Trump's policies over Xiden's, but you voted for Xiden because you don't like Trump, the man? This is what I am trying to get you to see. Your vote was against America. I am no fan of Trump either, but his policies were clearly to Make America Great Again. Xiden is destroying America with new policy on a daily basis. I think that's called cutting your nose to spite your face.

I vote for policy, not whether or not I like the person making them.
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Yeah but now days its fashionable to bring drama in to things that have been going on for millions of years. And of course ignorant people want to blame Man for any changes. Doesn't matter if its hot or cold, wet or dry these fools think Man caused it. Its not uncommon for a drill rig on the north slope to dig up trees from thousands of feet deep, or find fossils of palm trees in Antarctica. Climate always changes, without or without Man.

During the Cretaceous, ending 65 million years ago, there was no ice at the poles, dinosaurs migrated to both the North and South Poles seasonally, and some even wintered over at the South Pole.
How have I changed my position on anything here? Unlike many here I can form opinions on individual issues and not just be a puppet following their party lines. When it comes down to it I am for tough crime legislation, strict immigration, able bodied people having to work and not get free handouts, education reform, and many other conservative issues. I still thing trump was a pig though, and that was due do his behaviors, not his Republican status. If the ones here can’t handle me not believing in their savior then why even bother responding to my thoughts?

Exactly how was Trump a pig and also please compare his behavior to Obama and Biden for us.
The left supports:

Professors: US flag symbolizes racism, should not be displayed on campus

Professors: US flag symbolizes racism, should not be displayed on campus | Fox News

Star-Spangled Bigotry: The Hidden Racist History of the National Anthem

Star-Spangled Bigotry: The Hidden Racist History of the National Anthem (

Now the Statue of Liberty is cancelled! Washington Post writer claims famed figure is a 'meaningless symbol of hypocrisy' and 'unfulfilled promises'

Washington Post writer claims Statue of Liberty is a 'symbol of hypocrisy' | Daily Mail Online

‘Death To America!’: BLM Protesters Echo Iran During March Through Oakland, Calif.

‘Death To America!’: BLM Protesters Echo Iran During March Through Oakland, Calif. | The Daily Wire

To recap:

The left supports cancelling the national anthem, our flag, the statue of liberty, and wants "death to America".

No, Brent, your half of the country decided to hate America. I am not part of that half, so they decided for me. Again, you are NOT a patriot. If you agree with 90% of my post about the left, why do you continue to support them, because "orange man bad"?
BRENT, YOU dont like this country so much WHY DONT YOU JUST GET THE H--- OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
do you only find them disagreeable because they do not agree with your opinion? there are always 2 sides to every arguement.
No, I find them disagreeable when they start nitpicking, start questioning your every post. In other words, basically saying stuff they wouldn't dare say to your face if you in their company. Contrary opinions is what makes makes forums so valuable and I try to keep an open mind. Not always easy, especially before the 2nd coffee of the morning.
So, you like Trump's policies over Xiden's, but you voted for Xiden because you don't like Trump, the man? This is what I am trying to get you to see. Your vote was against America. I am no fan of Trump either, but his policies were clearly to Make America Great Again. Xiden is destroying America with new policy on a daily basis. I think that's called cutting your nose to spite your face.

I vote for policy, not whether or not I like the person making them.
I can respect your choice for how you voted. My choice was based on my personal view that the character of the person I voted for means more to me. I freely admit Biden is way more liberal than I had hoped he would be, but I am still good with my decision based on my values. I don’t understand the anger and refusal to respect others here. With everything crazy going on in the world today it seems like prepping should be the primary focus and a reason to work together….
BRENT, YOU dont like this country so much WHY DONT YOU JUST GET THE H--- OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How would you figure that I don’t like this country?
I can respect your choice for how you voted. My choice was based on my personal view that the character of the person I voted for means more to me. I freely admit Biden is way more liberal than I had hoped he would be, but I am still good with my decision based on my values. I don’t understand the anger and refusal to respect others here. With everything crazy going on in the world today it seems like prepping should be the primary focus and a reason to work together….

I guess it's easy to "not understand the anger" when your party is in control and silencing, cancelling, labeling, and criminally charging the other party, while celebrating insanity, and refusing to silence, label, cancel, or criminally charge your own. When you are for open borders, taking guns, defunding the police, releasing prisoners, teaching Marxism and race hate in schools to the future generations, 32 genders, the military paying for transgender surgeries, and cancel culture, all is well for you. I hope you get to be on the other end of that kind of insanity, and soon. I bet you understand the hell out of the anger then.
So Brent, if a person just liked Stalin's personality, is that a good reason to vote communist? That is what you are saying. In fact, if it were not this point, you would find another excuse to vote, support and defend anti-American values.

I wish you would just drop you line of weasel-ism because all you are doing is infuriating everyone else.
So why don’t the genius government bureaucrats in charge of rivers, lakes, reservoirs and dams just seed the clouds
Because they are toooo busy rubbing elbows, making plans for their own futures, filling the family pockets, taking risks with our taxes, sending our children to more wars for money and generally making life hard, bad or almost impossible to enjoy for the rest of the people in the world...having time to seed the clouds?? Gotta explain the function and winnings to those idiots first before they come up with such an idea.
California drought forces shutdown of historic Hyatt hydropower plant
California drought forces shutdown of historic Hyatt hydropower plant (

Why it matters: It is the first time the Edward Hyatt hydroelectric power plant has ceased operations since it was constructed in 1967, at a time when California is warning about the potential for rolling blackouts.

  • The plant feeds from a reservoir at Lake Oroville in Butte County, the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas in Northern California, and has the capacity to power almost half a million households, according to the Bee.
  • But the lake is less than one-quarter full — surpassing its record lowest level set in 1977 — amid the state's ongoing water crisis.
What they're saying: “This is just one of many unprecedented impacts we are experiencing in California as a result of our climate-induced drought,” said Karla Nemeth, director of the California Department of Water Resources, in a statement.