Lake Mead Plunges To Record Low Amid Drought-pocalypse

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So Brent, if a person just liked Stalin's personality, is that a good reason to vote communist? That is what you are saying. In fact, if it were not this point, you would find another excuse to vote, support and defend anti-American values.

I wish you would just drop you line of weasel-ism because all you are doing is infuriating everyone else.
I’m here for your entertainment! I can see why you liked trump so much, you’re just alike.
How have I changed my position on anything here? Unlike many here I can form opinions on individual issues and not just be a puppet following their party lines. When it comes down to it I am for tough crime legislation, strict immigration, able bodied people having to work and not get free handouts, education reform, and many other conservative issues. I still thing trump was a pig though, and that was due do his behaviors, not his Republican status. If the ones here can’t handle me not believing in their savior then why even bother responding to my thoughts?

I have said what I think so there is no point of repeating it just for the sake of debate.
One possible redeeming trait of some homeless bums : they pick up bottles and cans that litter the streets and cities. 😏
SLO County community must reduce water use by 20% due to ‘insufficient’ supply

Cambria CA declares water shortage watch due to drought | San Luis Obispo Tribune

San Diego City introduces more water restrictions as drought grips California

As California's big cities fail to rein in their water use, rural communities are already tapped out

Throngs of Home Buyers Have Relocated to Drought-Stricken Regions—What That Means for the Water Crisis

Incredible to me how blind these people are to reality

Lake Mead’s steady decline hits low water mark 06/09/2022
Drought, dry conditions push Lake Mead to lowest level on record | Las Vegas Review-Journal (

"As the western megadrought worsens, the nation’s largest reservoir hit a new worrisome milestone this week.

Lake Mead now sits just 29 percent full, dropping below 30 percent for the first time since the reservoir was initially filled more than 80 years ago, according to the most recent weekly report released this week by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation."
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Looks like California’s ideals are about to come crashing into their needs and requirements. Resource conservation is an ideal put forth to do away with resource development. Turns out CA really doesn’t care about conservation. Just control.
I am worried this will be the fate of Texas as well. Hopefully they get their heads out of their posteriors soon.

1) Don't build in the desert.
2) Don't put 10 houses on one acre of land
3) Get more people off public water supplies and more on private wells where you actually worry about waking up one morning to have no water!
4) Stop with the lawn vanity already!
Looks like California’s ideals are about to come crashing into their needs and requirements. Resource conservation is an ideal put forth to do away with resource development. Turns out CA really doesn’t care about conservation. Just control.

Watch out for the mass migration.
'Moment of reckoning:' Federal official warns of Colorado River water supply cuts

'Moment of reckoning:' Federal official warns of Colorado River water supply cuts (

"The Colorado River’s reservoirs have diminished to the point that significant cuts to the water supplied to the seven states that rely on it will be necessary next year, a federal official warned Tuesday.

Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Camille Calimlim Touton told the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee maintaining “critical levels” at the largest reservoirs in the United States — Lake Mead and Lake Powell — will require large reductions in water deliveries."
Everytime I turn the weather channel on they're talking about all the rain and flooding in Arizona, Colorado and California. Where's all that water going?

Swimming Pools

When they start "banning" them, instead of farming, I might think they are seriously concerned.