Latest news on the war against Russia (official)

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21.04.22 20:31
EU will supply heavy weapons to Ukraine - Michel
European Council President Charles Michel admitted that the EU has agreed to purchase heavy weapons for free transfer to Ukraine.
He stated this in an іnterview with EP, reports Censor.NЕТ.
Michel said that the EU agreed in principle to supply weapons to Ukraine back in February, although at the beginning of the negotiations he was not sure of success.
"I remember very well when President Zelensky called me two days after the war started and asked me to coordinate the provision of weapons to Ukraine. It was a very difficult decision for the EU, we hadn't done that before. But we made it in a few hours!" - he noted.
The President of the European Council leads the meetings of the heads of state and the EU government and is responsible for preparing draft decisions of this institution.
"In the two months since then, we have already allocated (for non-refundable purchases for the needs of the AFU) 1.5 billion euros through the European Peace Facility instrument. And this is in addition to the support from many EU member states coming at the bilateral level. But this aid is not enough, and we will do more," Michel added.
"We need to supply you with heavy weapons. There won't be very much news about this due to security concerns. But we're sticking to our commitment to provide you with these weapons. That's the first thing. It's very important and very urgent," he concluded.
Logo for U.S. Department of Defense U.S. DepartmentofDefense

Statement on $800 Million in Additional Security Assistance for Ukraine
APRIL 21, 2022

Attributed to Pentagon Press Secretary John F. Kirby:
This afternoon, April 21, the Department of Defense (DoD) announces the authorization of a Presidential Drawdown of security assistance valued at up to an additional $800 million tailored to meet critical Ukrainian needs for today’s fight as Russian forces launch a renewed offensive in eastern Ukraine. This authorization is the eighth drawdown of equipment from DoD inventories for Ukraine since August 2021.
Capabilities in this package include:
  • 72 155mm Howitzers and 144,000 artillery rounds;
  • 72 Tactical Vehicles to tow 155mm Howitzers;
  • Over 121 Phoenix Ghost Tactical Unmanned Aerial Systems; and
  • Field equipment and spare parts.
This commitment, together with the 18 155mm howitzers announced on April 13, provides enough artillery systems to equip five battalions. The United States has now committed more than $4 billion in security assistance to Ukraine since the beginning of the Biden Administration, including approximately $3.4 billion since the beginning of Russia’s unprovoked invasion on February 24.
The United States also continues to work with its Allies and partners to identify and provide Ukraine with additional capabilities.
The United States will continue to utilize all available tools to support Ukraine’s Armed Forces in the face of Russian aggression.
21.04.22 20:31
EU will supply heavy weapons to Ukraine - Michel

I would not be sure that the EU will do that, the EU knows that they will bring the war directly into the EU and that will have a big price.

Well Grandpa Joe can and will no longer think so much about what he risks with the weapons deliveries, it may come the day where Russia takes US aircraft and ships with these weapons in the target, how was that with the Slovak S 300 system they have given you? It was liquidated on the same day of arrival.

I leave you your hope that the weapons will bring you something, but they will destroy your country by the more and more.
If you don't want to do diplomacy, either Russia or Ukraine will be completely destroyed by the enemy. If Russia is destroyed, it will end up sending nuclear farewells to its enemies.
how was that with the Slovak S 300 system they have given you? It was liquidated on the same day of arrival.
Who announced this? Russian propagandists? Did they provide photo or video materials confirming the destruction of S 300? I highly doubt...

Logo for U.S. Department of Defense U.S. DepartmentofDefense

Q: Okay. So my other question has to do with claims by the Russian government that they have destroyed, I believe they said four air defense surface-to-air missile launchers, and suggestions that this was the Slovakian system that was moved in recently. Can you confirm either of those claims? And -- and more broadly, does it look like the Russians are attempting now to go more aggressively after Ukrainian air defenses? Thanks.
SENIOR DEFENSE OFFICIAL: Yeah, well, I mean, we've -- what we have seen and were able to confirm is that we did see an airstrike conducted at the Dnieper International Airfield yesterday. We do assess that it destroyed some airport infrastructure, but we have no evidence to conclude that they destroyed an S-300 system, and we have no evidence to conclude that it was, in fact, the Slovakian one. You've heard the Slovakian government came out and denied it, but that's about all we know right now, Bob.
21.04.22 22:06

10 attacks by Russian occupants were repulsed in Donbass on April 20. 6 tanks, 4 artillery systems, 8 armored vehicles and 2 aircraft were destroyed - JFO Staff

In Donetsk and Luhansk directions, Ukrainian defenders continue to repel enemy attacks.
As Censor.NЕТ, this is reported in Facebook of JFO Staff's press service .
The message notes: "During the current day, April 21, the servicemen of the United Forces grouping successfully repelled 10 enemy attacks. Due to skilful actions and mastery our soldiers inflicted damage to the Russian occupiers.
In particular, the Ukrainian defenders destroyed 6 tanks, 4 artillery systems, 8 armored vehicles, 15 vehicles.
Anti-aircraft defense units in the skies of Ukrainian Donbass shot down two aircraft (Su-34 and Su-25) and 8 "Orlan-10" type UAVs.
Ukrainian servicemen continue to courageously and heroically hold back the aggressor's invasion!"
22.04.22 00:25

During April 21, 3 planes, 3 helicopters and 9 drones of Russian occupants were destroyed - Air Force

The command of the AFU Air Force reports that 15 Rashist air targets were destroyed during April 21.
According to Censor.NЕТ, this is stated by Air Force Command in Facebook.
The report noted: "The day of April 21 was indeed a fruitful day for the Ukrainian Air Defense Forces, as 15 air targets were destroyed at once. Nine of them were operational-tactical "Orlan-10" drones.
The air defense units of the Ground Forces destroyed six of them, two more Orlans were destroyed by the Airborne Assault Troops and one UAV was accounted for by the Air Force SAMs.
Almost simultaneously, anti-aircraft missile units of the Air Force's Command "East" destroyed two Russian aircraft in the Izyum direction. They were preliminarily Su-34s and Su-35s.

The Airborne Assault Troops supplement the statistics of downed enemy aircraft with an Su-25 attack aircraft and a Mi-8 helicopter. Another Mi-8 is shot down by Marines.
The fact that soldiers of the National Guard of Ukraine join the demilitarization of Russian aviation and the destruction of killer pilots by reporting the destruction of the "Alligator," a Ka-52 helicopter of the Rashists, cannot but rejoice.
Air Force aviation continues performing special tasks in the airspace of Ukraine, covering ground troops and engaging Russian occupation troops.
So, at the end of the day on April 21, 15 air targets were hit: 3 aircraft ( preliminarily Su-34, Su-35, Su-25); 3 helicopters (two Mi-8 and one Ka-52); 9 UAVs of OTR (Orlan-10).
22.04.22 06:46
Enemy has intensified along line of contact in Donbas, trying to advance in area of Rubizhne. Fighting continues in direction of Novtoshkivsky and Popasna - General Staff

The fifty-eighth day of the heroic opposition of the Ukrainian people to the Russian military invasion has begun. The Russian Federation continues its full-scale armed aggression against our country and launches missile and bomb strikes on military and civilian infrastructure.
As reported by Censor.NET with reference to the operative information of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as of 06.00 on 22.04.2022 regarding the Russian invasion.
As it is noted, the enemy didn't take active actions in the Volyn and Polissya directions, and no signs of the formation of offensive groups were found. Measures are being taken to strengthen the coverage of the state border in the western and north-western directions. The air defense forces and means have been transferred to reinforced duty. The protection of headquarters, communications centers, military camps, arsenals, bases, and warehouses for weapons, military equipment, and fuel and lubricants has been strengthened.
"In the Slobozhansky direction, the enemy, with forces of up to seven battalion tactical groups from the 6th General Army, the coastal troops of the Baltic and Northern Fleets, continues to partially block the city of Kharkiv, firing on units of our troops and critical infrastructure.
In the Izyum direction, the enemy concentrated up to 25 battalion tactical groups from the 1st Panzer Army, the 20th and 35th All-Military Armies, and the 68th Army Corps of the Eastern Military District, and airborne troops of the Russian Armed Forces ", - it is told in the message.
According to the General Staff, the enemy is trying to advance in the direction of the settlement of Zavody. He went to the northern outskirts of Dibrovny, trying to gain a foothold on the frontier.
It is also noted that in the Donetsk and Tavriya areas, the occupiers intensified hostilities along the entire line of combat during the day. The enemy carries out assault operations in the area of the settlement of Zarichne and, with forces of the battalion, tries to advance in the area of the settlement of Rubizhne.

Defensive battles with the enemy continue in the direction of the settlements of Novtoshkivske and Popasna.
The enemy continues to try to support the artillery in the area of Marinka.
At the same time, the enemy is strengthening the group of troops in the Zaporizhzhia direction. Measures for the logistical support of the occupying forces are underway.
In the South Buz direction, the enemy continues to fire on units of the Defense Forces, tried to conduct reconnaissance in the battle near Trudolyubivka, suffered losses, and retreated to previously occupied positions.
According to the General Staff, in the temporarily occupied territories, enemy units continue to block the movement of local people, loot, and artificially approach the humanitarian crisis - destroying critical infrastructure and blocking the delivery of humanitarian goods from Ukraine. There have been cases of the shooting of civilians and volunteers.
It is also reminded that ten attacks of the Russian occupiers were repulsed in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts last night, six tanks, eight armored units, and fifteen vehicles were destroyed, as well as four artillery systems.

Fifteen air targets were destroyed by the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, together with anti-aircraft gunners of the Land and Assault Forces, Marines, and the National Guard, nine drones, three planes, and three helicopters.
22.04.22 15:52

France will hand over Caesar ACS and Milan anti-tank missiles to Ukraine, - Macron

France will supply a batch of Milan anti-tank missiles and Caesar self-propelled artillery units to Ukraine.
This was stated by French President Emmanuel Macron in an interview with Ouest-France, Censor.NET reports with reference to Ukrainian Pravda.
Asked whether critics complained about the shortcomings in arms supplies to Germany and France, Macron said he had spoken to Chancellor Olaf Scholz the day before yesterday.

Asked whether critics complained about the shortcomings in arms supplies to Germany and France, Macron said he had spoken to Chancellor Olaf Scholz the day before yesterday.
These self-propelled guns can launch 155 mm shells at a distance of 40 kilometers at a speed of six to eight shots per minute. Macron did not specify the scope of this supply. All that is known is that France wants to buy 109 Caesar in 2025.

According to Ouest-France, 12 guns will be withdrawn from army reserves for transfer to Ukraine.
22.04.22 08:44

British teach Ukrainian military to drive armored vehicles and use anti-aircraft missiles that will come to Kyiv - Johnson

Dozens of Ukrainian soldiers in Britain are learning to drive 120 British armored vehicles before returning with them to take part in the war against Russia.
This was announced by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson during his trip to India, as reported by Censor.NET with reference to Ukrainska Pravda.
The British military is also teaching Ukrainian colleagues in Poland how to use anti-aircraft missiles, the prime minister said, outlining additional details of Britain's military aid to official Kyiv's armed forces.
"I can say that today we are teaching Ukrainians in Poland the use of air defense, and in the UK the use of armored vehicles," said Johnson.

As the third month of Russia's invasion of Ukraine approaches, Britain and other Western countries have begun supplying Kyiv with standard NATO weapons that require short training periods so that Ukrainian soldiers know how to use them, the paper said.
This week, the Pentagon said it would teach some Ukrainians how to use the first batch of 18 American howitzers "outside the country" before the weapons could be used on the battlefield.
Both statements signal a step towards greater Western involvement in the war, which focused on supplying weapons to Ukrainian forces and applying broad economic sanctions against Russia.
Johnson's spokesman insists that teaching Ukrainians in the UK is not an escalation."What is causing the escalation is the actions of Putin and his regime in Ukraine. We are simply working with our allies to give Ukraine the best tools for self-defense," he said.
During a visit to Kyiv, Boris Johnson offered Ukraine military assistance in the form of 120 armored vehicles and new anti-ship missile systems to support Ukraine at this crucial stage while Russia's illegal offensive continues.
22.04.22 18:38

Operational information of General Staff of Armed Forces of Ukraine regarding Russian invasion as of 6:00 pm on April 22, 2022
Operational information of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine regarding the Russian invasion as of 6:00 pm on April 22, 2022.
This was reported by Censor.NET with reference to the General Staff's Facebook page.
"58 days of heroic opposition of the Ukrainian people to the Russian military invasion continue. The enemy continues to conduct a full-scale armed aggression against Ukraine.
In the Volyn and Polissya directions, the enemy did not take active action. There is an increase in electronic reconnaissance and electronic warfare systems in the border areas of Gomel region with Ukraine. In the areas of the settlements of Klimovka and Dimamerka, radio interference posts have been set up by units of the 48th separate battalion of electronic warfare of the Western Operational Command of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus. In addition, the enemy conducted training of regular forces and air defense.
The threat of missile and air strikes on the objects of civil and military infrastructure of Ukraine from the territory of the Republic of Belarus remains.
In the Siversky direction, units of the border service of the FSB of the Russian Federation continue to carry out enhanced protection of the Ukrainian-Russian border in the Bryansk and Kursk regions. The regrouping of enemy troops continues.
In the Slobozhansky direction, the occupiers continue to partially block the city of Kharkiv with units of the 6th All-Army, Baltic and Northern Fleets, and try to fire on units of our troops and critical infrastructure.
In the Izium direction, the enemy conducts air reconnaissance of the positions of our troops in order to determine possible directions of attack. To improve the tactical position of the units, the enemy tried to carry out offensive operations in the directions of the settlements of Zavody and Dibrovne, but without success.

In the Donetsk and Tavriya directions, fighting took place along the entire line of contact.
During the day, the enemy carried out assault operations in the direction of the city of Slavyansk, established itself in the village of Lozove. In the areas of the Zelena Dolyna and Kreminna, the enemy continues to consolidate its occupied positions, regroup and prepare for offensive operations.
The enemy strengthened the grouping of troops by moving from the territory of the Russian Federation of individual units of the 41st General Army of the Central Military District. Unsuccessfully trying to gain a foothold in the village of Rubizhne.
In the area of Popasna, the enemy carried out assault operations in the direction of the settlement of Novotoshkivske and deep into the settlement of Popasna, without success. Established in the central part of the village Stepne.
In the Avdiiv and Kurakhiv areas, the occupiers tried to carry out assault operations, but without success.
In the Mariupol direction, the enemy continued to launch air strikes on Mariupol and blockade our units in the Azovstal area.
In the Zaporizhia direction, the occupiers carried out assault operations in the direction of the settlement of Zelene Pole, without success. The enemy strengthened the group by relocating units of the 19th Motorized Rifle Division of the 58th All-Military Army of the Southern Military District. At the same time, the battalion tactical group of the 127th Motorized Rifle Division of the 5th All-Military Army lost its combat capability and was withdrawn to the recovery area.

In the direction of South Bug, near the settlement of Oleksandrivka, the enemy is defending the occupied positions. Conducts air reconnaissance. It is possible to carry out assault operations in order to reach the administrative borders of Kherson region.
According to available information, the personnel of a separate group of Russian troops in the so-called "Transnistrian-Moldavian Republic" serve on a daily basis. At the same time, the possibility of using the territory of the unrecognized republic for aggression against Ukraine remains.
We believe in the Armed Forces of Ukraine! Let's win together! Glory to Ukraine! ", - the statement of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reads.
22.04.22 19:40

U.S. began to supply Ukraine with MRLS, - Nuland

The United States has begun supplying multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) to Ukraine and is working with other NATO allies to ensure that Ukraine receives more rocket systems.
According to Censor.NЕТ, the U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland told in an interview with "European Truth"
She noted that multiple-launch rocket systems, as well as artillery, are in the latest U.S. aid package, and emphasized that the delivery of systems is already underway.
"The MLRS systems we are already delivering," Nuland said.
She added that the U.S. is now working with other NATO allies to ensure that Ukraine gets more reactive systems.

Separately, she touched on the issue of the fighting capability of Ukrainian aircraft, noting that there are already several NATO states that are supplying Ukraine with components that allow it to get more aircraft in the air.
"And you now have more aircraft on combat service than even a week ago, precisely because you have received parts and stuff for them from allies... So, to be absolutely clear, I'll list: MLRS is already being delivered; there are allies working on aircraft ; and beyond that, there are a tremendous amount of parts for military aircraft that are already making a difference," she stated.
Ukrainian soldiers that were captured by the Russian military on April 17, 2022. Around 1000 total surrendered, with 700 able to walk and 300 wounded that were evacuated on stretchers.

More evidence less words....

Footage of Ukrainian POWs in Mariupol! (Late April 2022) [ENG CC]
23.04.22 07:22

Operational information as of 6:00 on April 23 on Russian invasion - General Staff

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine released operational information on the Russian invasion as of 6:00 on April 23.
As reported by Censor.NET, this is stated on Facebook of the General Staff of the Armed Forces.
Thus, the fifty-ninth day of the heroic opposition of the Ukrainian people to the Russian military invasion began.
The Russian Federation continues to conduct full-scale armed aggression against Ukraine.
The enemy is conducting offensive operations in the Eastern Operational Zone to defeat the Allied forces, establish full control over the territory of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, and secure a land route between the said territories and the occupied Crimea.
The greatest activity of the enemy is observed in Slobozhansky and Donetsk's directions. Units of the occupiers are regrouping.
The enemy continues to launch missile and bomb strikes on military and civilian infrastructure.

In the Volyn, Polissya, and Seversky directions, certain units of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus perform tasks to strengthen the Ukrainian-Belarusian border in the Brest and Gomel regions. In order to clarify the position of our troops in the Sumy direction, the enemy used a drone from the area of the settlement of Glushkovo.
In addition, there is a threat of missiles and airstrikes from these areas. The enemy doesn't rule out provocations on the Ukrainian-Russian border, accusing them of representatives of the Ukrainian Defense Forces.
On the Tavriya and Yuzhnobuzhsky directions, there is a grouping of enemy troops, consisting of separate units of the 8th and 49th all-military armies, the 22nd army corps, the coastal troops of the Black Sea Fleet of the Southern Military District, and airborne troops. The enemy focuses its main efforts on improving its tactical position and maintaining the occupied frontiers.
To create favorable conditions for advancing in the direction of the city of Mykolayiv, the enemy is shelling the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. To increase the air defense system near the city of Skadovsk, the enemy unfolded a C-300VM battery.
In the Slobozhansky direction, groups of enemy troops continue to partially block Kharkiv and fire at it from barrel and jet artillery.
Separate units of the 1st Panzer and 20th All-military Army of the Western Military District, the 35th General Army, and the 68th Army Corps of the Eastern Military District and Airborne Forces are conducting offensive and assault operations south of Izyum. The enemy conducts air reconnaissance of positions and measures to organize fire support for the offensive and the organization of logistical support for the group.

According to available information, units of the 64th Detached Motorized Rifle Brigade, which took an active part in the mass killings, torture, and rape of civilians in the Ukrainian city of Bucha, are operating in the area of Izyum. They have already suffered casualties.
In the Donetsk direction, the enemy is conducting offensive operations along the entire line of contact. The enemy is concentrating its main efforts on the offensive in the Severodonetsk direction, exerting intense fire on our troops in order to displace them and create conditions for the development of the offensive on Slovyansk. The offensive in the direction of Novotoshkivsky and assault operations in the areas of Rubizhne, Popasna, and Marinka continue.
In the Mariupol direction, the enemy continues to blockade our units in the area of the Azovstal plant and launch airstrikes on the city, including with the use of long-range aircraft. In order to demine the port infrastructure of Mariupol, an engineering unit arrived in the occupied city.
In the Zaporizhzhia direction, to strengthen his group, the enemy moved a battalion tactical group from the 19th Motorized Rifle Division of the 58th All-Military Army of the Southern Military District.
As part of the formation of additional reserves, the training of a unit of the private military unit "Wagner" numbering up to 200 people was completed.
The advanced group of the unit was transferred to the Novobakhmutivka district to reconnoiter the area and clarify the order of interaction. The information is currently being clarified.

In the South Bug direction, the enemy is trying to improve its tactical position and gain a foothold on the administrative borders of the Kherson region. Suffers significant losses in technology.
In the Black Sea and Azov operational zones, enemy naval groups the Black and Azov Seas continue to carry out tasks to isolate the combat area and conduct reconnaissance.
In the Donetsk and Luhansk regions alone, eight enemy attacks have been repulsed in the past 24 hours, nine tanks, eighteen armored units, thirteen vehicles, a tanker, and three artillery systems have been destroyed.
Some of the propaganda boasts that Ukraine makes great weapons, but most of it is them begging or demanding weapons from other countries.

A supposedly great military wouldn't be out on the secondary market begging for weapons. And it is begging. They aren't buying them.

In fact, Zelensky is demanding CASH, weapons, and ammo for his "soldiers". But never anything for the people of Ukraine.
24.04.22 07:11
Operational information as of 6:00 on April 24 on Russian invasion - General Staff
The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine released operational information on the Russian invasion as of 6:00 on April 24.
As reported by Censor.NET, this is stated on Facebook of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Thus, the sixtieth day of the heroic opposition of the Ukrainian people to the Russian military invasion began.
The full-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine continues.
The enemy continues to conduct offensive operations in the Eastern Operational Zone to defeat the Special Operations Forces, establish full control over the territory of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions and ensure a land route between these territories and the occupied Crimea.
It is reported that the enemy is regrouping and expanding missile and artillery units to support the offensive, and continues to launch missile and bomb strikes on military and civilian infrastructure.

In the Volyn and Polissya directions, the enemy didn't take active action. Certain units of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus continue to carry out tasks to cover the Ukrainian-Belarusian border in Brest and Gomel regions. In the areas of the settlements of Grabovka, Hlybotske, and Kalinino, Gomel region, engineering equipment positions were carried out.
On Siverskyi direction without significant changes. The Border Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation continues to provide enhanced protection of the Ukrainian-Russian border in the Bryansk and Kursk regions. The enemy is increasing the engineering and fortification equipment of positions in the Bryansk region at a distance of up to 3 km from the state border of Ukraine.
In the Slobozhansky direction, the enemy increased the grouping of troops by transferring and concentrating additional units in the Belgorod region.
Thus, according to available data, 60 km from the state border of Ukraine deployed launchers operational and tactical missile system "Iskander-M". The enemy continues to partially blockade Kharkiv, firing on units of our troops and critical infrastructure. To complicate the movement of units of the Defense Forces in the area of the settlement of Korotichi, the enemy conducted remote mining.

The occupiers are shelling the positions of our troops in the areas of Kurulka and Nova Dmytrivka, conducting air reconnaissance of the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the help of the Orlan-10 drone in the areas of Barvinkove, Kurulka, and Husarivka.
In the Donetsk and Tavriya directions, the enemy fires on the positions of our troops with the use of mortars, artillery, and multiple launch rocket systems along the entire line of contact. He intensified offensive and assault operations in the Severodonetsk, Kurakhiv, and Popasnya directions. There are battles in the areas of Zarichne, Rubizhne, and Popasna. In the Severodonetsk direction, the enemy launched pontoon crossings across the Krasna River. It is increasing the air defense system in the Avdiivka direction.

In the Mariupol direction, the enemy continued to fire and blockade our units in the Azovstal area of Mariupol. Inflicts airstrikes, including from long-range aircraft. Using the railway connection, the enemy makes attempts to establish logistical support for troops.
In the South Buz direction, the enemy continues to hold positions, in some areas it tries to improve the tactical position and exerts fire on the positions of units of our troops and civilian infrastructure of Ukrainian settlements.
"The Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, along with other anti-aircraft units of the Defense Forces, destroyed seventeen air targets in the previous day: nine drones, three planes, and five cruise missiles.
Twelve attacks by the Russian occupiers have been repulsed in Donetsk and Luhansk regions over the past 24 hours, four tanks, fifteen armored units, four vehicles, and five artillery systems have been destroyed," the General Staff said.
24.04.22 09:11
Total losses of Russian Federation since beginning of war - about 21.8 thousand people, 179 aircraft, 154 helicopters, 873 tanks and 2,238 armored vehicles
Russian troops who invaded the territory of Ukraine continue to suffer losses. As of the morning of April 24, the losses of enemy personnel amounted to about 21.8 thousand people.
As reported by Censor.NET with reference to the press center of the General Staff
As reported, the total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 24.04 are approximately:
personnel - about 21,800 people were eliminated,
tanks - 873 units,
armored combat vehicles - 2238 units,
artillery systems - 408 units,
multiple launch rocket systems - 147 units,
air defense systems - 69 units,
aircraft - 179 units,
helicopters - 154 units,
automotive equipment - 1557 units,
ships / boats - 8 units,
tanks with fuel and lubricants - 76,
unmanned aerial vehicles of the operational-tactical level - 191.
Special equipment- 28.
Launcher of the operational-tactical missile system - 4.
With reference to the Ministry of Defense. The pro-Kremlin resource admitted that the losses of the Russian Federation in Ukraine exceeded 20 thousand people
April 22, 09:42

One of the pro-Kremlin propaganda resources Readovka, which actively supports the war against Ukraine, reported that the losses of the Russian army have already exceeded 20 thousand people. He published such information on his VKontakte page, citing a "closed briefing by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation."
“Irretrievable losses on the Russian side amount to 13,414 soldiers, and about 7,000 more people are considered missing. The Deputy Minister of Defense noted that at the moment, the calculation of the number of dead is difficult due to the intensity of hostilities and inaccessibility to the bodies at the battlefield, ”the message says.

After some time, the post was deleted, but it remained in the web archive. The resource did not give any comments on this matter. According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as of April 21, the losses of the Russian Federation in Ukraine amounted to 21000.
24.04.22 09:11
Total losses of Russian Federation since beginning of war - about 21.8 thousand people, 179 aircraft, 154 helicopters, 873 tanks and 2,238 armored vehicles
Russian troops who invaded the territory of Ukraine continue to suffer losses. As of the morning of April 24, the losses of enemy personnel amounted to about 21.8 thousand people.
As reported by Censor.NET with reference to the press center of the General Staff
As reported, the total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 24.04 are approximately:
personnel - about 21,800 people were eliminated,
tanks - 873 units,
armored combat vehicles - 2238 units,
artillery systems - 408 units,
multiple launch rocket systems - 147 units,
air defense systems - 69 units,
aircraft - 179 units,
helicopters - 154 units,
automotive equipment - 1557 units,
ships / boats - 8 units,
tanks with fuel and lubricants - 76,
unmanned aerial vehicles of the operational-tactical level - 191.
Special equipment- 28.
Launcher of the operational-tactical missile system - 4.
Anaconda that’s quite a tally for Russian losses .And what of Ukrainian losses. What be your estimated losses ?
200= 2500-3000, 300= 10000
Difference thanks to NLAW, JAVELIN, BAIRAKTAR...
200 = 2500-3000 ? 300 = 10.000 That be only infantry and personal losses you mention ? You say around 10,000.killed from your side. I’m sure some of that high tech arsenal has been very beneficial as you say. But what of the future Anaconda. No matter which ever side wins a new beginning will dawn.
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That be only infantry and personal losses you mention ? You say around 10,000.killed from your side. I’m sure some of that high tech arsenal has been very beneficial as you say. But what of the future Anaconda. No matter which ever side wins a new beginning will dawn.
No. 200 - killed No. 300 - wounded
No. 200 - killed No. 300 - wounded
Well the less killed on either side the better. Sadly I do think the toll is much higher then the 300 dead you mentioned especially after nearly 2 months of war.. this cannot be reality. That’s a ratio of 63 Russian solders for every Ukrainian solder killed. Sorry my mistake you wrote 200 killed . That’s a ratio of a 100 Russian soldiers killed to every Ukrainian soldier killed
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I'm hoping that with the recovered UK aircraft that they can start taking the war to Putin - start making highpoint scores that Putin can't hide from the people - the Russians and the allied Belarus have been randomly shelling & bombing residential areas >> some tit-4-tat is justified - hard to hide 2-3k civilians hit when a string of apartment buildings are rubbled - when it comes home to roost Putin's adventure could become his undoing ....
some tit-4-tat is justified - hard to hide 2-3k civilians hit when a string of apartment buildings are rubbled
2500-3000 is the loss of the armed forces. Losses among the civilian population resulting from artillery shelling and air bombardment of cities are much greater, and depend on the intensity of the strikes. On average, this is 30 people per day (data for my city). Somewhere this figure is more somewhere less.
24.04.22 18:40

Operational information of General Staff of Armed Forces of Ukraine regarding Russian invasion as of 6:00 pm on April 24, 2022
Operational information of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine regarding the Russian invasion as of 6:00 pm on April 24, 2022.
According to Censor.NET.
"60 days of heroic opposition of the Ukrainian people to the Russian military invasion continue. The Russian Federation continues to conduct a full-scale armed aggression against Ukraine.
The enemy is advancing in the Eastern Operational Zone to defeat the Allied forces, establish full control over the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, and secure a land route to the temporarily occupied Crimea.
In the Volyn and Polissya directions, the enemy did not take active action. Up to 7 battalions of the Belarusian Armed Forces continue to carry out tasks to cover the Ukrainian-Belarusian border in Brest and Gomel regions. Weapons and military equipment of the Eastern Military District, mostly damaged, are being exported from the territory of the Republic of Belarus to the Russian Federation via Gomel in the direction of Bryansk.
In the Siversky direction, the border service of the FSB of the Russian Federation continues to provide enhanced protection of the Ukrainian-Russian border in the Bryansk and Kursk regions.

Regrouping of units of the Central Military District from the areas of recovery of combat readiness to the eastern regions of Ukraine continues. From Kursk to Belgorod region, the enemy plans to move an anti-aircraft gun division from the 14th Air Force and Air Defense.
In the Slobozhansky direction, weapons and military equipment of the enemy are being transferred to the Kupyansk district. The occupiers continue to partially block the city of Kharkiv, trying to carry out fire damage to units of our troops and critical infrastructure.
There is an intensification of offensive and assault actions of enemy units in the areas of Pashkove, Dovhenke, and Velyka Komyshuvakha. The enemy was unsuccessful, suffered losses, and was forced to retreat to previously occupied frontiers.
In the Donetsk and Tavriya directions, the enemy is building up its command and control system and air defense. Continues to fire on the positions of our troops from mortars, artillery, and rocket-propelled grenade launchers along the entire line of contact. Inflicts airstrikes on operational and tactical aircraft.
In the Severodonetsk direction, the enemy tried to carry out assault operations in the direction of the settlements of Lyman and Yatskivka, but was unsuccessful. The occupiers established control over part of the village of Zarichne. The enemy tried to gain a foothold in the western, northwestern, and eastern parts of Rubizhne, but failed. He began advancing in the directions of the settlements of Orikhove and Nyzhne.
In the Popasna direction, the occupying forces tried to gain a foothold on the achieved frontiers. The enemy also regrouped and replenished its personnel and ammunition and prepared for further assaults.
In the Kurakhiv direction, with the support of artillery, the enemy attempted an offensive in the direction of the settlements of Novomykhailivka and Mariinka. He was not successful.

In the Mariupol direction, the invaders continued to fire and fight in the Azovstal area. The enemy inflicted airstrikes on certain objects of civilian infrastructure. The occupiers carried out assault operations in the direction of the settlement of Vremivka, suffered losses, and retreated to previously occupied positions.
In the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, the Russian occupiers are introducing measures restricting the rights and freedoms of civilians, including freedom of movement.
Ukrainian defenders hold the defense and inflict heavy losses on the enemy. Let's win together! Glory to Ukraine!", the statement of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reads.
For someone heavily engaged in a war and determined to kill all russians, he sure seems to have an abundance of time to post here. I was about to open a spreadsheet and graph all the active times to see when this person actually sleeps (let alone fights), but I decided it is not worth my time. Perhaps the forum moderators could code in a new statistics page that shows, graphically, posting activity vs time of day. Not to say this person is, but I have found a few bots on other forums that way.

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