Latest news on the war against Russia (official)

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I am sure that, as a smart and prudent person, you keep your savings exclusively in Russian rubles ...

Ha... I bought £1000 of Rubles in 2013 and banked them in Hungarian Forints about 18 months later for a 250% profit.

I Bought £3000 worth of Rubles in February 22 at the bottom and its has shot up since. I cannot sell them in England but they are already en route to Hungary.

If the West wants to play silly games and shoot itself in both feet with Russian sanctions it opens up ideal conditions to double or treble currency value only using savings that would be eaten away with inflation in a UK bank.
One must consider the reason these governments are taking actions which cause the most HARM to their people. Watch videos and read what the NWO/WEF/Globalists GOALS are. Bringing down every single 1st World Country by CRASHING their economies so they can MURDER the populous of the world….and ENSLAVE the ones that are left!! They “want” those peasant numbers to be no more than 500,000 for the entire planet! They say that is all they NEED for slaves. Insane right?

Watch this video by Stanley Johnson, father of Boris. He says the UK WILL be better WHEN it has a population of 10-12 million (currently 65).
21.04.22 09:56

Total losses of Russian Federation since beginning of war - about 21 thousand people, 172 aircraft, 151 helicopters, 829 tanks and 2,118 armored vehicles. PHOTO

Russian troops who invaded the territory of Ukraine continue to suffer losses. As of the morning of April 21, the loss of enemy personnel amounted to about 21 thousand people.
According to Censor.NEТ with reference to the press service of the General Staff of the Armed Forces.
As noted, the total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 21.04 are approximately:
personnel - about 21,000 people were eliminated,
tanks - 829 units,
armored combat vehicles - 2118 units,
artillery systems - 393 units,
MLRS - 136 units,
AAWS - 67 units,
aircraft - 172 units,
helicopters - 151 units,
vehicles - 1508 units,
ships / boats - 8 units,
fuel tanks - 76,
UAV operational and tactical level - 166.
Special equipment - 27.
SRBM systems - 4.
Let me get this straight...
A Russian Jew (Zelenskyy), who once played the Ukrainian President on TV, got elected President of Ukraine apparently based on that qualification alone. He is all in with wokeism and the New World Order and subjugating Ukraine to the far left globalist EU leadership. He is closely allied with a self professed Neo-Nazi paramilitary militia (Azov battalion) who are ultra right wing NATIONALISTS and they are supposedly working for the same goals?
When trying to process this mentally, my critical though processes just go off into the weeds and I cannot get them all synchronized without developing a massive case of cognitive dissonance.
It's all just "Theater of the Absurd." The only way I can resolve this is by believing this is all just a crazy TV show and nothing is what it seems.
Agreed. The way the propaganda adds up, Zelensky should be dictating Russia's surrender terms.

“Propaganda tends to make the individual live in a separate world; he must not have outside points of reference.”

“Those who read the press of their group and listen to the radio of their group are constantly reinforced in their allegiance.”

That's why his posts are so long and include so many photos.
Agreed. The way the propaganda adds up, Zelensky should be dictating Russia's surrender terms.

“Propaganda tends to make the individual live in a separate world; he must not have outside points of reference.”

“Those who read the press of their group and listen to the radio of their group are constantly reinforced in their allegiance.”

That's why his posts are so long and include so many photos.
I'm not talking about Anaconda's posts. If you have a problem with his information, please give rebuttals with good sources because I'd REALLY like to know what the truth is. The problem is, I have no idea what a "good source" is anymore.
If half of the Ukrainian "reports" were true, Selensky should have already entered Moscow, right?
If this is not true, then why did the Russian geeks fled from the north of Ukraine, leaving many kilometers of columns of burnt and lost equipment, as well as the corpses of their soldiers on the roadsides and in ditches? Was that how it was planned? In particular, it was planned to leave working armored vehicles that ran out of fuel for the Ukrainian army, and the bodies of their dead soldiers to be fed to foxes and dogs?
That's why his posts are so long and include so many photos.
Sorry, but we live in a time of high technology and every soldier has a smartphone in his pocket, and therefore there is nothing surprising in the huge number of videos and photos that get into the network.

Looks like a lovely guy, nice tattoos, exactly the sort you would want high up in your police force.
If this is so, then why is he convulsively shaking, clutching the table with both hands, and the speaker, who announced such good news, lowered his head guiltily ???

This post won't age well but at least you get your two Ukrainian Hryvnia for each propaganda filled post.
Even a snake needs to eat.
You need to get up off of your belly and then go and fight the Russians.
Summer killing camps for kids sounds familiar. The date of 2014 keeps coming up despite the "snake" denial.
I quote from the link:
n a 2022 news report, the Washington Post painted a picture of a group aware of its origins, and still with a far-right adherent commander and some extremist members, but much changed from its origins. Many recruits joining the battalion are well aware of its Nazi past, but join up despite its history for various reasons, including Azov's positive reputation for training new recruits. While extremist elements remain, it is less driven by ideology than it was at its formation, and the chief motivation now is patriotism, and anger at Russian provocations and the attack on Ukraine. People come from all over the world driven by outrage against Putin, and not because of a particular ideology. The report also pointed out that while Ukraine does have a far-right movement, it is much smaller than in some other European countries. Michael Colborne, the author of a book about Azov, wrote that he "wouldn't call [Azov] explicitly a neo-Nazi movement" although there are "clearly neo-Nazis within its ranks".[115]

P.S. For starters, at least read what you post...
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I know of almost no European country that has as many SS mercenaries under arms as Ukraine.
Until the war in Ukraine, ASOW was considered an extreme right-wing organization in all of Central Europe, and our media hardly ever wrote about ASOW because SS mercenaries are not written about in Europe.

The Pope has ASOW apparently a few weeks ago as a saint spoken and since then all our media write that ASOW has nothing to do with right-wing extremists but with righteous citizens, so quickly can change in Europe the opinion if Brussels wants it so.
I admit it won't be all Nazis in Azov, but there are still too many Nazis in there and your government has no control over those guys.

But you can be aware that if you are ever allowed into the EU, there will be no place for Azov in the EU, you will be even less free than you are now in your personal decision, you can ask the Poles.
I admit it won't be all Nazis in Azov
Some members of the Jewish community in Ukraine support and serve in the Azov Battalion. A 2018 BBC report gave the example of one of its most prominent members, co-founder Nathan Khazin, a leader of the "Jewish hundreds" during the 2013 Euromaidan protests in Kyiv.[117] Jewish-Ukrainian billionaire Igor Kolomoyskyi was the main source of Azov's funding before it was incorporated into the National Guard.[28][38]
21.04.22 18:50

Operational information of General Staff of Armed Forces of Ukraine regarding Russian invasion at 18:00 on April 21
The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has released operational information on the Russian invasion as of 18:00 on April 21.
As reported by Censor.NET, this is stated on Facebook page of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The statement said: "Fifty-seven days of heroic opposition of the Ukrainian people to the Russian military invasion continue.
The full-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine continues. The enemy continued offensive operations in the Eastern Operational Zone in order to establish full control over the territory of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. At the same time, missile and bomb strikes on military and civilian infrastructure throughout Ukraine continue.
In the Volyn, Polissya, and Siversky directions the enemy didn't take active actions, and no signs of the formation of offensive groups were found. There is a significant reduction in the intensity of the movement of columns of Russian military equipment on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. Some units of the Belarusian Armed Forces continue to carry out tasks to cover the Ukrainian-Belarusian border in Brest and Gomel regions.

The situation in Slobozhanshchyna has not changed significantly. The partial blockade of Kharkiv and the destruction of the city's infrastructure by artillery continue. In the temporarily occupied territory of the Kharkiv region, the occupying forces prohibit the movement of the local population towards the territory controlled by the Defense Forces of Ukraine, and the delivery of humanitarian aid from the Ukrainian side is blocked.
In the Donetsk and Tavriya directions, the enemy tried to take full control of Mariupol. He continued to carry out airstrikes and attempted assaults in the area of the seaport and the Azovstal plant.

In the temporarily occupied territory of the Kherson region, the self-proclaimed occupation authorities announced the mobilization of males. In addition, according to available information, a so-called "referendum" is planned for May 1 in the Russian-occupied part of the Kherson region. And in the period May 2-10 - "census". Locals are prohibited from moving between settlements.
The shelling of Mykolayiv continues in the South Bug direction, the enemy is trying to improve its tactical position and get closer to the city but has no success.

The enemy continues to suffer significant losses in personnel and military equipment. According to updated data, defenders of Ukraine, the commander of the First Motorized Rifle Regiment of the Second Motorized Rifle Division of the First Tank Army of the Western Military District, Lieutenant Colonel Denis Mezhuyev, was eliminated. Two members of the leadership of the same unit, Colonel Kharitonov and Lieutenant Colonel Smirnov, were also seriously injured and are being treated in Moscow.
In addition, the forced mobilization in the unrecognized territorial formations of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions significantly demoralizes the personnel of the occupying units. Unsatisfactory nutrition, low financial and material support of personnel who arrived to replenish regular units of the Russian Federation.
21.04.22 17:29

Biden on another $800 million aid package to Ukraine: hundreds of howitzers, ammunition, tactical drones

US President Joe Biden announced today a new package of military aid for Ukraine. The package size is $ 800 million.
As reported by Censor.NET with reference to the speech of the President of the United States.
"I am announcing another $ 800 million in additional military aid to Ukraine. It is heavy artillery, hundreds of howitzers, and hundreds of thousands of ammunition. There are also hundreds of tactical drones," he said.
The US President noted that these weapons will be effective in the plains of eastern and southern Ukraine. He stressed that he was proud of the courage of Ukrainian defenders.
Biden added that not all weapons transferred by the United States to Ukraine are reported.
In addition, the US President noted that Ukraine is receiving military aid at a record pace. He added that Washington wants to help Ukraine repel a new Russian offensive in Donbas.
I give links to daily videos and you reply with cut and pasted hollow words.

Anyone with an IQ higher than a slithering legless lizard can spend 15 minutes and do some tesearch.

Telegram : Intel Slava Z
Rumble : TellMeSweetLittleLies
Youtube : Patrick Lancaster
Hungary just voted in Orban in a huge landslide.
No present politician from Europe can say that they were voted in by such a landslide as my president here in Hungary and at the same time on the same day, voted at levels of over 90% to support the anti-pedophile and anti-sex schooling and grooming of children under penalty of 15 years in prison!!!!!!!!
21.04.22 06:15
Thanks to supply of spare parts, Ukraine has replenished its fleet with about 20 aircraft, - CNN

The Ukrainian Air Force has replenished its fleet with about two dozen aircraft, thanks to the provision of spare parts.
This was announced on Wednesday by a senior Pentagon official, Censor.NET reports with reference to CNN.
The official noted that the United States and other countries were working to "deliver spare parts for the planes to take off," without specifying which country handed them over.
As a result, Ukraine currently has more aircraft than three weeks ago, he added.
The day before, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said that Ukraine had received additional fighters. However, it was later clarified that it was not the supply of aircraft, but spare parts that made the existing aircraft usable.
At the same time, the official hinted that at least one country is considering providing Ukraine with aircraft.

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