Latest news on the war against Russia (official)

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So they have a superior military to the Russians, but don't make anything and demand free weapons from other nations...
MSM sources (which I always take with a grain of salt) say that the Russian flagship that sank Thursday was hit by two Ukrainian designed and built Neptune cruise missiles. So if that is true, then saying "they don't make anything" is not exactly true.

And Oh, by the way...
That Russian Flagship that was sunk? It was built in Ukraine.
16.04.22 19:16

Ukrainian soldiers liquidated General Frolov, Deputy Commander of 8th Russian Army. PHOTO

As a result of successful actions of Ukrainian soldiers, Major General Vladimir Frolov, Deputy Commander of the 8th Russian Army, was liquidated.
According to Censor.NЕТ, this was announced on Twitter by the officer of AFU Anatoliy Stefan.
He noted: "Major General Vladimir Frolov, Deputy Commander of the 8th Army. Already properly returned home. Glory to the Nation!"

Ukrainian soldiers liquidated General Frolov, Deputy Commander of 8th Russian Army 01
16.04.22 21:33

Ukrainian soldiers from "Corsar" destroyed 1 IFV and three "Tiger" armored vehicles. PHOTOS

In Kherson oblast, the 28th MBr's Сorsar ATGM system destroyed three Russian "Tigers" and one IFV-3, the rest of the enemy's infantry was also eliminated.
According to Censor.NЕТ, this is reported in the оfficial Facebook of the 28th separate mechanized brigade named after the Knights of the Winter Campaign.
The report notes: "While their armored vehicles were in flames, the crew was still trying to flee, but they had no chance of surviving. A convoy of Russian vehicles: one IFV-3 and three "Tiger" armored vehicles moved from the temporarily occupied village towards our troops. It was a breakthrough, a reconnaissance mission or they just lost their way - ours didn't investigate.
The servicemen let the Russians get closer, so close that at the most opportune moment they could fire a few accurate shots. And so, thanks to the deft hands of a junior sergeant and a senior soldier and the creation of domestic manufacturers "Corsar" - IFV and "Tigers" flashed four bright flames.
The remnants of the crew, who had survived the antitank missile attacks, still tried to escape from the burning equipment and started running straight away. But where could they run among the prairies of the Ukrainian south? except to meet the bullets of our defenders and certain death, because there is no other waiting for them here.

Ukrainian soldiers from Corsar destroyed 1 IFV and three Tiger armored vehicles 01
Ukrainian soldiers from Corsar destroyed 1 IFV and three Tiger armored vehicles 02
Ukrainian soldiers from Corsar destroyed 1 IFV and three Tiger armored vehicles 03
Ukrainian soldiers from Corsar destroyed 1 IFV and three Tiger armored vehicles 04
Ukrainian soldiers from Corsar destroyed 1 IFV and three Tiger armored vehicles 05
Ukrainian soldiers from Corsar destroyed 1 IFV and three Tiger armored vehicles 06

P.S. By the way: "Corsar" is also designed and produced in Ukraine...
Although it does not really matter, since Javelin and NLAW are supplied to Ukraine in sufficient quantities...
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17.04.22 07:21

Operational information as of 6:00 on April 17 on Russian invasion - General Staff

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has released operational information on the Russian invasion as of 6:00 on April 17.
As reported by Censor.NET, this is stated on Facebook of the General Staff of the Armed Forces.
Thus, the fifty-third day of the heroic opposition of the Ukrainian people to the Russian military invasion began.
The enemy continues to conduct full-scale armed aggression against our state.
"The movement of Russian units to the territory of Ukraine from the Kursk, Bryansk, and Voronezh regions continues. Units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation located on Ukrainian territory have significant problems with providing. At the same time, they were able to accumulate significant stocks of ammunition.
The dissatisfaction of personnel is growing in the units of the occupiers located on the line of direct contact, and the moral and psychological condition remains low.
It is noted that in the Volyn and Polissya areas the enemy didn't take active action. Certain units of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus continue to carry out tasks to cover the Ukrainian-Belarusian border in the Brest and Gomel regions.
In the Seversky direction, there is a possibility of missile strikes and artillery shelling from the territory of the Russian Federation on military and civilian infrastructure in the Chernihiv and Sumy regions.
There are no changes in the composition and position of the enemy forces in the Slobozhansky direction. The occupiers continue to partially block the city of Kharkiv and shell its residential areas.
In the Donetsk and Tavriya directions, the enemy continued to launch airstrikes on Mariupol. Conducted assault operations near the seaport.
Units of the 810th and 155th separate Marine brigades are being prepared for the landing naval operation. The information is currently being clarified.
In the South Bug direction, the enemy's main efforts are focused on maintaining their positions.
According to the information available in the unrecognized Transnistrian Moldavian Republic, with the participation of representatives of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the combat capability of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd separate motorized infantry brigades of the Transnistrian armed forces was tested. The inspected units are not ready for combat operations.
See more: Remains of column of 90th Panzer Division of occupiers, which was destroyed by Armed Forces in Chernihiv region. PHOTOS
"In the territories temporarily occupied by the occupiers, looting and violence by the Russian military against the civilian population continue. These actions are encouraged by their military command," the statement said.
Ten enemy attacks, fifteen tanks, twenty-four armored units, and ten vehicles, as well as three enemy artillery systems, have been repulsed in Donetsk and Luhansk regions over the past 24 hours.
Thirteen air targets have been hit by the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine the previous day: one plane, one helicopter, five drones, and six cruise missiles.

17.04.22 09:43

Total losses of Russian Federation since beginning of war - about 20.3 thousand people, 165 aircraft, 146 helicopters, 773 tanks and 2,002 armored vehicles. PHOTO

Russian troops who invaded the territory of Ukraine continue to suffer losses. As of the morning of April 17, the losses of enemy personnel amounted to about 20.3 thousand people.
As reported by Censor.NET with reference to the press center of the General Staff
As noted, the total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 17.04 were approximately:
personnel - about 20,300 people were eliminated,
tanks - 773 units,
armored combat vehicles - 2002 units,
artillery systems - 376 units,
multiple launch rocket systems - 127 units,
air defense systems - 66 units,
aircraft - 165 units,
helicopters - 146 units,
automotive equipment - 1471 units,
ships / boats - 8 units,
tanks with fuel and lubricants - 76,
unmanned aerial vehicles of the operational-tactical level - 148.
Special equipment - 27.
Launcher of the operational-tactical missile system - 4.
The data are being clarified.
Newest photo from 15 April 2022. Damaged Moskva.
18.04.22 10:50

Total losses of Russian Federation since beginning of war - about 20.6 thousand people, 167 aircraft, 147 helicopters, 790 tanks and 2,041 armored vehicles. PHOTO

Russian troops who invaded the territory of Ukraine continue to suffer losses. As of the morning of April 18, the losses of enemy personnel amounted to about 20.6 thousand people.
As reported by Censor.NET with reference to the press center of the General Staff
As noted, the total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 18.04 were approximately:
personnel - about 20,600 people were eliminated,
tanks - 790 units,
armored combat vehicles - 2041 units,
artillery systems - 381 units,
multiple launch rocket systems - 130 units,
air defense systems - 67 units,
aircraft - 167 units,
helicopters - 147 units,
automotive equipment - 1487 units,
ships / boats - 8 units,
tanks with fuel and lubricants - 76,
unmanned aerial vehicles of the operational-tactical level- 155.
Special equipment - 27.
Launcher of the operational-tactical missile system - 4.
18.04.22 12:28
Armed Forces liquidated commander of Russian 49th Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade. PHOTO

Units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine liquidated the commander of the 49th Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade, Colonel Ivan Grishin from Smolensk.
As reported by Censor.NET, this was announced on Facebook by the Department of Strategic Communications of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
"Ukrainian Safari 2.0" continues. Meet the "fresh" occupier of the Russian armed forces: "Commander of the 49th Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade, Colonel Ivan Grishin from Smolensk." He got lost in the "training" but returned home correctly. Earth to you concrete, creatures! ", - it is told in the message.
21:15 18.04.2022
Italian Parliament supports arms supplies to Ukraine almost unanimously

Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi has announced the unanimous support of the Italian parliament for the supply of weapons to Ukraine and the prospects of strengthening sanctions on Russia.

"The decision to send weapons was taken in parliament almost unanimously ... Sanctions are necessary to weaken the aggressor, but they cannot stop the troops in the short term. For that we need to help the Ukrainians directly, what we are doing. Not to do so would be tantamount to telling them to surrender, accept slavery and submission - this goes against our European values of solidarity. Instead, we want to let Ukrainians defend themselves," Draghi told Italy's Corriere della Sera.

The Italian prime minister called the Ukrainian resistance heroic and noted that "there is no sign that the Ukrainian people will put up with the Russian occupation."

At the same time, he noted that the position of all NATO allies is still to avoid direct European involvement in the war.

According to Draghi, he communicated with Russian President Vladimir Putin after the start of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, and when urged to discuss peace with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, he was told that "the time for that has not come yet. And after the murders in Bucha in Kyiv region, the Italian prime minister came to the conclusion that dialogue with the Russian head of state was useless. "I'm beginning to think that those who say: you have no use talking to them, you're only wasting time," he said.

The Prime Minister of Italy noted that the European Commission and all allies are convinced that the sanctions against Russia are effective.

"Europe buys more than half of Russia's gas exports. The European Union's market power over Moscow is a weapon to be used... Europe continues to finance Russia by buying oil and gas, including at a price that has nothing to do with production costs. Imposing a ceiling on the price of Russian gas, as proposed by Italy, is a way to strengthen sanctions while minimizing the costs to us who impose them," he said.

"We no longer want to depend on Russian gas, because economic dependence should not become political subordination. For this we need to diversify energy sources and find new suppliers ... Diversification is possible and feasible in a relatively short time, faster than we anticipated just a month ago," Draghi added.
Pass this around! Perhaps it will keep them from shooting up the Orthodox churches on the 23-24th.
Try to turn on the logic...
What is the purpose???? What effect should this cause????
Russia and at the moment EVERYONE hates it with fierce hatred ...

P.S. But the most interesting thing is that the author of this nonsense obviously does not know that at night there is a curfew in all settlements of Ukraine, and therefore there can be no accumulation of civilians at night in principle ....
Russia and at the moment EVERYONE hates it with fierce hatred ...

You yourself are consumed by hatred and hatred will eat your life one day.
Yes, it is not good that the Russians invaded Ukraine, I agree 100%, but your president is partly to blame, he had the choice between the Minsk 2 agreement and the trap Joe and the EU have set for you, which ends in total war.
Your president has chosen the Nazis and the total war, for this thousands of people of your nation will die and the infrastructure of your nation will be scrap, was it worth it????

Sorry I know you have honor, but you should weigh well whether it is worth the risk to provoke Russians or Americans, from the end we usually not much left except SORROW AND DEATH.
You yourself are consumed by hatred and hatred will eat your life one day.
Yes, it is not good that the Russians invaded Ukraine, I agree 100%, but your president is partly to blame, he had the choice between the Minsk 2 agreement and the trap Joe and the EU have set for you, which ends in total war.
Your president has chosen the Nazis and the total war, for this thousands of people of your nation will die and the infrastructure of your nation will be scrap, was it worth it????

Sorry I know you have honor, but you should weigh well whether it is worth the risk to provoke Russians or Americans, from the end we usually not much left except SORROW AND DEATH.
I will cheer you up. Our president had no choice. No one would give in and submit regardless of his decision....
You yourself are consumed by hatred and hatred will eat your life one day.
Yes, it is not good that the Russians invaded Ukraine, I agree 100%, but your president is partly to blame, he had the choice between the Minsk 2 agreement and the trap Joe and the EU have set for you, which ends in total war.
Your president has chosen the Nazis and the total war, for this thousands of people of your nation will die and the infrastructure of your nation will be scrap, was it worth it????

Sorry I know you have honor, but you should weigh well whether it is worth the risk to provoke Russians or Americans, from the end we usually not much left except SORROW AND DEATH.
on, 02/24/2022, I arrived at the office, equipped stores, put on combat ammunition, and I didn’t care what the president thought ...
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There is always a choice, but I can understand you, if your president had chosen differently, he would very certainly have been shot by his own people.

It's probably called suicidal desire if you want to be president or you never know if you'll live to see the next day.
There is always a choice, but I can understand you, if your president had chosen differently, he would very certainly have been shot by his own people.
The choice between freedom and slavery????
On the front section of my flak jacket and on the back of my helmet are US flags.
Do you really believe that I will accept slavery???
The choice between freedom and slavery????
On the front section of my flak jacket and on the back of my helmet are US flags.
Do you really believe that I will accept slavery???

On my shooting target is a picture of Grandpa Joe, and I also always hit.
I hope for you the Russians never hit you with your jacket, good luck further in your proxy war.
I hope for you the Russians never hit you with your jacket, good luck further in your proxy war.
On my shooting target is a picture of Grandpa Joe, and I also always hit.
I hope for you the Russians never hit you with your jacket, good luck further in your proxy war.
There are absolutely no options. At the moment, we have knocked them out. They will come again, we will fight ... NO options
The choice between freedom and slavery????
On the front section of my flak jacket and on the back of my helmet are US flags.
Do you really believe that I will accept slavery???

You won't accept slavery and your president wants EU membership for Ukraine?
Think about it.

I can understand your point of course, myself i'm living in an country which is since 731 years independent (more or less). We always fighted against intruders. I just will ask you to take care what's just propaganda and what's halfway true. The real truth is the first victim of an war anyway. And after the winner writes the history with his own truth.
20.04.22 10:33

Russian army continues to suffer significant losses of personnel in Ukraine

Russian troops who invaded the territory of Ukraine continue to suffer losses. As of the morning of April 20, the losses of enemy personnel amounted to about 20.9 thousand people.
This was reported by Censor.NET with reference to the press center of the General Staff of the Armed Forces.
As noted, the total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 20.04 are approximate:
personnel - about 20,900 people were eliminated,
tanks - 815 units,
armoured combat vehicles - 2087 units,
artillery systems - 391 units,
MLRS - 136 units,
air defense means - 67 units,
aircraft - 171 units,
helicopters - 150 units,
automotive equipment - 1504 units,
ships / boats - 8 units,
fuel tanks - 76,
UAV operational and tactical level - 165.
Special equipment - 27.
Army tactical missile system launchers - 4.
20.04.22 16:16

100 Quantix Recon drones donated to Ukraine, - Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense

The manufacturer of kamikaze drones "Switchblade" presented Ukraine with one hundred Quantix Recon drones.
According to Censor.NET with reference to the press service of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense
According to the company, 100 Quantix Recon UAVs will be provided independently of other company systems supplied to Ukraine by the US government. The drones donated to our state will be sent during the current week, followed by other deliveries.
The head and executive director of AeroVironment, Wahid Nawabi, introduced the UAV to the Ukrainian ambassador and military attache last week and said: "This donation will provide operators with a tool that can fly unnoticed by the enemy and unaffected by radio frequency jammers to conduct accurate and rapid reconnaissance of remote, inaccessible areas of the battlefield, which is changing dynamically."
According to him, the information obtained by Quantix Recon drones will allow planning operations in such a way as not to endanger the Ukrainian military.

"It is a great honor for AeroVironment to support the people of Ukraine," Nawabi said.
20.04.22 16:08

Germany promises training and services for Armed Forces

During her visit to Riga, German Foreign Minister Annalena Burbock said that in a situation where other countries provide Ukraine with artillery, Germany will be able to provide training and services to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
According to Censor.NET, this was reported by "Euro Integration" with reference to Spiegel.
Annalena Burbock called the supply of German armored vehicles to Ukraine in principle possible. According to her, "this is not a taboo", but in the short term, the Bundeswehr is unable to provide this type of equipment.
Burbock also noted that Berlin had decided not to disclose information about all the weapons it had delivered in support of Ukraine: "We delivered anti-tank missiles, Stingers and other things that were never talked about publicly so that these deliveries could take place quickly."

Asked whether Germany would send its Panzerhaubitze 2000 artillery system, which some experts say Ukraine needs to counterattack against Russian troops in the Donbas, the minister said Germany would help Ukrainian soldiers train and maintain better artillery systems available to Ukraine. from other allied countries or buy directly.
"If the partners supply artillery that we can no longer supply, we will help with training and maintenance," Burbock said.
According to her, Germany will also provide Ukraine with military assistance in the medium and long term in the fight against Russia. According to Burbock, it is not just an urgent need: "It is also about the next three months, but also about the next three years. And Germany will be able to do more here."

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