Latest news on the war against Russia (official)

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The future of the war in Ukraine

About further events in the Russian-Ukrainian war.
1. No negotiations are possible until Ukraine's victory at the front. If Putin wants to save his army, there is only one way, as near Kyiv - to quickly cease fire and flee.
2. The Ukrainian people will not stop until they destroy the Russian occupiers all over the country, including Donbass. Because our army will not slow down on the line of contact in Donbass on February 24.
3. The war will be long, because Russia has begun mobilization and still retains a great advantage in military equipment, tanks, artillery, aircraft, helicopters, missiles.
4. NATO countries are no longer mediators between Ukraine and Putin - the West has started its war with Putin, political, economic, informational activities, and military support for Ukraine. Therefore, Putin has no chance of even winning a military victory. Ukraine has a much greater resource for war from all over the West.
5. Ukraine has a great advantage in people and every day reduces the advantage of the enemy in technology. In this war of attrition, our advantage will increase. 6. In modern warfare, it is not the number of people and weapons that wins, but the ability to inflict significant losses on the enemy on a particular section of the front. Professionalism and combat effectiveness should be determined by maximizing enemy losses and minimizing one's own losses.
7. Ukraine will win, with great losses and destruction, but will destroy the Russian threat to Europe, and this will be one of the most significant events of the 21st century.

Operational information of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the Russian invasion as of 18:00 04/10/2022

"The 46th day of heroic opposition of the Ukrainian people to the Russian military invasion continues.
The Russian Federation continues a full-scale armed aggression against our state. The enemy is trying to complete preparations for an offensive operation in eastern Ukraine. Measures are being continued to regroup, build up the command and control system, and provide material and technical support to the enemy troops. The occupiers are moving battalion tactical groups from the Eastern and Central military districts to the border areas with Ukraine in the Belgorod, Voronezh and Kursk regions. There are no significant changes in the position and activity of the enemy troops in the Volyn, Polessky and Seversk directions. In the Slobozhansky direction, the invaders continue to partially block the city of Kharkov. They do not leave attempts to break through the defense of the Ukrainian troops in the area of the city of Izyum, they are reconnaissance of possible directions for further actions. It is not excluded that the enemy will build up efforts in the direction of Slavyansk, part of the forces - to Barvenkovo. There is a possibility of intensifying hostilities for the city of Kharkov. The enemy has a number of problems in the material and technical support of the grouping of forces in the Western Military District. This is the lack of spare parts, certain types of artillery ammunition, as well as the imperfection of the system for storing and supplying material and technical means. In the Donetsk and Tauride directions, the enemy is concentrating his main efforts on taking control of the settlements of Popasnaya, Rubizhnoye, Nizhnee, and Novobakhmutovka. The occupiers do not abandon their attempts to take the city of Mariupol under full control. In order to strengthen the air defense system in the Donetsk direction, the invaders moved a division of medium-range anti-aircraft missile systems S-350 Vityaz to the area of the city of Taganrog, Rostov region. To restore the losses of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, additional weapons and military equipment are being transferred to the territory of Ukraine from the Southern Military District. The enemy is expected to attempt to break through our defenses with the existing composition of troops and advance to the areas of the settlements of Severodonetsk, Popasnaya, Avdeevka and Kurakhovo. In the Yuzhnobuzhsky direction, the enemy tried to restore his position - to take up lost positions in the area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement of Osokorovka. Probably, the enemy will try to make an attempt to enter the administrative borders of the Kherson region. In the temporarily occupied territories, the occupying troops continue to restrict the rights and freedoms of Ukrainian citizens. Robberies and killings of civilians continue. The defense forces continue to hold certain lines, destroy the enemy and liberate Ukrainian lands from the invader.
We believe in the Armed Forces of Ukraine! Together we will win! Glory to Ukraine!" the message reads.
10.04.22 22:03
Lithuania organizes training of Ukrainian military

In the near future, military exercises for the Ukrainian military will be organized in Lithuania. This was announced by the commander of the Lithuanian army Valdemaras Rupshis "In order to achieve the maximum result, we will organize military exercises for the Ukrainian military here in Lithuania in the near future," he said. "We are ready to train their instructors to prepare them to work with the equipment that we control ourselves, with the military equipment, equipment or weapons that we have, this is the knowledge that is needed to manage operations in Ukraine," Rupshis added.

10.04.22 23:12
The Minister of Defense of Slovakia confirmed negotiations with Ukraine on the sale of self-propelled guns Zuzana

The Slovak government confirmed data on negotiations between Bratislava and Kiev on the sale of Zuzana 2 self-propelled artillery mounts. This was stated by the Minister of Defense of Slovakia Yaroslav Nad after publications in the media "I can confirm that we are in talks," the defense minister said during a televised debate. He did not disclose other details. Earlier, the Slovak media, citing their sources, reported that Ukraine was discussing the acquisition of 16 self-propelled guns.
11.04.22 06:53
Operational information as of 6:00 on April 11 on Russian invasion - General Staff

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has released operational information on the Russian invasion as of 6:00 on April 11.

As reported by Censor.NET, this is stated on Facebook of the General Staff of the Armed Forces.

Thus, the forty-seventh day of the heroic opposition of the Ukrainian people to the Russian military invasion began.

The full-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation against our State continues.

The enemy continues to create an offensive group of troops to act in the Slobozhansky direction. Probably in the coming days, the occupiers will try to resume the offensive.

In addition, the enemy continues to train and send personnel, weapons, and equipment to participate in hostilities in Ukraine.

Weapons and military equipment are being prepared at the permanent deployment point of the 60th separate motorized infantry brigade (Monastyryshche) of the 5th all-military army of the Eastern Military District. It is likely that these weapons will be moved to the temporarily occupied territory of the Donetsk region. Also, to recover the losses of the battalion tactical group from the 36th separate motorized infantry brigade (Borzya, Transbaikalia region) of the 29th All-Military Army of the Eastern Military District, recruits are being recruited from the brigade. The enemy feels a special problem when recruiting drivers and mechanics drivers. The departure of the selected personnel from the point of permanent deployment is scheduled for the second half of April this year.

In addition, the armed forces of the Russian Federation don't rule out provocative actions in the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova to accuse Ukraine of aggression against a neighboring state.

It is likely that the enemy, to disrupt the supply of goods to the sites of hostilities, will continue to strike at transport infrastructure facilities in Ukraine to destroy or disable them.

Certain units of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus continue to perform tasks to strengthen the protection of the Ukrainian-Belarusian border in the Brest and Gomel regions.

In the Slobozhansky direction, separate units of the 6th all-military Army and Coastal Troops of the Northern Fleet continue to partially blockade the city of Kharkiv, and artillery shelling certain areas of the city.

Aerial reconnaissance of the area is underway in the Izium direction to identify the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. To do this, the enemy uses a drone "Orlan-10".

With the help of two battalion tactical groups, the enemy tried to launch an offensive in the directions of the settlements of Dovgenke and Dmytrivka, was unsuccessful, and retreated to its former positions.

In the Donetsk direction, the enemy continues to focus on taking control of the settlements of Popasna, Rubizhne, Nyzhne, and Novobahmutivka, as well as establishing full control over the city of Mariupol.

The enemy tried to storm the Zolote area but was unsuccessful.

It is reported that in the city of Mariupol, with the support of artillery and aircraft, the occupiers continue to storm the areas of the Azovstal plant and the seaport.

The enemy carried out artillery shelling of the positions of our troops in the areas of the settlements of Vysokopillya, Trudolyubivka, and Maryanske.

Over the past 24hrs, the defenders of Ukraine have repulsed four enemy attacks in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, destroyed five tanks, eight armored units, six vehicles and eight enemy artillery systems.
11.04.22 09:22
A pile of mutilated bodies of the occupiers of the 1st BTGr of the 58th Army of the Southern Military District of the Russian Federation, who tried to storm the settlements of Donetsk region. PHOTO REPORT 18+

Defenders of Ukraine destroyed the occupiers of the 1st Battalion Tactical Group of the 70th Motorized Rifle Regiment of the 42nd Motorized Rifle Division of the 58th Army of the Southern Military District of the Russian Federation in an attempt to storm settlements in the Donetsk region.

This was reported by Censor.NET with reference to the press service of the General Staff of the Armed Forces.

"Meet: servicemen of the 1st Battalion Tactical Group of the 70th Motorized Rifle Regiment of the 42nd Motorized Rifle Division of the 58th Army of the Southern Military District. The location of this unit is the city of Shali," the statement said.

As noted, this pile of mutilated bodies is only part of a battalion tactical group that was destroyed by soldiers of the Defense Forces of Ukraine during the storming of a number of settlements in the Donetsk region.

The General Staff informs that the commander of the enemy BTGr together with his chief of staff were eliminated during the shelling of his BMP-3. Of all those in the car, only Sergeant Magomedov survived. Our soldiers found him burnt, taciturn and almost dead.

"It should be noted that the destroyed unit included many participants in the massacre of Syrian civilians. As it turned out, the experience of war with defenseless people did not help the Russians during the meeting with our defenders. After completing the tasks at the specified area, the soldiers of the Special Operations Forces began to perform new tasks, "the General Staff summed up.

Captive Russian occupiers admit that Russian army looters and kills peaceful Ukrainians

English translation in subtitles
11.04.22 09:39
Total losses of Russian Federation since beginning of war - about 19.5 thousand people, 154 aircraft, 137 helicopters, 725 tanks and 1,923 armored vehicles.

Russian troops who invaded the territory of Ukraine continue to suffer losses. As of the morning of April 11, the losses of enemy personnel amounted to about 19.5 thousand people.

This was reported by the General Staff of the Armed Forces

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 11.04 are approximately:

personnel - about 19,500 people,

tanks - 725 units,

armored combat vehicles - 1923 units,

artillery systems - 347 units,

multiple launch rocket systems - 111 units,

air defense systems - 55 units,

aircraft - 154 units,

helicopters - 137 units,

automotive equipment - 1387 units,

ships / boats - 7 units,

tanks with fuel and lubricants - 76,

unmanned aerial vehicles of the operational-tactical level- 112,

special equipment - 25,

launcher of the operational-tactical missile system - 4.
11.04.22 17:15

Armed Forces liquidated chief of intelligence of 49th all-military army of Russian Federation lieutenant colonel Savinov. PHOTO

The Ukrainian military has eliminated Russian Lt. Col. Vyacheslav Savinov, deputy chief of staff of the Missile and Artillery Division and chief of artillery intelligence of the 49th All-Russian Army.
As informed by Censor.NET with reference to Fakty.
Armed Forces liquidated chief of intelligence of 49th all-military army of Russian Federation lieutenant colonel Savinov 01
Information about the death of the occupier was confirmed in Russia by publishing a corresponding message on the website of the Regional Public Organization of Veterans and Alumni of the Kazan Higher School of Missile Troops and Artillery.
Armed Forces liquidated chief of intelligence of 49th all-military army of Russian Federation lieutenant colonel Savinov 02 Source:
11.04.22 15:24
Intelligence service published a list of Russian servicemen. DOCUMENT

The intelligence service of Ukraine has obtained a list of servicemen of the 234th Assault Regiment (military unit 74268) of Pskov, who took part in the genocide of the people of Ukraine in the Kyiv region!

This was reported by Ukrainian intelligence, informs Censor.NET.

In particular, we are talking about war criminals involved in crimes against the people of Ukraine in Borodyanka, Kyiv region - servicemen of the 234th Airborne Assault Regiment (military unit 74268) in Pskov. You can get acquainted with their names, homobistic data here.

"Garbage! Without honour, soul and conscience. Not all of you will go to court to appear before him. Intelligence service of Ukraine guarantees!"
AS far as I can tell, Ukraine has hit one oil refinery inside Russia with the remainder of the war being fought inside Ukraine. That kind of score card is not good for Ukraine. Add to this Der Fuehrer of Ukraine is willing to fight to the last Ukrainian civilian and the last Ukrainian soldier before giving Putin what he will give Putin in the end anyway. The Big Guy is doing absolutely nothing to try to stop this. Trump would have been there himself to mediate and this would have been brought to an end if it ever started at all. Now we have Sweden and Finland wanting to join NATO which opens up a new can of worms on several levels. And it can always get worse.
"The" column "of the parade" Kantemirov tank tank army of the Russian Federation is broken in the Kharkiv region. Two modern T-80s are captured in working order ", - Butusov. VIDEO Source:

English translation in subtitles
The Russian army of cowards, meeting with the Armed Forces is so fleeing that it leaves the whole equipment

English translation in subtitles

Jewelry work of the Armed Forces of Ukraine! Good hit on target: the result is pleasantly impressive. Good luck - we will win!
will give Putin in the end anyway. The Big Guy is doing absolutely nothing to try to stop this. Trump would have been there himself to mediate and this would have been brought to an end if it ever started at all. Now we have Sweden and Finland wanting to join NATO which opens up a new can of worms on several levels. And it can always get worse.
What do you know about Ukraine????
We will fight until we kill all Russian creatures...
We won’t be able to kill at home, we will kill on their territory by all means ...
Today, on the roof of almost every Ukrainian house, there is a Stinger MANPADS operator and about a dozen NLAV and JAVELIN...
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What do you know about Ukraine????
We will fight until we kill all Russian creatures...
We won’t be able to kill at home, we will kill on their territory by all means ...
Today, on the roof of almost every Ukrainian house, there is a Stinger MANPADS operator and about a dozen NLAV and JAVELIN...

I wish you and the Ukrainian people well but your leader is willing to sacrifice all of you for his ego. I don't care how many small arms you have, Ukraine just is not in the same league with the Russian military. It just depends on how brutal they want to get. New General from Syria is coming. He used thermobaric weapons to turn that country into gravel. The Russians used this weapon once in Ukraine to intimidate you only. No city can survive these fuel-air bombs. They will not fight you house to house as the Americans did in Iraq.

Dress Zelensky back up in military clothes and put him on the front line----no more talk. The REAL world is getting very sick of this A-hole.
IF true, this is concerning. Praying they are only going as far as the border. Anyway, Canadian Prepper is reporting he received intel from a guy in Latvia as well as a video of Russian troops heading to the border of Finland. The convoy includes advanced missile defense systems…possibly S400 Missile Defense System. 🤞 Hopefully, this is only a defensive measure by Russia and not the start of an offensive one.
IF true, this is concerning. Praying they are only going as far as the border. Anyway, Canadian Prepper is reporting he received intel from a guy in Latvia as well as a video of Russian troops heading to the border of Finland. The convoy includes advanced missile defense systems…possibly S400 Missile Defense System. 🤞 Hopefully, this is only a defensive measure by Russia and not the start of an offensive one.

Finland borders Russia and has openly requested to join NATO. I would be worried if I were in Finland.

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