Latest news on the war against Russia (official)

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There's too much coming from random sources. That means it's propaganda.

Few are reading these posts for facts.

Facts are hard to come by in a conflict.
Propaganda? What facts do you want to see? Are you not satisfied with photos and videos of columns of burned and captured military equipment, combined with the fact that most of this equipment is in service only with the Russian army? Are you not enough videos with prisoners who speak with an accent of different regions of Russia?
Same as this one...

Show us still the beginning of this video, he had a problem with his tank and the tank is already skidded before this scene.
Clearly this is NOT good what happened here, I do not think that the tank driver did this intentionally, who risks his military vehicle in the "enemy's country" to make a passenger car flat, it's just not worth it.

Among your "volunteers" are probably also various Ukrainian SS henchmen who terrorize their own population and are not a bit better than the Russians.
The Russians are doing a thing in Ukraine that I don't approve of either, but your Nazi units, and yes they are, are not one bit better than the Russians in my view.
Anaconda, the reason people are skeptical is because there is always a problem getting the whole truth in wartime. Every country on earth that has ever been at war has used propaganda during wartime.
There is a saying "The first casualty of war is truth."

The other problem we have - especially in Middle Europe - we're filled with lies the last two years completly during the most deadly viral epidemic in the history of mankind. If you hear to years so many lies - partly really stupid ones - and you hear 24/7 every other opinion is wrong or belongs to nazi socialist ideas then you loose the trust in every word the politicans or the media is telling you.
Propaganda? What facts do you want to see? Are you not satisfied with photos and videos of columns of burned and captured military equipment, combined with the fact that most of this equipment is in service only with the Russian army? Are you not enough videos with prisoners who speak with an accent of different regions of Russia?

I have a video game that produces similar images. Nobody has any idea where or when anything was recorded. Nobody has any idea who was responsible.
10.03.22 02:57
If the generators stop, you can start counting seven days, - the head of Energoatom Kotin about Chernobyl de-energization

Maintaining a sufficiently cold temperature in the cooling system of the spent nuclear fuel storage facility after the end of the fuel for diesel generators and in the absence of power supply "without serious consequences" can take about seven days. According to Censor.NET, the head of the state enterprise "Energoatom" Petro Kotin said this in an interview with "Economic Truth", which was published on March 9. "There are more than 20,000 spent fuel assemblies at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. This is all fuel shipped from the Chernobyl power units after they were shut down. They need constant cooling. The spent fuel is in the pool and cooled by water pumps. After that. "Hot water is cooled in a heat exchanger and fed back into the pool. This process must be continuous. If the pump loses power, the cooling process stops. The fuel cells will start to heat up," said Kotin. He stated that the situation is similar at the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant. See also Censor.NET: In order to restore the Chernobyl power supply, it is necessary for the occupiers to leave the territories where emergency recovery works will be carried out, Ukrenergo. VIDEO "There, the station is connected to the power system by four lines, and voltage is supplied through them. The station itself receives electricity through them, which cools the reactors. If these lines are damaged, the station will go into emergency blackout mode when there is no external power. In this case, they include diesel generators. The probability of a nuclear accident depends on whether you have enough of these generators to restore external power, "said the head of Energoatom. According to him, two of the four such lines at ZNPP have already been damaged by the occupiers. "If two more lines are damaged, it will be very close to disaster," Kotin added. Read on "Censor.NET": We have 48 hours to establish energy supply to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, - Acting director of the Seida nuclear power plant He was asked how much time there is to prevent the worst-case scenario at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The operation of the storage involves force majeure. Now everything will depend on the ambient temperature. It is quite cool now, in such conditions the cooling can work for about seven days without serious consequences. After that the water in the cooling system will gradually heat up and the temperature will rise. in general, it will reach critical values in seven days. Now diesel generators provide stable cooling. It will all depend on whether they have the fuel to continue to work and technical resources, "said Kotin. The head of Energoatom said that there should be enough fuel for 10 days, but this is a "general term": three days - for nuclear power units, another seven days - in addition to eliminate power outages. "Such generators work on ships for six months, but here they have a more powerful mode of operation, and no one knows how long they will work. Long-term operation of generators was not expected," said Kotin. He noted that it is impossible to predict how much time there is before the radiation enters the air. "I just described the physics of the process. When it heats up, then it will. At Chernobyl, the critical temperature can be reached in seven days if the generators stop working. But diesel generators are now operating normally and the threat is removed. If the generators stop, you can start counting seven days. However, if a power source is found during this period, the situation will be under control, "the head of Energoatom explained. To restore the standard power supply, it is necessary to agree on a "green corridor" - so that Ukrenergo employees can repair the damaged line and restore its work, Kotin added.
10.03.22 05:46
The IAEA has lost control of the Chernobyl and ZNPP nuclear material

Data from the safeguards systems in place to monitor nuclear material at the Chernobyl and Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plants have ceased to flow to the IAEA. According to Censor.NET with reference to Ukrinform, this was reported by the International Atomic Energy Agency on Twitter. "The IAEA has stopped receiving data from the safeguards systems in place to monitor nuclear material at the Chernobyl and Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plants," the statement said. IAEA Director-General Rafael Mariano Grossi has expressed concern over the sudden cessation of such data to IAEA headquarters in Vienna, one of the two facilities that store large amounts of nuclear material in the form of spent or fresh nuclear fuel and other types of nuclear material. As it is noted, the reason of failure in data transfer under guarantees could not be promptly established. At the same time, relevant data continue to be received from other nuclear facilities in Ukraine, in particular from three other nuclear power plants. "Remote transmission of IAEA equipment for safeguards located at nuclear facilities around the world is an important component of safeguards both in Ukraine and elsewhere. Such systems are installed at several facilities in Ukraine, including at all nuclear power plants. They allow us to monitor nuclear material and activities at these facilities without our inspectors, "said the CEO. According to him, despite the availability of technical means to ensure local data storage, there is uncertainty about the storage capacity and the working condition of monitoring systems. Through technical safeguards, the IAEA verifies that countries comply with their international legal obligations to use nuclear material and technology exclusively for peaceful purposes. With regard to the state of nuclear power plants operated in Ukraine, the regulatory body said that of the 15 power units located in the country, 8 continue to operate, including 2 at the Zaporozhye NPP. Radiation levels at the sites remain normal, Grossi said. The operator informed the IAEA that two power lines at ZNPP were damaged, now there are two power lines left at the station plus one in reserve. The operator also said that the needs of nuclear power plants in external energy supply can be met by having one power line. In addition, diesel generators are in working order and ready to provide backup power. "However, this is another example of how one of the security components was violated in order to ensure a reliable external power supply to all nuclear facilities from the grid," Grossi said. In addition, the regulator reported that the transformer of Unit 6 had been decommissioned and was undergoing emergency repairs after damage to its cooling system was discovered as a result of the March 4 events. "These recent developments have heightened the IAEA's growing concern about the impact of the conflict in Ukraine in terms of security, physical security and safeguards on the country's nuclear facilities," the IAEA said. It is noted that Grossi is going to Antalya on March 10 at the invitation of Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu. "At the meetings there, I hope to make progress on the urgent issue of security and physical security of Ukraine's nuclear facilities. We need to act immediately," he said.
10.03.22 08:51
The United States will supply Kyiv with more weapons every day: we are very impressed with the way Ukraine uses all this, - Queen

The United States wants to help Ukraine in any way it can, but it does not want it to expand, spread to NATO, and end in continental war. This was stated by Chargé d'Affaires of the United States in Ukraine Christina Quinn in an interview with RBC-Ukraine, Censor.NET reports. She agreed with the assessment that the active phase of the war in Ukraine could last for weeks or even months. "Ukraine is fighting very hard and, I would say, surprised Russia by how persistently and effectively it is fighting and fighting the advance of troops. And I think that may drag on, of course. No, ideally for Russia it would be to stop its aggression and But until I saw it, we did not see any movement in that direction, "she said. "I read the same reports as everyone else, and it really seems that the Russians have some problems. Honestly, I hope so. I hope so, and I hope that their problems will continue. In addition, I hope that the very effective use of Ukraine's defense weapons, the bravery of its troops, and, by the way, the bravery of the Territorial Defense Forces, which also protect Ukrainian cities, will continue. , and we are very impressed with how Ukraine uses all this, "Quinn added. "The United States supports Ukraine in its request for air defense systems and aircraft. Part of the problem is that the air defense systems and aircraft that Ukrainians can use are not American-made, but from the former Soviet era. That is, the United States cannot supply these things directly. So we are actively negotiating with NATO allies who could supply them, and as for Poland, for example, I know that Poland was worried that the United States might fill its fleet, and they also have concerns about their safety. We are actively trying to help other countries to supply the equipment that Ukraine needs and that Ukrainians are trained to use. I very much hope that these discussions can move forward quickly. I understand as much as you do that every day is important , in Washington, they also know it, "the diplomat explained. "We really, on the one hand, want to help Ukraine in any way we can. On the other hand, we don't want it to expand, spread to NATO and end in continental war. So we are trying to do everything in our power to Not when fueling or escalating tensions, but trying to de-escalate them, and so when it sometimes seems indecisive, I can understand Ukraine's frustration with that. We want to help Ukraine, and because we feel that the escalation of the situation will not ultimately help Ukraine, but will only harm even more countries in the region, and Ukraine will be at the epicenter of this, so Ukraine will not win and may even suffer more. if this whole fire breaks out, that's why we are trying to avoid escalation, "she said.
10.03.22 07:16
Kuleb and Lavrov will meet in Turkey today

For the first time since the beginning of Russia's war against Ukraine, negotiations between the two countries have reached the level of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs. Foreign Ministers Dmitry Kuleba and Sergei Lavrov will meet in Antalya, Turkey today. According to Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, a tripartite summit with Kuleba and Lavrov will be held in Antalya. The third will be the Turkish minister himself. According to him, Ukrainian and Russian colleagues wanted him to take part. "Our goal is to stop the conflict as soon as possible. We have made efforts to bring our Russian and Ukrainian interlocutors closer. Before the conflict, we maintained our contacts without interruption. After the war, we intensified this work," Cavusoglu said. According to Kuleba, the meeting with Lavrov will discuss the cessation of hostilities and the withdrawal of Russian armed forces from Ukraine. "We need to talk, because the war continues, it needs to be stopped. But talking does not mean giving up," he said, adding that he wanted to hear the arguments of the Russian Foreign Minister.
At the talks in Antalya, the Ukrainian side will make three demands: cease-fire liberation of the occupied territories addressing humanitarian issues At the same time, Kuleba understands that a breakthrough should not be expected from the meeting with Lavrov, but he intends to use this opportunity to the maximum. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan hopes that today's meeting will mark the beginning of a settlement, including a long-term silence. "Turkey's position as a key country capable of talking to both sides (Ukraine and Russia) is highly valued around the world," he said.
must have some heavy stuff down in Odessa - beat off another Russian invasion attempt - sunk a corvette - supposedly the one that first attacked Shark Island in the war beginning >>> not being able to take Odessa blocks Putin's next invasion of Moldova and into Romania and beyond .....
15.03.22 06:56
Operational information at 06:00 on March 15 on the Russian invasion - General Staff of the Armed Forces

The twentieth era of the heroic opposition of the Ukrainian people to the Russian military invasion began. This was reported by Censor.NET with reference to the General Staff of the Armed Forces It is noted that the state, position and nature of the actions of the defense forces without significant changes. "The Armed Forces of Ukraine are inflicting devastating blows on groups of troops and the rear infrastructure of the occupiers. During the past 24hrs, four helicopters, one plane and a fighter shot down an enemy cruise missile were hit by a group of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The groups of the occupying forces involved in the offensive did not have significant success in all areas of advance. The main efforts continue to be focused on maintaining the occupied borders. The enemy continues to launch missile and bomb strikes on critical infrastructure. Uses a network of health care facilities in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine to treat wounded personnel. Also, the invaders continue to insidiously use civilian infrastructure to equip firing positions, weapons and military equipment, the statement said. According to the available information, due to the inability to maintain the functioning of institutions and organizations to ensure the livelihood of settlements in the temporarily occupied territories of ORDLO, the occupiers are forced to suspend the mobilization of communal workers. "The morale of the enemy remains low, which leads to the refusal of servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces to carry out orders of the command. Also, according to available information, mobilized residents from the temporarily occupied territory of some areas of Luhansk region involved in hostilities on the territory of Ukraine ", - added in the General Staff. "The enemy is trying to capture Mariupol. Ukrainian soldiers have successfully repulsed the attacks of the invaders. The total loss of the enemy was about 150 people, 2 tanks, 7 infantry fighting vehicles and one armored personnel carrier. Artillery and aircraft inflicted fire damage on the accumulation of military equipment and enemy columns on the advance routes. According to the available information, as a result of the artillery fire, 12 units of motor vehicles were destroyed. The battalion also suffered tactical groups from the 336th Separate Marine Brigade and the 11th Separate Assault Brigade. No signs of preparation for a naval landing operation were found in the Black Sea and Azov operational zones. Let's win together! Glory to Ukraine! ", - summed up in the General Staff.
And then there's this:
So much propaganda. We must use our experience with human nature to ascertain what's going on.

Ukraine was being used as by the Communists/Nazis as a staging area, a biolab facility, and likely human trafficking.

Many of the children of USA Democrats were working for Ukraine companies. George Soros brags about having a hand in installing their government.

The left is losing its mind over Ukraine. Most of us fail to see its importance.

Left-wing "woke" companies are joining the left-wing NWO-run governments to punish Russia.

Seems to me, Russia is the lesser of two evils here.
I think the reason there is so much propaganda about Ukraine winning is to setup a false flag scenario if they need one.

They could detonate a nuke or use chemical weapons on their own people and blame it on the "losing" Russian army.

This would bring in the West/NATO.
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what's really scaring Putin is that he can't even win the war he was supposed to blow thru in a few days >> the REAL WAR starts when the people begin the guerilla war against the occupiers - the Muslims forced the Russians out of Afghanistan after the US supplied a few helicopter killers >> NATO countries supplied 17K anti-armor weapons as a beginning welcome to the Russians ......
The only i have found in english.
Poland demanding the NATO for an "peacekeeping" Mission in the Ukraine. If this happens then the WW3 definitfely started.

the Poles will have to be forced up against the wall again to admit their constant crap is nothing but blustering PR to make themselves look good - all bologna and nothing behind it ....

did the same thing with the fighter planes - got forced into a corner and they started in with spitting & sputtering
what's really scaring Putin is that he can't even win the war he was supposed to blow thru in a few days

Anyone who believes that Ukraine is a force to be reckoned with is drinking very strong Kool-Aid.

They make nothing. They invent nothing. They build no weapons. Their army is small and hardly equipped to fight a super-power. They've been begging other countries for guns, ammo, planes, and missile systems. They're even inviting foreigners to come fight with them.

If Russia wanted to flatten Ukraine, it would be flat. They are obviously trying to limit civilian damage.
Anyone who believes that Ukraine is a force to be reckoned with is drinking very strong Kool-Aid.

They make nothing. They invent nothing. They build no weapons. Their army is small and hardly equipped to fight a super-power. They've been begging other countries for guns, ammo, planes, and missile systems. They're even inviting foreigners to come fight with them.

If Russia wanted to flatten Ukraine, it would be flat. They are obviously trying to limit civilian damage.

sooooooooo - they deserve to be exterminated - genetically removed from the human race - culture destroyed >>> just slip in some ******* and Jew threats and you have a good ole' boy klan meeting ....

and your Putin idol invaded Ukraine hunting NAZIs >>> should have started in FL
Wow. Nothing like putting words into someone's mouth and then accusing them of having said them.

When someone jumps to an extreme it shows emotions are in charge. Not a good approach to this situation.

Also, when one cannot win an argument, it's common to "change the subject, or to make personal attacks".
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The propagandists keep the population in fear and panic -- this keeps people from thinking clearly and putting all the pieces together.

They lied about Trump colluding with Russia.
They lied about Trump's phone call with Zelensky.
They lied about the origin of Covid.
They lied about Hunter Biden's laptop.
They lied about the bio-labs in Ukraine.

These were all world-shaping events. They represent the last 4 years. They influenced elections, policies, and tax dollars.

Should we believe what they're telling us about Ukraine? If so, why?
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sooooooooo - they deserve to be exterminated - genetically removed from the human race - culture destroyed >>> just slip in some ******* and Jew threats and you have a good ole' boy klan meeting ....

and your Putin idol invaded Ukraine hunting NAZIs >>> should have started in FL
People from the European area who volunteer to play for a war adventure in Ukraine are sent on suicide missions in Ukraine.
This report and the statements of a man who volunteered in Ukraine to fight for Ukraine say a lot about what foreign fighters are needed for.

I think everyone who can still think clearly should be clear that war is not a game, and everyone should know that he is depending on the in a foreign country only burned, cannon fodder for nothing, and in the end no one says thank you when you lie somewhere shot on the field.
In short, a pointless job that usually ends deadly and is probably not paid, and the relatives will never get what.
What if Putin is doing more than one thing at a time? What if he is getting rid of old tech to make room for new, while also filling those old tanks and vehicles with soy boy half men woke types in Russia, while ALSO getting other countries to use up tons of money and weapons on them, while ALLLSO exposing their corruption? Some people can only think checkers, not chess.

The US military is filling up with soy boy half men, and feminazis too. They already pay for tranny surgeries for troops!!! It kind of doesn;t bother me since they will be going to war, instead of real men that we will need to overthrow the socialist/commie coup of the new "left". The pieces are falling into place.
Putin has not yet used the really modern weapons, and the nuclear weapons are still in their silos.
If Putin wanted things to go quickly, his long-range bombers and the like would have wiped out Ukraine in a week. But a lot of civilians would have died and I am glad that this did not happen.

Putin is a strategist, and the guy is too smart, especially he keeps an ace up his sleeve in case NATO has the idea to attack Russia, in which case the situation will be very quickly different and weapons will be used where probably some things are still unknown.
Personally, I hope that in Ukraine a solution will be found for all, especially that this war will stop and not be increased.

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