Found this today, a surprise actually, usually don't see it until march. Then i started seeing dozens of them, also a surprise.
Chimaphila maculata aka Pipsissewa, Spotted Wintergreen and Striped Wintergreen
An amazing plant!!! Also very powerful. It flushes and tones our entire lymphatic system and glands. And if that wasn't enough... it flushes and tones our urinary tract, great for kidneys and the bladder. Get kidneys working perfectly. It'll even reduce a swollen prostate, under certain conditions. It’s not for topical use. It contains tannin's that will raise a blister on your skin.
A very beneficial plant but hard to find. It’s quirky, likes old timber in general but will show up in odd places. Will put up a single stalk and have one small flower. I only see it in early spring, disappears in a few short weeks.
Remembered another use... 100yrs ago here in the south horses and mules were the only power on a farm. During spring plowing over worked horses and mules would be fed crossvine (an adaptogen) and wintergreen.
Crossvine worked on their adrenal glands giving them energy (one of several things). The wintergreen flushed the toxins from the lymphatic system and toned the kidneys. The horses recovered quickly and would be ready for work the next morning.
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