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Jun 16, 2021
Diablo Range of the Kommunist Republik
IJust to get any hatred out of the way. I live in the Kommunist Republik. I feel like I am on a red island in a blue sea being from back east. The only reason I am here is a woman.
We have a secluded 20A horse ranch in cattle country. Hot, dry, water and wildfire concerns.
With forward thinking, we have decided to purchase a 3 acre cute house and large workshop in a Rural Residential area 400 miles away. It had 85% of the infrastructure needed for our retired lives. Moving back closer to a town and trying to make it easier for either of us without the other.
2A for the ponies, 1 A for us to maintain. Cooler climate, not having to sunshade the garden, no water worries, lower wildfire risk, closer to towns were all factors
After a year of renting back to the former owner, I am starting outside work this month. Giving her more time for her house to be built, she is an asset against squatters to me.
Smoker/fire pit area, Garden shed and raised garden beds, dog runs. Rooms within the workshop for my wife’s cast iron restoration hobby and her new canning hobby and my preparedness room. Freeze dryer will be in the garage.
We have been preparing for a year. Smart buying at online auction sites @.25 on the $. Buying what we need now to do this before she retires and the income goes down. She will have a commercial grade room.
She is going to keep her License JIC, but no place in the area where she feels comfortable practicing at her level for support . So after 34 yrs she will retire to ride horses and hopefully redo all the cast iron she has bought

It’s a 1 1/2 to 2 yr plan now. I just got to build it. I am the bullwork guy.

I may be a prepper, but I am going to be building a homestead.
EasternerWesterner: no hate in the way from me to you. Welcome to the corn field. Settle in, some of us are serious, some of us try to be light hearted, some are grumpy, some very friendly and others are quiet. You sound like someone we could learn a lot from.
Looking forward to hearing from you more.
IJust to get any hatred out of the way. I live in the Kommunist Republik. I feel like I am on a red island in a blue sea being from back east. The only reason I am here is a woman.
We have a secluded 20A horse ranch in cattle country. Hot, dry, water and wildfire concerns.
With forward thinking, we have decided to purchase a 3 acre cute house and large workshop in a Rural Residential area 400 miles away. It had 85% of the infrastructure needed for our retired lives. Moving back closer to a town and trying to make it easier for either of us without the other.
2A for the ponies, 1 A for us to maintain. Cooler climate, not having to sunshade the garden, no water worries, lower wildfire risk, closer to towns were all factors
After a year of renting back to the former owner, I am starting outside work this month. Giving her more time for her house to be built, she is an asset against squatters to me.
Smoker/fire pit area, Garden shed and raised garden beds, dog runs. Rooms within the workshop for my wife’s cast iron restoration hobby and her new canning hobby and my preparedness room. Freeze dryer will be in the garage.
We have been preparing for a year. Smart buying at online auction sites @.25 on the $. Buying what we need now to do this before she retires and the income goes down. She will have a commercial grade room.
She is going to keep her License JIC, but no place in the area where she feels comfortable practicing at her level for support . So after 34 yrs she will retire to ride horses and hopefully redo all the cast iron she has bought

It’s a 1 1/2 to 2 yr plan now. I just got to build it. I am the bullwork guy.

I may be a prepper, but I am going to be building a homestead.
Welcome from 'the real swamp'!
Anybody that dances with hurricanes is a prepper.
We have lots of preppers here too, you will fit right in. :huggs:
It goes hand-in-hand with homesteading.:thumbs:
IJust to get any hatred out of the way. I live in the Kommunist Republik. I feel like I am on a red island in a blue sea being from back east. The only reason I am here is a woman.
We have a secluded 20A horse ranch in cattle country. Hot, dry, water and wildfire concerns.
With forward thinking, we have decided to purchase a 3 acre cute house and large workshop in a Rural Residential area 400 miles away. It had 85% of the infrastructure needed for our retired lives. Moving back closer to a town and trying to make it easier for either of us without the other.
2A for the ponies, 1 A for us to maintain. Cooler climate, not having to sunshade the garden, no water worries, lower wildfire risk, closer to towns were all factors
After a year of renting back to the former owner, I am starting outside work this month. Giving her more time for her house to be built, she is an asset against squatters to me.
Smoker/fire pit area, Garden shed and raised garden beds, dog runs. Rooms within the workshop for my wife’s cast iron restoration hobby and her new canning hobby and my preparedness room. Freeze dryer will be in the garage.
We have been preparing for a year. Smart buying at online auction sites @.25 on the $. Buying what we need now to do this before she retires and the income goes down. She will have a commercial grade room.
She is going to keep her License JIC, but no place in the area where she feels comfortable practicing at her level for support . So after 34 yrs she will retire to ride horses and hopefully redo all the cast iron she has bought

It’s a 1 1/2 to 2 yr plan now. I just got to build it. I am the bullwork guy.

I may be a prepper, but I am going to be building a homestead.
With all that as an intro: I can see you’re dedicated. :cool:

You’re definitely welcome here
EasternerWesterner: no hate in the way from me to you. Welcome to the corn field. Settle in, some of us are serious, some of us try to be light hearted, some are grumpy, some very friendly and others are quiet. You sound like someone we could learn a lot from.
Looking forward to hearing from you more.
Trust me, there is usually enough hate about the Kommunist Republik.

Usually not towards me, just the state.
Welcome from 'the real swamp'!
Anybody that dances with hurricanes is a prepper.
We have lots of preppers here too, you will fit right in. :huggs:
It goes hand-in-hand with homesteading.:thumbs:
I dance with fire. 4 Evac’s in 3 years
I dance with fire. 4 Evac’s in 3 years
Preparing and having a BOL ready is so important.
When we get an "evacuation-order" we have a secure place to go to that is out of 'harms way'.
If the house floods or gets blown away, we will be elsewhere :thumbs:.
Preparing and having a BOL ready is so important.
When we get an "evacuation-order" we have a secure place to go to that is out of 'harms way'.
If the house floods or gets blown away, we will be elsewhere :thumbs:.
I hope when we sell this place, it pays off the new with a little extra for some BOL,
Unfortunately there was a rare wildfire last year where the BOL would be.

I have new concern with Tsunamis.
It's about time you got over here!
You should be able to log into your former account and have your old post count back, then delete then new one.
Oh they did merge you. I was expecting an O avatar. Put a pic up. Will ya

I always said I was waiting to June 1.
I'm retired military.
I can't lift much at the moment.
Can't stand for long, or sit.
Cracked tailbones are not fun.
But laptop can go with me just about everywhere.
Now that I can see pretty good, I read alot.
Cracked tailbone is probably what I got when I was in college and fell down a set of stairs, concrete with steel pipe at the edge of the step. Thunked my tailbone several times going down the steps on my behind. I went to the school doctor, never got any diagnosis. I couldn't approach a chair and sit on it for weeks. I woke up in pain every night for a long time. I was probably 19 or 20 when that happened. I feel that injury every day of my life, and I can't stand in one spot for any length of time. Lifting any weight, or repeatedly will get me into trouble as well.
I can walk and I can sit!