New neighbors

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Finder of lost things AND The Boss
HCL Supporter
Apr 19, 2021
North central Texas
People bought the 50 acres behind me. Sold 20 to another neighbor. The 30 acres is long, entrance on another road. The previous owners were great neighbors for 33 years, mom and dad died and the sons sold it! Nice couple about 40ish, from the city. He does land clearing and needed a place out this way for his equipment, building an equipment barn near the entrance. They want to build a house about 400+ feet behind us😧! Will not build for a few years because of wood prices he said! We don't have any houses that we can see, will be a big change. The wife didn't seem too happy, didn't like the fact that there are wild animals in the country. Curious to see what unfolds. They bought mama donkey with the land, had to let them know that they have to provide food and water for her. Since there is no well on the back part of the property they will be paying me to keep her watered. Said they will get her some hay!! Should be interesting.......
They want to build a house about 400+ feet behind us😧! Will not build for a few years because of wood prices he said! We don't have any houses that we can see, will be a big change.
Sounds like it's time to start planting trees behind you so they have a few years to grow before the house goes in. I put in some blue spruce to block the view of the neighbors house.
Sounds like it's time to start planting trees behind you so they have a few years to grow before the house goes in. I put in some blue spruce to block the view of the neighbors house.
Already on that! Have several native cedars I've been growing back there. My donkey's pasture is back there, he likes the trees! There are cattle next to us, the wife asked me if the cows and donkeys stink!! I said they don't but their manure does!!😁
Yeah, plant them trees now. That was my first thought too.

Plant a double row of Carolina Sapphire evergreens, they fill out nice and are drought tolerant. Will help with sound some too. 3 to 5 foot a year growth rate. So in say 4 years you should have a nice barrier.
Just to add a little, there is a 40+ foot rocky climb out of the creek bottom on the road/drive going through the property. The creek becomes roaring rapids in heavy rain. Same creek has washed our road out many times over the years. I don't see the wife handling that one. I hauled the log splitter I bought out of there last month. 4WD, steady gas pedal, and a lot of praying the splitter made the climb. All went well!! Some places like that all the paving in the world can't help! They said they bought the place with a covid small business loan, don't think there will be a lot of immediate funds for improvements.
I would also say plant something tall and bushy. I know when we moved in, we had alot of "stop ins" to see what we were doing and who we were. I was asked a million times if we liked the country. And we have family here, but people worry if you fit in or not in a small community. They may not do anything at all if there's no well or electricity on their part of the property, that's pricey stuff. Not to mention building materials. They might just give you the donkey after awhile. And a creek that gets too full running across the property can be a big problem, too.
I would also say plant something tall and bushy. I know when we moved in, we had alot of "stop ins" to see what we were doing and who we were. I was asked a million times if we liked the country. And we have family here, but people worry if you fit in or not in a small community. They may not do anything at all if there's no well or electricity on their part of the property, that's pricey stuff. Not to mention building materials. They might just give you the donkey after awhile. And a creek that gets too full running across the property can be a big problem, too.
They said it would be 2-3years on the house. If they put up a metal equipment barn and spend enough time on the place I'm sure they'll figure it out. There is an efficiency cabin on the front of the property, electric, and a well. I hope they enjoy it and not make any big mistakes.
I thought it was interesting that in our land purchase docs we had to acknowledge and sign that we understand we were purchasing rural farmland and there was no complaining about noise or dust from farm machinery or operations. We said great where do we sign.
People bought the 50 acres behind me. Sold 20 to another neighbor. The 30 acres is long, entrance on another road. The previous owners were great neighbors for 33 years, mom and dad died and the sons sold it! Nice couple about 40ish, from the city. He does land clearing and needed a place out this way for his equipment, building an equipment barn near the entrance. They want to build a house about 400+ feet behind us😧! Will not build for a few years because of wood prices he said! We don't have any houses that we can see, will be a big change. The wife didn't seem too happy, didn't like the fact that there are wild animals in the country. Curious to see what unfolds. They bought mama donkey with the land, had to let them know that they have to provide food and water for her. Since there is no well on the back part of the property they will be paying me to keep her watered. Said they will get her some hay!! Should be interesting.......
I think you just bought a donkey. :p
I don't know what your situation is, but it might be worth a shot to ask them if they would be willing to sell part of the property closest to you to give you a buffer. You could let them know that you just want a buffer b/c you've lived there for so long and just appreciate nature. I don't know if that's a possibilty or not, but we did that years ago and it worked out for well for us. We still have neighbors, but they're not as close as they would have been.
I don't know what your situation is, but it might be worth a shot to ask them if they would be willing to sell part of the property closest to you to give you a buffer. You could let them know that you just want a buffer b/c you've lived there for so long and just appreciate nature. I don't know if that's a possibilty or not, but we did that years ago and it worked out for well for us. We still have neighbors, but they're not as close as they would have been.
Good idea, but they bought it through a business loan and paid a ridiculous amount of money. They can't build their personal home on it right away because of something with the loan. I'm sure they couldn't sell part of it either. I'm doing some homework on those small business covid loans to see what they can and can't do! They don't look like they could afford to have bought the land any other way. Will be interesting.....
Good idea, but they bought it through a business loan and paid a ridiculous amount of money. They can't build their personal home on it right away because of something with the loan. I'm sure they couldn't sell part of it either. I'm doing some homework on those small business covid loans to see what they can and can't do! They don't look like they could afford to have bought the land any other way. Will be interesting.....

A business loan usually means they will have some kind of business going on over there......depending on what type of business, there could be customers....increased traffic, noise, delivery trucks, maybe other types of trucks as well (semis??)........all kinds of non-country living activity. Next time you see them ask about this so called business venture. You may not be able to do anything about it, but atleast you could prepare yourself for whatever changes will be coming.......though you may be able to get with the other neighbors and petition the court, if their business would disrupt everyone elses lives or the environment or wildlife, or something.

I suppose you don't have those types of 'oversight' agencies in your area, but I think here they do have 'environmental impact' statements or some such thing if a proposed build or business would do any harm. Ateast in some areas.
A business loan usually means they will have some kind of business going on over there......depending on what type of business, there could be customers....increased traffic, noise, delivery trucks, maybe other types of trucks as well (semis??)........all kinds of non-country living activity. Next time you see them ask about this so called business venture. You may not be able to do anything about it, but atleast you could prepare yourself for whatever changes will be coming.......though you may be able to get with the other neighbors and petition the court, if their business would disrupt everyone elses lives or the environment or wildlife, or something.

I suppose you don't have those types of 'oversight' agencies in your area, but I think here they do have 'environmental impact' statements or some such thing if a proposed build or business would do any harm. Ateast in some areas.
On a different road near their front entrance will be an equipment barn. They do clearing for house pads. I think it's just a small family thing by what they said.
I thought it was interesting that in our land purchase docs we had to acknowledge and sign that we understand we were purchasing rural farmland and there was no complaining about noise or dust from farm machinery or operations. We said great where do we sign.

My town has a requirement that all realtors have to inform potential buyers that this is a right-to-farm community so there will be equipment, farm animals, smells, noise, etc. associated with that so if they don't like it, live elsewhere.

We have someone in town who would complain repeatedly (I don't know if she's stopped finally or moved) about the noise from the shooting range near her house. Everyone just laughed and pointed out that the range has been here since 1958 and she CHOSE to buy her house knowing full well it was nearby.
These poor people were told by the realtor that there was no wildlife in the area. They were surprised by how much the wild hogs tore things up. The realtor also told them the property taxes were 400$ a year. They are on the one room cabin by the front entry, will be well over 10,000$ with a business on it!! Ya gotta do your homework!!
Eons ago my parents bought a house that was advertised as "beautiful view of the mountains" which is was for a while. After a few years is was a beautiful view of the back of a Safeway grocery store. You could still see the mountains, but the view was reduced by half.

Pearl, you are so right. You have to do your homework.
I clean houses for a realtor, maybe 3-4 times a year. She said "as long as you don't "actually" lie you can say whatever to sell it. Like the taxes on the place behind me ARE 400$, for the cabin, all other details were left out! No wildlife in the "area" could be just where they were standing!! When the place went for sale I did THOROUGH homework on it, just out of curiosity! That's how I am!
Update!+ We met the "real" new neighbors!! We met the neighbor's business partner previously! Nice younger couple that own a pool design company!! City folk that want to live in the country. They have really gone over the land with a fine tooth comb and have some really good plans. The equipment barn and office are going up first near the front entry on another road, in a year or more. Not building their house for about five years, and not too close to us!! Building a bridge ($) over the big ravine. Getting cattle in September/October for tax exemption. Mama donkey will be happy. They offered me money for keeping a water trough for her and put a few round bales out!! Very nice people, hope it all works out!!
Update!+ We met the "real" new neighbors!! We met the neighbor's business partner previously! Nice younger couple that own a pool design company!! City folk that want to live in the country. They have really gone over the land with a fine tooth comb and have some really good plans. The equipment barn and office are going up first near the front entry on another road, in a year or more. Not building their house for about five years, and not too close to us!! Building a bridge ($) over the big ravine. Getting cattle in September/October for tax exemption. Mama donkey will be happy. They offered me money for keeping a water trough for her and put a few round bales out!! Very nice people, hope it all works out!!
They should be working on putting a well in there before everything else.
It is far more important than their 'pipe-dreams' (pun) of all the other stuff.
And wildlife is just a temporary problem. Hogs? You put out the "Free Ham" sign, and your neighbors will happily make them vanish! :oops: :thumbs:
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There is a well on the front of the property, Mama donkey is partially blind and won't go up there alone. Once they get cattle she'll go with them. There is a huge water trough up there with a float, the previous owners drained and cleaned it when they sold their cattle! There is a lot of woodsy area in-between the front and back that they plan on leaving natural. It was a nice relief talking to them yesterday!
There is a well on the front of the property, Mama donkey is partially blind and won't go up there alone. Once they get cattle she'll go with them. There is a huge water trough up there with a float, the previous owners drained and cleaned it when they sold their cattle! There is a lot of woodsy area in-between the front and back that they plan on leaving natural. It was a nice relief talking to them yesterday!

Sounds like they are nice people. I hope it stays that way. We have not had the best luck with neighbors.
I started this thread about the people who bought the 50 acres behind us. The front of the long narrow property is on another road. They do dirt work and built a large building up front to house their equipment. They are city folk, and made a lot of costly mistakes. They put the building where a large stock tank had been filled in, even though another neighbor told them about it. The slab has cracked and sunk. They also forgot to put the plumbing in for the office area🙄! Luckily they have put off building a house behind us for now! We also are getting new neighbors to our north, our property lines meet in the woods behind my house! On my way out this morning I stopped at the neighbors on the other side of them. The environmental officer was there, I know him and that neighbor so I stopped. The new neighbors called them in because they have some non running trucks in their front field, haha, totally legal. The new neighbor said he doesn't want his dogs getting into any leaking fluids from the trucks. They got the animal containment law explained to them!! The newbies also asked the environmental officer what can be done about the smell and noise from the horses across the road🙄🙄! I told him just wait until my donkey brays at 4am when I get up. Buddy always announces when I take Bear out of a morning. Buddy announced everything!!😃🙉