New neighbors

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Kinda the price you pay for moving into a NON-HOA, not Zoned village, and Not Zoned Township, Like Lori and moved into :D. Y'all want city rules, move into one.

I WISH I could sleep till 4 am :p. WHAT, COWS MOO and Donkeys Bray? No Doubt they Poop too :p
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May be a good time for a low ball offer on their place if they are driven to live in a motel. They may want to cut there losses and get out. Then turn around and sell it to someone who would appreciate the place.

Places are going high around here, we could never do it!!☹️ It will be interesting to see if they sell it soon!!
Places are going high around here, we could never do it!!☹️ It will be interesting to see if they sell it soon!!
Places are going high everywhere :(. We could not have moved at all without a paid off first home. Still not sure we should have, but the die is cast, and it is a very nice house :)

Now Lori's mom who told us we should move up every 4 or 5 years is still in the house from 30 years ago, with a reverse mortgage, and no hope of breaking even or even selling.
Got the scoop on the missing new neighbors!!🙄🙄🙄🤣 They had the sheriff's dept out talking with the neighbors on the other side of them. So nosy me stopped to talk with the other neighbors on my home. The new neighbors want the other neighbors to put up a privacy fence so they don't have to look at their old vehicles!! The other neighbors said no, put up your own fence. So the sheriff's officer had to make a wasted trip out to tell them they have to put up their own fence if they don't want to look at the old vehicles!🤪 And they stayed in a motel in town since last Friday because the guy across the road weaned calves and they couldn't sleep because of the cows mooing and some donkey honking at 4am!🤣🤣🤣 So that's all I know right now.....
Who'd a thunk it?
Got the scoop on the missing new neighbors!!🙄🙄🙄🤣 They had the sheriff's dept out talking with the neighbors on the other side of them. So nosy me stopped to talk with the other neighbors on my home. The new neighbors want the other neighbors to put up a privacy fence so they don't have to look at their old vehicles!! The other neighbors said no, put up your own fence. So the sheriff's officer had to make a wasted trip out to tell them they have to put up their own fence if they don't want to look at the old vehicles!🤪 And they stayed in a motel in town since last Friday because the guy across the road weaned calves and they couldn't sleep because of the cows mooing and some donkey honking at 4am!🤣🤣🤣 So that's all I know right now.....

Typical... city people want a place in the country... then try to change it into crap city they just left. Want the city life? Stay there and leave us country folk alone. At least half the ones here are gone in 5yrs. Takes them that long to figure out the country life isn't for them.
Where do those people get off telling others to build a fence because they don't like the view? They didn't see that before they bought the place? They sound like typical self-consumed A$$holes. They don't belong there, and I doubt they will last.
Already on that! Have several native cedars I've been growing back there. My donkey's pasture is back there, he likes the trees! There are cattle next to us, the wife asked me if the cows and donkeys stink!! I said they don't but their manure does!!😁
I've seen a lot of blue spruce here in Oregon, it's pretty much an ornamental grown tree and since they are in the edible tree family local wild life and tame animals would be prone to eat them, not to mention, like other spruce trees I've seen over the years, they often just up and die, that happened to a blue spruce that was in the courtyard of the local elementary school.
City slicker update 🙄, new neighbors to the north ( through the woods) are a couple in their 60's, married less than a year! HER daughter and the daughter's FOUR kids ages 3-13, no daddies around!☹️🤔 900 SQ ft house, one open room, kitchenette, one bathroom! Learned this from the guy across the road from them. They moved from Ft. Worth. I met the husband today😮, he and the 12 yr old boy parked their four wheeler in the bar ditch and we're throwing old wood (2×4's as nd such) into MY woods! I heard the four wheeler stop so I walked down to the road. Caught them by surprise and let the guy have it!! He made the kid pick up the wood and went home with his tail between his legs!! What in the heck was this dude thinking?!?! Can't post what I told him, but he will NOT be near my property again!
City slicker update 🙄, new neighbors to the north ( through the woods) are a couple in their 60's, married less than a year! HER daughter and the daughter's FOUR kids ages 3-13, no daddies around!☹️🤔 900 SQ ft house, one open room, kitchenette, one bathroom! Learned this from the guy across the road from them. They moved from Ft. Worth. I met the husband today😮, he and the 12 yr old boy parked their four wheeler in the bar ditch and we're throwing old wood (2×4's as nd such) into MY woods! I heard the four wheeler stop so I walked down to the road. Caught them by surprise and let the guy have it!! He made the kid pick up the wood and went home with his tail between his legs!! What in the heck was this dude thinking?!?! Can't post what I told him, but he will NOT be near my property again!
Did you tell him to kiss your grits?
For reals - sorry you didn’t get good neighbors. Maybe they’ll move or change their ways.
City slicker update 🙄, new neighbors to the north ( through the woods) are a couple in their 60's, married less than a year! HER daughter and the daughter's FOUR kids ages 3-13, no daddies around!☹️🤔 900 SQ ft house, one open room, kitchenette, one bathroom! Learned this from the guy across the road from them. They moved from Ft. Worth. I met the husband today😮, he and the 12 yr old boy parked their four wheeler in the bar ditch and we're throwing old wood (2×4's as nd such) into MY woods! I heard the four wheeler stop so I walked down to the road. Caught them by surprise and let the guy have it!! He made the kid pick up the wood and went home with his tail between his legs!! What in the heck was this dude thinking?!?! Can't post what I told him, but he will NOT be near my property again!
Thats unbelievable he'd pull that crap. Glad you busted him
Got the scoop on the missing new neighbors!!🙄🙄🙄🤣 They had the sheriff's dept out talking with the neighbors on the other side of them. So nosy me stopped to talk with the other neighbors on my home. The new neighbors want the other neighbors to put up a privacy fence so they don't have to look at their old vehicles!! The other neighbors said no, put up your own fence. So the sheriff's officer had to make a wasted trip out to tell them they have to put up their own fence if they don't want to look at the old vehicles!🤪 And they stayed in a motel in town since last Friday because the guy across the road weaned calves and they couldn't sleep because of the cows mooing and some donkey honking at 4am!🤣🤣🤣 So that's all I know right now.....
Wow! Can't see trashy yards when you're sleeping!

Places are going high everywhere :(. We could not have moved at all without a paid off first home. Still not sure we should have, but the die is cast, and it is a very nice house :)

Now Lori's mom who told us we should move up every 4 or 5 years is still in the house from 30 years ago, with a reverse mortgage, and no hope of breaking even or even selling.
I prefer having a paid off home instead of a reverse mortgage as well.

My neighbor did a reverse mortgage and spent it on getting his house remodeled, tuck pointed, repainted, and you name it done. Then after about 5 years, he decided he wanted to move to Puerto Rico. Well, it is not impossible to sell a home that has a reverse mortgage on it, but there is little profit to be made. I know of other people who have done the reverse mortgage so they could have some fun, like traveling to Europe and others.

And moving? I hate packing up, moving, and all the stuff that goes with it. There is nothing fun in that!
Wow! Can't see trashy yards when you're sleeping!

I prefer having a paid off home instead of a reverse mortgage as well.

My neighbor did a reverse mortgage and spent it on getting his house remodeled, tuck pointed, repainted, and you name it done. Then after about 5 years, he decided he wanted to move to Puerto Rico. Well, it is not impossible to sell a home that has a reverse mortgage on it, but there is little profit to be made. I know of other people who have done the reverse mortgage so they could have some fun, like traveling to Europe and others.

And moving? I hate packing up, moving, and all the stuff that goes with it. There is nothing fun in that!
Right now, I REALLLY hate moving :). We put on a new roof, and had a new front door and storm door installed. THEN, we find a house Lori LOVES. We have a "bridge loan", the bank holds title to both properties. When we sell here, it applies to the loan for the new house. The timing wasn't what I wanted, but when do plans go as expected. This new place is everything I wanted for retirement, its just earlier than I expected, because my body turned to (💩)(REDACTED) faster than I anticipated.

1 trash can at a time, it will happen :)
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City slicker update 🙄, new neighbors to the north ( through the woods) are a couple in their 60's, married less than a year! HER daughter and the daughter's FOUR kids ages 3-13, no daddies around!☹️🤔 900 SQ ft house, one open room, kitchenette, one bathroom! Learned this from the guy across the road from them. They moved from Ft. Worth. I met the husband today😮, he and the 12 yr old boy parked their four wheeler in the bar ditch and we're throwing old wood (2×4's as nd such) into MY woods! I heard the four wheeler stop so I walked down to the road. Caught them by surprise and let the guy have it!! He made the kid pick up the wood and went home with his tail between his legs!! What in the heck was this dude thinking?!?! Can't post what I told him, but he will NOT be near my property again!

City folk see vacant lots as dumps that no one cares about. Come to the country they see it the same way.

I purchased a wooded lot (I call it The Ridge) to preserve it in its natural state. People have dumped their debris just the road in the woods. Never caught them but it is annoying. Defiling the pristine nature.

I discovered a game camera strapped to a tree! I left a note stuffed inside the strap letting them know it was private property and they were trespassing. Included my phone number but I never got a call. The camera disappeared.

I do let people hunt on The Ridge but I ask for a share of the venison.

Some people!

City folk see vacant lots as dumps that no one cares about. Come to the country they see it the same way.
Now this is something that I really dislike, dumping trash by the side of the road or on someone else's land. I have known of two people who decided to do this but were not smart enough to not throw away stuff with their names on it. Both had police knock on their doors because of it.
We were driving to my favorite cousin's place for dinner one night, turned off to their road, and someone dropped an old couch on the corner. Couldn't believe it. Her son in law had to take the tractor over there and dispose of it. Some people. I don't care if some people are a mess on their own place, but not on ours. I am constantly after neighbor boy Levi when he comes over...the soda can left on the ground, wrappers, too. Their place looks like that, but not ours.
I am constantly after neighbor boy Levi when he comes over...the soda can left on the ground, wrappers, too. Their place looks like that, but not ours.
I see people walk by trash cans and drop their trash on the ground. There is one dog park where there are 3 trash cans outside the gate, within a few feet of each other, and then there is trash dropped on the ground, very close to them.

City folk see vacant lots as dumps that no one cares about. Come to the country they see it the same way.

I purchased a wooded lot (I call it The Ridge) to preserve it in its natural state. People have dumped their debris just the road in the woods. Never caught them but it is annoying. Defiling the pristine nature.

I discovered a game camera strapped to a tree! I left a note stuffed inside the strap letting them know it was private property and they were trespassing. Included my phone number but I never got a call. The camera disappeared.

I do let people hunt on The Ridge but I ask for a share of the venison.

Some people!

Our property lines meet in the woods, they own more of it than we do. He still had to go out of his way down the road to attempt to dump his wood!🤔
We were driving to my favorite cousin's place for dinner one night, turned off to their road, and someone dropped an old couch on the corner. Couldn't believe it. Her son in law had to take the tractor over there and dispose of it. Some people. I don't care if some people are a mess on their own place, but not on ours. I am constantly after neighbor boy Levi when he comes over...the soda can left on the ground, wrappers, too. Their place looks like that, but not ours.
Our county has disposal available. Most things, like his wood, small numbers of tires are free. Large furniture is $5, $20 for a trailer load. They started that when stopped allowing trash burning! I thought about sticking a copy of the county information in their mailbox!
The sad part is when the grandparents, kids and grandkids are all thinking something is OK. To me this is something to watch if things get worse as far as food and availability of store bought goods.........
The thing that bothered me the most is that he was teaching the boy that it's ok to do stuff like that!!
The thing that bothered me the most is that he was teaching the boy that it's ok to do stuff like that!!

Exactly!! What kind of example is he setting? Why didn't he dump it in his own woods? That is just incredibly rude! gaah
Met the new neighbor guy! Strolling through the woods looking for the property line!! Since he was on my side I took a big friend out to meet him (not Hubby)!😉 After he figured out I was probably not going to kill him, we actually had a nice talk. So they are from Ft. Worth, he is a hurricane insurance adjuster, on the road when he works. Been married less than a year and her daughter has FOUR kids (dads?)! The wife bought 3acres from him so her daughter can build a house for her and her kids, luckily next to the neighbors on the other side! He likes the woods and doesn't plan to fence it!👍 They are really struggling in many ways! He is not happy with the family situation, hope it improves with the second house. They didn't realize there was so much wildlife. Lost a small dog to coyotes, and one of the boys has a bad bite from a snapping turtle!! The wife won't come out of the house much because of the hogs!!😃😃😃 He admitted he doesn't know how to do anything but go to work! They are Trump people, so I will try to tolerate them!! I know I established myself as the crazy neighbor, so all might be ok. He did apologize for trying to dump the old wood on my property! So I'm calling it a step forward!😉
Yesterday afternoon the neighbor guy took his son, daughter in law, and two of his step grandkids on a tour of his property, and some of mine!😼 Thought I had that straighten out! They had the son's two dogs running loose with them, big no no! So I took my "friend" with me to lay down the law. I told the DIL to take the kids on, I needed to have a chat with the guys! The son left with her, sissy! I explained to him in not a nice way that trespassing in Texas is now a felony and they are on camera. Also let him know that loose dogs get one free pass for entering my property, then they never leave. I told him to call the sheriff's department to better understand the animal containment law, and trespassing law! Also let him know this was his third strike, I will not remind him again! We don't want a fence through the woods because of the deer. So we are going to drive t-posts about every 50ft and just run one strand of barbed wire about 3ft high. The deer can come and go easily and there will be no pretending to not know where the property line is!! I have very clear no trespassing signs, will have more up today!
Put up some boundary ribbon and a no trespassing sign every 100 feet and the call your BLM to register it as "posted".
I have 10 signs along the 565' of property!! I think barbed wire will say it clearly! The woods nearest the road is kept thick, all underbrush intact. These slicks are liking our firewood trails. Since there are kids involved I won't put hot fence or jaw traps!

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