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Before Putin would sabotage the energy network of the USA, he would sabotage that in Europe, but so far nothing has happened here.
I would rather assume that militant leftists and NGO-WEF members sabotage the power grid and the government then blames Russia for it, good example Nordstream 1 and 2.

Putin would of course also be to blame if Joe died today and went to hell with his friends Sadam and Gadaffi.
In Europe, Putin is already to blame for everything, whether he did it or not, Putin is also to blame for the inflation that the banks and the EU have given us.
Before Putin would sabotage the energy network of the USA, he would sabotage that in Europe, but so far nothing has happened here.
I would rather assume that militant leftists and NGO-WEF members sabotage the power grid and the government then blames Russia for it, good example Nordstream 1 and 2.

Putin would of course also be to blame if Joe died today and went to hell with his friends Sadam and Gadaffi.
In Europe, Putin is already to blame for everything, whether he did it or not, Putin is also to blame for the inflation that the banks and the EU have given us.

Our government prefers to blame "right wing extremists" per FBI warnings. People who are upset about drag queen shows in the schools etc. This view against anything on the right, jibes with the WEF agenda much more closely and is the prevailing propaganda that I have seen.
I also hate drag queen shows and LGBT crap, so I guess that makes me a right-wing extremist?

According to European law I am right-wing extremist, I am not vaccinated against Corona, do not trust my government in everything, do not trust the Ukrainian president, think that Putin is not to blame for everything and participate in this forum. If I stand before the judge, he will condemn me for all this as a citizen of the Reich and put me at least 20 years in prison while murderers in my country usually do not have to go to jail or at most 2 years get.

All in all, this system in which we live at the end, it is time if here times is cleaned up even if I can do without a nuclear strike.
This is a link to the information on my above post . I watched some of the video a second time . The power station attacks were in Tacoma Washington and the propane explosion in the country of Moraco .

We are in a proxy war and have been from the start.

I would venture to say that almost every war in modern history has been a proxy war to one extent or another, even our own Revolutionary war where you had the Hessians and the French involved, though, more actively. Proxy wars have been around as long as alliances and allegiances: it is expected.
Before Putin would sabotage the energy network of the USA, he would sabotage that in Europe, but so far nothing has happened here.
I believe there are NATO forces in Russia causing problems. It is not too far-fetched to believe that Russia is doing the same.

Why would they attack the US before Europe?

Because with the US out of the picture, Europe, with its decades of leftist, drastically reduced military spending, makes for easier pickings. Divide and conquer.

I still believe after they are done playing "patty cake" with all of these little annoyances, an EMP will be heading our way.

IF the US goes dark, you in Europe, know that it is about to get real over there.
We are in a proxy war and have been from the start.

I would venture to say that almost every war in modern history has been a proxy war to one extent or another, even our own Revolutionary war where you had the Hessians and the French involved, though, more actively. Proxy wars have been around as long as alliances and allegiances: it is expected.
Russia sees NATO more and more as a direct war party, and there could come answers from Russia in this regard that Demenz Joe and Europe will not like, the situation is very dangerous at the moment.
If someone other than Putin were in power in Russia, the probability would be very high that it would have already completely escalated, there are enough voices in Russia Putin on a blow against NATO urge.
I believe there are NATO forces in Russia causing problems. It is not too far-fetched to believe that Russia is doing the same.

Why would they attack the US before Europe?

Because with the US out of the picture, Europe, with its decades of leftist, drastically reduced military spending, makes for easier pickings. Divide and conquer.

I still believe after they are done playing "patty cake" with all of these little annoyances, an EMP will be heading our way.

IF the US goes dark, you in Europe, know that it is about to get real over there.
If Russia retaliates England, Poland and Romania are the first targets, then if Joe has any questions the USA is another target, I hope NOT that it ever gets that far.

The population always has to pay the most in the end.
If Russia retaliates England, Poland and Romania are the first targets, then if Joe has any questions the USA is another target, I hope NOT that it ever gets that far.

The population always has to pay the most in the end.

I disagree. At that point there would be no questions. It would go hot.

If it happens the other way around, Europe is much more likely to capitulate.

If Russia, with the support of China, can take out a “super power” in a matter of minutes, think what we could do to you…best just roll over for a tummy rub.

Go big or go home as the saying goes.
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Russia sees NATO more and more as a direct war party, and there could come answers from Russia in this regard that Demenz Joe and Europe will not like, the situation is very dangerous at the moment.
If someone other than Putin were in power in Russia, the probability would be very high that it would have already completely escalated, there are enough voices in Russia Putin on a blow against NATO urge.
Don't forget in this point the wonder boy holy Zelensky try since beginning in last February to drag Europe, USA and the whole NATO and everyone else who believe him into this war. And with the whole weapons delivery there almost involved - more as it's good for the future.
Plus those days the conflict between Serbia and Croatia starts to escalate, i think it's just a question of days. Between Greece and Turkey it dosn't look good neither - and at last but not least China gives as longer as more pressure to Taiwan.
The times of an peace are gone i'm affraid, especially as long there isn't anyone who wanna look for an diplomatic way to solve the problems. And an diplomatic way dosn't mean to take over automatically the demands from the USA, EU and Ukraine.
Don't forget in this point the wonder boy holy Zelensky try since beginning in last February to drag Europe, USA and the whole NATO and everyone else who believe him into this war. And with the whole weapons delivery there almost involved - more as it's good for the future.
Plus those days the conflict between Serbia and Croatia starts to escalate, i think it's just a question of days. Between Greece and Turkey it dosn't look good neither - and at last but not least China gives as longer as more pressure to Taiwan.
The times of an peace are gone i'm affraid, especially as long there isn't anyone who wanna look for an diplomatic way to solve the problems. And an diplomatic way dosn't mean to take over automatically the demands from the USA, EU and Ukraine.

Fill me in on the historic beefs between Greece and Turkey...not up on that one.

Oh, and don't forget about the conflict between Iran and Israel.
I disagree. At that point there would be no questions. It would go hot.

If it happens the other way around, Europe is much more likely to capitulate.
Europe will capitulate anyway if Russia strikes back, Europe has no more weapons and military material.
Europe has given everything that is still functional to Ukraine, the rest is defective and for that reason you could not give it away.

Read on the Internet how much of the German army is still functional, almost nothing, fighter jets, helicopters, tanks and weapon systems 95% on the ground because not operational. As for soldiers, they were also sorted out, soldiers without vaccination were discharged, soldiers with patriotic attitude were dismissed. A few of them are still serving somewhere outside Europe or were caught as volunteer SS mercenaries by the Russians in Ukraine or liquidated.
Fill me in on the historic beefs between Greece and Turkey...not up on that one.

Oh, and don't forget about the conflict between Iran and Israel.
The conflict between Turkey and Greece is an very long one, if i'm not completly wrong it started after WW1 already about those Island in front of the Turkey coast (they belong to Greece but are closer to Turkey) and then there's still Cyprus which is shared in an turkish and greece part. And with Erdogan there's an turkish president who wanna have those islands - and of course the oil and gas ressources in the mediteranian sea close to those islands.
The seriously interesting part is - both are NATO members.
Außerdem beginnt der Konflikt zwischen Serbien und Kroatien zu eskalieren, ich denke, es ist nur eine Frage von Tagen. Zwischen Griechenland und der Türkei sieht es auch nicht gut aus - und nicht zuletzt gibt China Taiwan noch mehr Druck nach.

You know that this statement is very dangerous in Europe, don't you?
The EU president said years ago that thanks to the EU there will never be war in Europe again and that Europe is a peace project and a model in everything.
Your statement can soon result in a prison sentence lead.😁

Irony aside, Europe will fall, fall very deeply, with or without war with Russia, the system here is dead, and the consequences will come and have already begun.
As far as the grid attacks- I don't know if it's Russia or WEF actors, bit I see this as no different from the burning of the food storage and processing facilities 6 months ago.

Like RC&D stated in the post about civil war, we have multiple bad actors, so who can say who's done what?
You know that this statement is very dangerous in Europe, don't you?
The EU president said years ago that thanks to the EU there will never be war in Europe again and that Europe is a peace project and a model in everything.
Your statement can soon result in a prison sentence because you do not believe the European government fulfills many criminal offenses. 😁

Irony aside, Europe will fall, fall very deeply, with or without war with Russia, the system here is dead, and the consequences will come and have already begun.
Can't decide to laugh or cry at that.
You know that this statement is very dangerous in Europe, don't you?
The EU president said years ago that thanks to the EU there will never be war in Europe again and that Europe is a peace project and a model in everything.
Your statement can soon result in a prison sentence because you do not believe the European government fulfills many criminal offenses. 😁

Irony aside, Europe will fall, fall very deeply, with or without war with Russia, the system here is dead, and the consequences will come and have already begun.
And i was wondering why this dark van parks in front of the house the last few weeks...
Wanna hear a scary story? This happened a while ago when I was active in the Tea Party movement here.

My kids were outside on what passes as our front lawn...still 1200 feet to the top of the drive. My oldest son (who eventually joined the USAF), came running in breathless and yelling.

"Mom! Mom! there is a big black helicopter just hovering over the front yard!" I turned off the stove, grabbed my sidearm and went outside. Nothing. No sound, no sight...

The kids said it was here and when my son ran inside, it went back over the mountain. I asked them if this was a joke but, I could tell from the terrified look on their faces it wasn't.

I suspect it was a large drone. Maybe Google Earth mapping what they couldn't from the road? To this day, I don't know.
Fill me in on the historic beefs between Greece and Turkey...not up on that one.

Oh, and don't forget about the conflict between Iran and Israel.
13th Century, Oghuz Turks migrated into Byzantine Greek controlled parts of Anatolia (Asia Minor), spent the next century establishing the Ottoman Empire, and then spend the next few centuries slowly conquering the rest of the Byzantine Empire (which was mainly populated by Greeks) city by city, and then conquered Greece itself. Greeks and Turks were at war for hundreds of years.

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It appears Putin has brought saboteurs onto United States soil . Multiple power grid stations have been attacked as well as propane storage tanks . This as United States citizens battle frigid sub-zero temperatures . World War 3 creep . -- source " Canadian Prepper " .
I would expect much more damage, and lasting disruption if Putin "has brought saboteurs onto United States soil" for such a purpose. Not arguing whether any of this is so or not, but trying to make sense of it. What is the purpose of starting with seemingly minor incidents to power stations here and there in the U.S.? Where the power as far as I know has been restored pretty quickly? I guess I would expect if Putin is behind anything of this nature that happens here, I would expect much bigger attention getter.
Wanna hear a scary story? This happened a while ago when I was active in the Tea Party movement here.

My kids were outside on what passes as our front lawn...still 1200 feet to the top of the drive. My oldest son (who eventually joined the USAF), came running in breathless and yelling.

"Mom! Mom! there is a big black helicopter just hovering over the front yard!" I turned off the stove, grabbed my sidearm and went outside. Nothing. No sound, no sight...

The kids said it was here and when my son ran inside, it went back over the mountain. I asked them if this was a joke but, I could tell from the terrified look on their faces it wasn't.

I suspect it was a large drone. Maybe Google Earth mapping what they couldn't from the road? To this day, I don't know.
Goggle earth is usually what satellites took picture of 18 months prior. I can tell by what vehicles and where they were parked
I can hear a chopper 2 miles away here. And usually investigate, to make sure it’s no a fire chopper. Much of the time it’s utility checking the lines down below my elevation.
Now the private planes buzzing around………some of then are a flight school-I hear them teaching stall recovery. Really disconcerting over your house.
Goggle earth is usually what satellites took picture of 18 months prior. I can tell by what vehicles and where they were parked
I can hear a chopper 2 miles away here. And usually investigate, to make sure it’s no a fire chopper. Much of the time it’s utility checking the lines down below my elevation.
Now the private planes buzzing around………some of then are a flight school-I hear them teaching stall recovery. Really disconcerting over your house.

They insisted that it was a helicopter, I would have heard the rotary blades beating wind, even in the house. We have a small private airstrip about three miles from here as the crow flies.

About six years ago a neighbor went looking for her dog and didn't come back and we had search and rescue choppers all over our property...heard those from a mile away. This one I heard nothing. The kids are all grown up now and still insist that they saw a black helicopter. IDK what it was.
Goggle earth is usually what satellites took picture of 18 months prior. I can tell by what vehicles and where they were parked
If only! LOL
Click on "Historical Imagery" in the View Menu, then zoom in on whatever area you are interested in. There is a slider at the top left that will show you the month and year when that was taken. You can slide it back to previous dates. The "current" Google Earth imagery at the BOL is seven years old.
Read on the Internet how much of the German army is still functional, almost nothing
German military has sadly stated that "so much materials have been sent into the Ukraine- that Germany would be forced TO SURRENDER AFTER TWO DAYS if Russia invades. They only have enough ammo and fuel to move and support their army FOR TWO DAYS- Hitler would roll over in hell if he could read the news now....
German military has sadly stated that "so much materials have been sent into the Ukraine- that Germany would be forced TO SURRENDER AFTER TWO DAYS if Russia invades. They only have enough ammo and fuel to move and support their army FOR TWO DAYS- Hitler would roll over in hell if he could read the news now....
It's interesting that they openly acknowledged that. There are probably plenty of spies with that information, but why tell the world?

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