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Call me a Putin lover, but as crazy as he is, I trust him more than Zelensky.
I know Ukrainians personally who left the area before this started. They were happy Putin invaded.

I don't think Putin has the plan to invade the whole world. Let's be realistic. He's had the country prepped for a nuclear war for decades and has kept relatively to his own corner of the world. Sure, he wants the Soviet Union restored, but that's not our business here in the US.

The US government's job is to protect the interests of US citizens. Backing the Ukraine as they have does not do that.

I don't see it as "stopping a bully." Kingdoms rise and fall. Our job isn't to orchestrate who takes power but to shore up our own defenses and work on trade relations with whomever is in power.

But that's just me being an isolationist, I suppose.

When Putin speaks of Russia being under threat from the Western Countries, he is NOT talking in a military sense. He is talking culturally. But, if he cannot win his culture war, he will militarize it.

He sees western culture, western values, as being a threat to the Slavic culture as a whole. THAT is what he means and that is why he will not stop with Ukraine. It is similar to the One China policy, whereby all Asians, Inuit and Polynesians should be ruled by China. All Arabs ruled by Iran…both of whom are on Russia’s friends list in this conflict.

There are globalists like the WEF and there are sub globalists who believe there should only be three or four spheres/lands of influence ruled over by one country each.

I talk to a lot of people I disagree with, many of them I consider friends because they are speaking honestly. The above was told to me by a Russian teacher-friend in Crimea. She kept asking me (because she knows I still practice much of my Slavic heritage) if I wanted to preserve it or let it die out? She said Putin, is trying to preserve it from the destructive forces of Western culture. That big T, Traditionalism is Alexander Dugin’s influence and it is taught in their schools.

It is a long term intellectual debate in Russia that started in academia and politics back in the 1800’s. Putin has come to embrace it.

This is a very enlightening article from The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (not exactly MSM) that puts Putin’s transformation from Liberal to Conservative Nationalist into timeline and explains his ideological transformation over the years.

Putin’s Ideology, In His Own Words
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When Putin speaks of Russia being under threat from the Western Countries, he is NOT talking in a military sense. He is talking culturally. But, if he cannot win his culture war, he will militarize it.

He sees western culture, western values, as being a threat to the Slavic culture as a whole. THAT is what he means and that is why he will not stop with Ukraine. It is similar to the One China policy, whereby all Asians, Inuit and Polynesians should be ruled by China. All Arabs ruled by Iran…both of whom are on Russia’s friends list in this conflict.

I talk to a lot of people I disagree with, many of them I consider friends because they are speaking honestly. The above was told to me by a Russian teacher-friend in Crimea. She kept asking me (because she knows I still practice much of my Slavic heritage) if I wanted to preserve it or let it die out? She said Putin, is trying to preserve it from the destructive forces of Western culture. That big T, Traditionalism is Alexander Dugin’s influence and it is taught in their schools.

It is a long term intellectual debate in Russia that started in academia and politics back in the 1800’s. Putin has come to embrace it.

This is a very enlightening article from The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (not exactly MSM) that puts Putin’s transformation from Liberal to Conservative Nationalist into timeline and explains his ideological transformation over the years.

Putin’s Ideology, In His Own Words
I think you misunderstand my point. It's not that I believe Putin is our ally or that I care what his personal beliefs are. My point was that our job is to shore up our own country for when the threat comes to us and to not act prematurely and on behalf of other countries which aren't our business.

For the time being, Zelensky poses more of an immediate threat to the safety of the US. If Putin lines everything up and believes he can take out the entire western world, what will make us more capable of fighting back, depleting our resources on fights that aren't ours, or focusing on our own country's health until then?
I think you misunderstand my point. It's not that I believe Putin is our ally or that I care what his personal beliefs are. My point was that our job is to shore up our own country for when the threat comes to us and to not act prematurely and on behalf of other countries which aren't our business.

For the time being, Zelensky poses more of an immediate threat to the safety of the US. If Putin lines everything up and believes he can take out the entire western world, what will make us more capable of fighting back, depleting our resources on fights that aren't ours, or focusing on our own country's health until then?

You are correct and I misunderstood.

Here is where that theory gets dicey...if your neighbor up the street is saying they want to blow your house up and they have the means to do so, do you try to remove that neighbor by putting him in jail before he does so? Do you simply get a better security system and wait to see if he follows through?

What if that threat was not made against you, but another neighbor? Would you do everything in your power to help them get the bad guy off the block? Perhaps you might offer to keep an eye on their property for anyone suspicious? Maybe you would still upgrade your security and give the neighbor your old one?

The neighbor making the threats finds out you are helping the threatened neighbor and says he is going to blow your house too and that of anyone in the neighborhood who is against what?

This could be applied to a SHTF scenario as well.

You hear of a gang of marauders that is headed towards your town. Their numbers are huge; they are well armed and well organized and have taken three other towns just up the road and are sending additional forces to raze the countryside outside of town.

Your town wants to organize for the fight.

Your position is at least as good as the marauders re: your own preparations.

Do you say sorry, no, gotta stay here and protect my place. Do you perhaps send one person from your group or more and some extra guns you have? Do you cook some food for the troops? Do you send medical supplies? There is no real right or easy answer. A win for the town might mean it, and the surrounding areas are left alone and the marauding forces are de-fanged.

I don't like that we are giving Ukraine money carte blanche but, Putin is very much in the wrong none-the-less.
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I personally don't think there will be a nuclear war any time soon, if ever. I've been hearing this BS ever since I was a young child. I think all this nuclear war talk has been more about keeping the population scared and to keep the tax money pouring in to the government and the military industry. A scared population is a controllable population, and is easier to steal more tax $$ from. Not to mention that it makes it easier for the population to give up more freedoms and liberties in the false promise of security and safety. And makes it easier to accept war as the answer.
I could be wrong, but I don't think it will happen.
I personally don't think there will be a nuclear war any time soon, if ever. I've been hearing this BS ever since I was a young child. I think all this nuclear war talk has been more about keeping the population scared and to keep the tax money pouring in to the government and the military industry. A scared population is a controllable population, and is easier to steal more tax $$ from. Not to mention that it makes it easier for the population to give up more freedoms and liberties in the false promise of security and safety. And makes it easier to accept war as the answer.
I could be wrong, but I don't think it will happen.

I DO however think that an EMP or cyber attack that goes after the electrical grid, oil production or some such, is highly likely.
When Putin speaks of Russia being under threat from the Western Countries, he is NOT talking in a military sense. He is talking culturally. But, if he cannot win his culture war, he will militarize it.

Putin may have his faults, but all in all it is not 100% true. Putin has opened Russia a lot towards Europe, more than his predecessor and alcoholic Yeltsin.

Putin has led the last 10 years intensive talks with Europe, it was above all that no NATO units directly before the Russian border, that is for him and Russia a red line as well as the U.S. probably also all in all not pleased if Russian bases on the U.S. external border would stand.
What has Europe and NATO done for 10 years, they have mocked Putin and have set your bases and military units even closer to Russia.
Since NATO is now actively involved in the war against Russia, Putin is now talking about a military threat, and you can see for yourself what consequences this has now, Russia is only waiting for a NATO attack on Russia, and then it cracks very quickly, that will have massive consequences.

As for Alexander Dugin, he plays a minor role, Klaus Schwab is against him a giant and before him you have to fear more.
When I see what is taught in our schools, we are absolutely no better than Russia, here children learn that there are 3 genders, that pictures or TV where only whites are racist, children should discourage parents from eating meat and should look that you no longer drive a car, then still Drac Queen visit the school and tell children stories.
More what is going on here???
Teachers of universities take your students on excursions to the highway and stick there with the students on the roadway, we pay taxes for it that can study and that we end up no longer come to work.
Europe is NOT better than Russia in terms of education, Europe teaches to actively destroy the democratic system from within.

Again back to Russia and Putin, what would the USA have done back then if Europe had given thousands of weapons and big guns to the Iraqis and Afghans in the Gulf War and Afghanistan War?
What would have happened if thousands of dead Americans had come back to the USA in bags?
If the USA would have tolerated that, I don't think so, in the end the USA would have flattened here at some point.

You NEVER win a war against a nuclear power and whoever thinks he can destroy Russia will get a war after which nothing is left, World War 2 will be a dirt against what happens then.
Putin may have his faults, but all in all it is not 100% true. Putin has opened Russia a lot towards Europe, more than his predecessor and alcoholic Yeltsin.

Putin has led the last 10 years intensive talks with Europe, it was above all that no NATO units directly before the Russian border, that is for him and Russia a red line as well as the U.S. probably also all in all not pleased if Russian bases on the U.S. external border would stand.
What has Europe and NATO done for 10 years, they have mocked Putin and have set your bases and military units even closer to Russia.
Since NATO is now actively involved in the war against Russia, Putin is now talking about a military threat, and you can see for yourself what consequences this has now, Russia is only waiting for a NATO attack on Russia, and then it cracks very quickly, that will have massive consequences.

As for Alexander Dugin, he plays a minor role, Klaus Schwab is against him a giant and before him you have to fear more.
When I see what is taught in our schools, we are absolutely no better than Russia, here children learn that there are 3 genders, that pictures or TV where only whites are racist, children should discourage parents from eating meat and should look that you no longer drive a car, then still Drac Queen visit the school and tell children stories.
More what is going on here???
Teachers of universities take your students on excursions to the highway and stick there with the students on the roadway, we pay taxes for it that can study and that we end up no longer come to work.
Europe is NOT better than Russia in terms of education, Europe teaches to actively destroy the democratic system from within.

Again back to Russia and Putin, what would the USA have done back then if Europe had given thousands of weapons and big guns to the Iraqis and Afghans in the Gulf War and Afghanistan War?
What would have happened if thousands of dead Americans had come back to the USA in bags?
If the USA would have tolerated that, I don't think so, in the end the USA would have flattened here at some point.

You NEVER win a war against a nuclear power and whoever thinks he can destroy Russia will get a war after which nothing is left, World War 2 will be a dirt against what happens then.

Before the Gulf wars and Afghanistan we talked to our European allies.....before. Had they not supported it, we would have had to take our lumps. Russia, I might add, did not exactly help matters in either of those theaters.

2,456 is the number of US soldiers killed in Afghanistan. They came home in flag draped coffins, not body bags though.

Dugin is known as "Putin's brain" for a reason. Putin routinely adopts the language of Dugin. For instance the word “Novorossiya” or "New Russia", Dugin says it and then Putin goes on to use it in public speeches.

If you had read Dugin (a self professed Neo-Nazi and Fascist), you would see much of Dugins thoughts and philosophies re-iterated nearly verbatim by Putin.

To say that he plays a "minor role" because he holds no official government position would be incorrect. Carl Marx held no role in Stalin's administration either, but, he played a significant role.

Just to note, the US is also a nuclear power and Putin appears, at least in rhetoric, to be pursuing a war with it as well. It takes two to tango.
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Many want Putin to be overthrown or assassinated, what happens then?
If either Medvedev or Kadyrov eventually becomes Russian president after that, everyone will want Putin back after a week.
Kyiv would be a desert within a few hours, be it a nuclear desert or a desert that had been shot up, that would be the reality.
I'm not a friend of Putin in everything, Russia has had more than one reason to fight back in large numbers, Russia has enough evidence that NATO soldiers are actively involved in Ukraine and operate Himar's guns.
We can be lucky every day it hasn't escalated fully, when it escalates fully it will spill over into the whole world and we'll all be screwed no matter which end of the ocean we live on.

Joe is also actively involved in the war, from my point of view he is even more dangerous than Putin because he no longer works in his brain and doesn't know what he's doing at the moment, it's no use inviting Zelensky and a few of his companions dressed in green and you too Patriot systems, and yes, Ukraine doesn't pay for it, we pay for it and in the end WE will pay for it with our lives.
It takes round table talks with all parties, but no one wants that, almost all Western countries only want one thing: destroy Russia and for that you will actively bring World War 3 to your homeland.
Many want Putin to be overthrown or assassinated, what happens then?
If either Medvedev or Kadyrov eventually becomes Russian president after that, everyone will want Putin back after a week.
Kyiv would be a desert within a few hours, be it a nuclear desert or a desert that had been shot up, that would be the reality.
I'm not a friend of Putin in everything, Russia has had more than one reason to fight back in large numbers, Russia has enough evidence that NATO soldiers are actively involved in Ukraine and operate Himar's guns.
We can be lucky every day it hasn't escalated fully, when it escalates fully it will spill over into the whole world and we'll all be screwed no matter which end of the ocean we live on.

Joe is also actively involved in the war, from my point of view he is even more dangerous than Putin because he no longer works in his brain and doesn't know what he's doing at the moment, it's no use inviting Zelensky and a few of his companions dressed in green and you too Patriot systems, and yes, Ukraine doesn't pay for it, we pay for it and in the end WE will pay for it with our lives.
It takes round table talks with all parties, but no one wants that, almost all Western countries only want one thing: destroy Russia and for that you will actively bring World War 3 to your homeland.

Perhaps then, if Putin had not sent military troops across the border into a Sovreign Nation, this all could have been avoided.

NATO puts weapons three countries away from Russia…so F*n what? Russia has ICBM silos closer than that to the border of Poland and has for decades. You don’t see NATO marching into Russia because Russia refuses to move them!

If that is what got Putin’s panties in a wad, then he is a hypocrite at best.

It is not what this is about. This is about Pan-Slavicism.
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You are correct and I misunderstood.

Here is where that theory gets dicey...if your neighbor up the street is saying they want to blow your house up and they have the means to do so, do you try to remove that neighbor by putting him in jail before he does so? Do you simply get a better security system and wait to see if he follows through?

What if that threat was not made against you, but another neighbor? Would you do everything in your power to help them get the bad guy off the block? Perhaps you might offer to keep an eye on their property for anyone suspicious? Maybe you would still upgrade your security and give the neighbor your old one?

The neighbor making the threats finds out you are helping the threatened neighbor and says he is going to blow your house too and that of anyone in the neighborhood who is against what?

This could be applied to a SHTF scenario as well.

You hear of a gang of marauders that is headed towards your town. Their numbers are huge; they are well armed and well organized and have taken three other towns just up the road and are sending additional forces to raze the countryside outside of town.

Your town wants to organize for the fight.

Your position is at least as good as the marauders re: your own preparations.

Do you say sorry, no, gotta stay here and protect my place. Do you perhaps send one person from your group or more and some extra guns you have? Do you cook some food for the troops? Do you send medical supplies? There is no real right or easy answer. A win for the town might mean it, and the surrounding areas are left alone and the marauding forces are de-fanged.

I don't like that we are giving Ukraine money carte blanche but, Putin is very much in the wrong none-the-less.
I do see what the thought is behind this reasoning, but I think Putin has been inconsistent with what he says and what he does. He talks a big talk on the international scale and there's no debate in my opinion that he has some crazy views and dreams. But he is smart and he has said multiple times that he understands the consequences of a nuclear war. He doesn't want to be the first to act on that scale but he will do so if he feels his power is threatened. He's intelligent. He knows world wide domination is unattainable.

The problem with us getting involved with the Ukraine issue is that is has a messy history between the two. As far as political history is concerned, the USSR was pretty recent and there has been a lot of threats to both countries from the other since. While Putin has staunchly held to the stance that he would only retaliate to other countries' involvement, Zelenksy has been parading around, whipping up furor and using any manipulation tactic he can to get others involved. I don't necessarily blame him in his position due to the size and lack of weaponry of the Ukraine, but I don't like the guy. He's has repeatedly done things that Russia has warned would lead to war even prior to the invasion (hosting NATO drills, among the most blatant). People often say that we owe it to the Ukraine because of the treaty, however they fail to recognize that the Ukraine staying out of NATO was also in the understanding.

The Biden admin and NATO are huge instigators to this because they knew the Ukraine would never be admitted to NATO yet allowed them to participate in activities while knowing Russia had warned they would take the Ukrainian participating as an act of war.

From the very beginning, the US/NATO have been handling this as if their goal is to provoke Russia into war.

So while I don't think Putin is a good guy, I also see where he's coming from. And if I were in his shoes, I would likely have done similar things. Same as Zelensky (all though with less flamboyance). I think the whole world is getting played by the globalists and, unfortunately, I think the US is the root of some of that.
Joe is also actively involved in the war, from my point of view he is even more dangerous than Putin because he no longer works in his brain and doesn't know what he's doing at the moment

This, my friend, is the real crux of the matter, isn't it?

I do believe with a decent president, this whole thing could have been dealt with diplomatically.
Perhaps then, if Putin had not sent military troops across the border into a Sovreign Nation, this all could have been avoided.

NATO puts weapons three countries away from Russia…so F*n what? Russia has ICBM silos closer than that to the border of Poland and has for decades. You don’t see NATO marching into Russia because Russia refuses to move them!

If that is what got Putin’s panties in a wad, then he is a hypocrite at best.

It is not what this is about. This is about Pan-Slavicism.
How many NATO Fritzen and material have been in Poland and Romania for years???
It's a discussion without end, Russia made mistakes, but the USA and Europe also pissed Russia off for years, it always takes two for a war.
Yup. And while I wouldn't go as far as "L'ennemi de Mon ennemi est mon ami," it's important to recognize that the American people are NOT on the same team as the American government. Essentially, we're caught between two factions that both want us dead.

And there's no chance I'm throwing my support behind anyone who wants me dead.

You are correct and I misunderstood.

Here is where that theory gets dicey...if your neighbor up the street is saying they want to blow your house up and they have the means to do so, do you try to remove that neighbor by putting him in jail before he does so? Do you simply get a better security system and wait to see if he follows through?

What if that threat was not made against you, but another neighbor? Would you do everything in your power to help them get the bad guy off the block? Perhaps you might offer to keep an eye on their property for anyone suspicious? Maybe you would still upgrade your security and give the neighbor your old one?

The neighbor making the threats finds out you are helping the threatened neighbor and says he is going to blow your house too and that of anyone in the neighborhood who is against what?

This could be applied to a SHTF scenario as well.

You hear of a gang of marauders that is headed towards your town. Their numbers are huge; they are well armed and well organized and have taken three other towns just up the road and are sending additional forces to raze the countryside outside of town.

Your town wants to organize for the fight.

Your position is at least as good as the marauders re: your own preparations.

Do you say sorry, no, gotta stay here and protect my place. Do you perhaps send one person from your group or more and some extra guns you have? Do you cook some food for the troops? Do you send medical supplies? There is no real right or easy answer. A win for the town might mean it, and the surrounding areas are left alone and the marauding forces are de-fanged.

I don't like that we are giving Ukraine money carte blanche but, Putin is very much in the wrong none-the-less.

Well that depends if the Mayor of that town was elected fraudulently, has hidden nefarious intentions to take us over or kill us, won't trade with us unless we get injected with his experimental bio weapon and is trying to secretly inject our kids with it while teaching them perversions.

Or is the Mayor a transnazi that commits genocide on others in the region and traffics children. Setups bio weapons labs, launders money for globalist criminals?
Well that depends if the Mayor of that town was elected fraudulently, has hidden nefarious intentions to take us over or kill us, won't trade with us unless we get injected with his experimental bio weapon and is trying to secretly inject our kids with it while teaching them perversions.

Or is the Mayor a transnazi that commits genocide on others in the region and traffics children. Setups bio weapons labs, launders money for globalist criminals?

What kind of town are you referring to? Because it matters.
How many NATO Fritzen and material have been in Poland and Romania for years???
It's a discussion without end, Russia made mistakes, but the USA and Europe also pissed Russia off for years, it always takes two for a war.

The NATO countries that participate in Nuclear Sharing are Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Turkey

The NATO countries that are involved in support operations are Czech Republic, Denmark, Greece, Hungary, Norway, Poland and Romania

There are no Nuclear weapons in the support countries
From the very beginning, the US/NATO have been handling this as if their goal is to provoke Russia into war.

Sometimes the line between deterrence and provoking are blurred. The way I see it, Putin was hell bent on going into Ukraine and there wasn't going to be anything we could have done to stop him.
Sometimes the line between deterrence and provoking are blurred. The way I see it, Putin was hell bent on going into Ukraine and there wasn't going to be anything we could have done to stop him.
When I say "provoke into war," I mean with the rest of the world, not the Ukraine. I agree that a Russia/Ukraine war was only a matter of time. Frankly, in surprised it has taken as long as it has.
but the USA and Europe also pissed Russia off for years, it always takes two for a war.

Just because someone pissed you off, does not give you the right to move into a third country, take their territory and start killing people.

South America has been pissing us off for generations by sending drugs, criminals and their poor from their massively corrupt country here. Doesn't give us any right to go into Canada (a third country) and start a war.
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I DO however think that an EMP or cyber attack that goes after the electrical grid, oil production or some such, is highly likely.
That I can see happening. I just don't see it happening any time soon though. I don't think anything serious will happen until the NWO and WEF'ers plans fall behind.
Just because someone pissed you off, does not give you the right to move into a third country, take their territory and start killing people.

South America has been pissing us off for generations by sending drugs, criminals and their poor from their massively corrupt country here. Doesn't give us any right to go into Canada (a third country) and start a war.
The good old US of A welcomes these SOBs with open arms...if we haven't been pissed off enough to do anything about it yet, you can certainly forget about it happening now...our government gives rats arse about any country but our own..the only thing our president cares about is inciting division and chaos among our own country...forget nuclear, emp, cyber attacks we (USA) are well on our way to being slowly destroyed financially, morally/ethically regardless if any of the above happens. The dog n pony show from Zelesnky last night was in my opinion humiliating...did you catch the ukranan flag being spread out by Pelosi and kamel toe? And the big smooch Pelosi dived in for? Disgusting! Sorry! I am not on board with any of that crap.
our own government is the snake oil salesman...otherwise that damn circus act by zelensky yesterday would have never have happened.
Comparing zelensky to Churchill, which is all over the news today??? 🤢
The good old US of A welcomes these SOBs with open arms...if we haven't been pissed off enough to do anything about it yet, you can certainly forget about it happening now...our government gives rats arse about any country but our own..the only thing our president cares about is inciting division and chaos among our own country...forget nuclear, emp, cyber attacks we (USA) are well on our way to being slowly destroyed financially, morally/ethically regardless if any of the above happens. The dog n pony show from Zelesnky last night was in my opinion humiliating...did you catch the ukranan flag being spread out by Pelosi and kamel toe? And the big smooch Pelosi dived in for? Disgusting! Sorry! I am not on board with any of that crap.
our own government is the snake oil salesman...otherwise that damn circus act by zelensky yesterday would have never have happened.
Comparing zelensky to Churchill, which is all over the news today??? 🤢

I don't have television so, I guess I should be glad I missed it! LOL.
Can't read a word of that PP! LoL

The headline reads: Nuclear and military assistance on the docket: Medvedev is in China on an emergency basis - He conveyed a "message" from the Kremlin - B. Putin: "We are fighting the whole of NATO"

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