The Ladies

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๐Ÿ˜ƒ She timed it right!!๐Ÿ˜‰ Y'all practically live together anyway, why not! On a practical note, if living together was going to ruin the relationship, why not find out early?!! Hubby and I moved in together a week after we met, nearly 33 years ago! I'm so excited for you guys!! Now chop chop, get to work cooking and cleaning, start earning your keep, lol!!๐Ÿ’—

Oh I will be earning my keep alright. ๐Ÿ˜ Her car needs washed. ๐Ÿ˜‰

That was my feeling too. Why not. Worst case scenario she throws me out and I have to figure something else out. I don't own any property anymore and I even donated my TV and microwave to the veterans place. I basically have the most well armed storage garage in state history with enough supplies to last one person for years and a few totes full of clothes and personal items. Besides, and again, I am perfectly fine with having a sugar mama. I just have to keep working out so she keeps me around into my 50's.
Dang Marsh. From man whore to attached and shackin up that quick. ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†
Congrats and enjoy

I thought things were going crazy fast until @Pearl said she made it a week before moving in, then I felt a lot better. ๐Ÿ™ƒ

Reality has yet to set in for me and I sort of feel like I am watching my life through someone else's eyes. At the same time I am not getting all those internal instinctual warnings to run into the mountains and hide. Maybe something happens at my age where they go dormant or maybe I am laying in a medical facility being fed through a tube and none of this is actually happening. Yep, that's probably it. NO ONE UNPLUG ME!
We were young, but why not jump in? We felt it was right! You both are at a wonderful age, not young and stupid, not old geezers! She is NOT looking to make another mistake! So I agree with bacpacker, congrats and enjoy!! Life will change as you both get older, things will change NOW because this is a different place in this relationship.... Just enjoy the new places the changes take you!๐Ÿ˜‰
We were young, but why not jump in? We felt it was right! You both are at a wonderful age, not young and stupid, not old geezers! She is NOT looking to make another mistake! So I agree with bacpacker, congrats and enjoy!! Life will change as you both get older, things will change NOW because this is a different place in this relationship.... Just enjoy the new places the changes take you!๐Ÿ˜‰

The lady was so happy yesterday when I said yes that she couldn't stop smiling or following me around the apartment. After we ate pizza someone called and during the conversation she said that I was moving in. They must have said something negative because she responded with a snappy "I don't give a **** if people think we're moving fast". I already knew she was feisty, but that was only like the 10th curse word I have ever heard her utter. When she got off the phone I didn't ask who called, I figured if she wanted me to know she would have told me. Instead she went right back to being smiley and doting on me. And no, I never made it back to the compound last night. I had to wait until she went to work this morning to head out.
So I just talked to the daughter who volunteered that the phone call yesterday was the lady's older sister, the one I just found out existed casually like 3 weeks ago. Fun stuff. Apparently she called the daughter today asking if she thought me moving in was a good idea, which I am confident will seriously ******** the lady. The daughter just said "Heck yeah, he makes awesome breakfasts" which lead to a whole new line of questioning which ended with "He's only slept over once when mom was out of town, but nothing happened". Of course she was referring to nothing happening with the stalker, but that's now how her auntie took it. ๐Ÿคฃ All this drama is probably a lot funnier to me than it is to the 3 ladies who share genetics.

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