The Ladies

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Handled GREATLY!! The ex wants to be in her head, he's not good enough to be there! Good words from your lawyer, her lawyer will handle it!! Dr. Dud will be once again out of her life after her lawyer takes care of this matter! Excellent save Marsh!

I asked if she would be okay if I had a chat with dingleberry the same way I had a chat with the stalker, she said no. 😒 I was really hoping she would say yes, but it would probably just make things worse in the long run.
Well that did not go according to plan.

I had it all mapped out. I would meet her for a lunch date at a swanky eatery I had already selected, a single wrapped pink rose in my hand, fully prepared to ooze all the charm and masculinity I could muster. I would remind her about the firm’s condo and how I accepted their terms almost exclusively just to be closer to her. Then, after convincing her not to return to her office for the remainder of the day, I would transport her to my new residence, collecting the keys en route, give her a tour and with any luck test out the quality of the queen sized bed. Yep, this was going to be one hell of a lunch date. Only it never happened. And what did happen was not fun or fanciful. It’s been quite the week so far.

After shadowing the daughter for much of the morning, I sent off a brief but happy text message making sure we were still on for lunch before I received an unhappy brief response that lunch was off, providing no real explanation or excuse. My counter text asking for more details was met with a sharp, almost rude “It just is”. As text messages often fail to properly convey tone and inflection, as well as genuine concern, I decided to just give the lady a call. I did not receive an inviting hello when she answered; instead I received a curt “What do you need?” I asked what was going on and why she couldn’t make our lunch date. Her retort was a sharp “It’s not always about you and what you want”. The tension was immediate and I could feel myself wanting to snap back, but I know better. Instead I said, “Whoa, slow down. What’s going on?” but she was not in the right head space. “I have a life outside of you and sometimes that part needs to be my priority”. There was a momentary silence before she added “Unless you need something else I have to go”. I replied “Hey, whatever’s going on maybe you need to take a deep cleansing breath and…” Before I finished she shot back “Maybe you need to stop being such an *******” which was followed by the electronic sounds produced when someone ends a call, a nice way of saying she hung up on me.

I thrive in conflict. Throwing insults, fist fights, fire fights, stand offs, ambushes, interrogations; all of it resides comfortably in my wheelhouse. This conflict however was new and unpleasant; I did not like it, not at all. I have had unpleasant encounters with women before, I just never cared before. I would just sit quietly as they ranted on until they exhausted themselves and inevitably walked away. And I was always glad to see them go. ‘Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out’ was usually the last thing I ever thought or said to them, what they said back usually involved 4 letter words. In this case however, I knew it was her ADHD going into over drive, I just didn’t know what instigated it. I wanted resolution and an immediate return to sweet looks, soft kisses and satisfying hugs. Perhaps the correct move was to just give her some space and let her work it out, whatever it was. But I was clearly told to ‘just hug her, reassure her, and not take it personally’ when she lashed out at me. As I was already not all that far from her office and knowing I can’t hug her or reassure her from here; I set out to do so in person.

While en route I stopped at a Mexican food truck and grabbed a 6-pack of her favorite crispy tacos, some chips and guacamole and two bottles of Dr. Pepper first placed in a paper sack placed then inside a plastic to-go bag. Lunch was still on, one way or another. From there I made my way to her office with expedience subconsciously using my offensive driving skills as I worked through tactical-thinking scenarios, working out how I would penetrate her perimeter and seize control of her office before embracing her, supportively interrogating her and ultimately winning over her heart and mind. Operation Hot Hygienist was a go and my one man team was about to put boots on the ground. This mission was critical and failure was not an option.

When I walked into the lobby I could sense the tension. The receptionist, a woman I did not recognize and the lady were all at the front desk and they all seemed to be focused on a stack of papers. When the lady looked up and saw me I could almost feel the flaming daggers fly through the air. Her defenses however failed to stop my advance, nothing was going to. When I reached the desk she started to say something that I did not even hear, I set the bag of food down and wrapped my arms around her tightly. There may have been some initial resistance but she quickly melted into me. I occupied her territory as we nonverbally negotiated terms for her surrender or possibly just mutual disarmament. I could feel her tears moistening my thin shirt. She pulled away just long enough to grab a tissue from the counter as I grabbed the bag of food. She took my hand and escorted me to her office where she got a second, even longer embrace.

After she removed the remaining tears she explained that mid-morning she was served with intent to sue papers by a rather rude process server who pretended to be a potential patient. Her ex and the **** apparently followed through on their threat. The papers included an order to preserve records and other demands. When the lady immediately called the law firm she used for both personal and business matters, she found out that her lawyer was out of the office for a few days but an associate was available to assist. The lady just hung up and started reading through all the papers until she received a text from her good looking boyfriend confirming their lunch date. That was some bad timing on my part, not that I could have known. We sat down in the chairs across from her desk; I took her hand and asked her to please hear me out. The first words out of my mouth were a bold and brash “**** them”, which got the corners of her mouth to curl upward for just a second. I continued in firm brutish confidence, “I mean it, **** them. We are not going to let that piece of **** or his **** steal a moment of our happiness. We will fight them tooth & nail and teach them not to poke a sleeping bear. We will not give them any power or control over us. We are going to keep on living our best life and refuse to shed another tear, lose a minutes sleep, or ruin a perfect lunch date because of their mental illness or financial problems.” She got up, sat on my lap and wrapped her arms around me. I made it clear she was not alone in this, not for a second, that she was one part of team “**** them” and together we would bloody some lips, bruise some egos and maybe crack an orbital socket or two. Even though she wasn’t speaking I could feel the stress monkey climbing off of her back. Since I was on fire and my adrenaline was flowing I decided to add “And just so you know, I am not going anywhere. Even if you try and push me away or call me an *******.” She kissed me on the lips and replied “Just hug me”. After a little bit she said “Thank you for being my rock, I told you I could be difficult.” Then she got up, smiled at me and uttered “You said ‘us’ and ‘we’ a lot in that diatribe” before adding “You’re kind of sexy when you’re pissed off.” I responded “I know a college aged stalker who would not agree with you”.

Our battle implements had not been put away; they were just combined and aimed at a mutual enemy, one with a tiny sword and his ugly shield maiden. After discussing it with the lady I called my attorney & employer through my contact, asking if he could just take a look at the papers and provide a quick assessment. The earnest woman just said “send them over”. They were scanned in and sent via the lady’s work email. Not even 30 minutes later my attorney called back personally, almost laughing on the phone. It seems the dentist had downgraded his legal counsel since the divorce and his new ambulance chaser was known in the legal community to be a crayon short of a fun pack and not very good at his job. In the words of my lawyer “I would be more worried about drowning in the desert than I would be about this pre-litigation notice or any actual lawsuit they file.” He then suggested the lady hold tight, without care or concern, until her attorney was back and available. Before long we were eating tacos and cracking jokes.

Mission accomplished. Terms of surrender accepted.

And now I just sit in this apartment until she gets off work.
I love it!
The lady is leaving early Friday morning for her conference and not returning until Sunday evening or Monday morning. Should give me ample time to get some work done at the compound and lots of stuff moved into storage. She seems to be dreading the time apart however and is providing me itinerary details so I know when she will be calling me. She was also having a hard time letting me go home tonight, so I just conceded and agreed to stay until morning. Which is okay because I have an early morning meeting anyway, a meeting I was going to push off until next week. I am not saying she is being needy, but I have been told she is going to miss me 12,834 times in the last few days, give or take a few thousand times.

I am a little concerned about the daughter being home alone all that time however and have friend zone coming over to hang out and accompany her to classes on Thurs/Fri. I am still tracking the creep and so far he is staying far away from the apartment and the coffee shop. I will continue to monitor his whereabouts throughout the week/weekend. I may also come to town Saturday to check on her.
The lady is leaving early Friday morning for her conference and not returning until Sunday evening or Monday morning. Should give me ample time to get some work done at the compound and lots of stuff moved into storage. She seems to be dreading the time apart however and is providing me itinerary details so I know when she will be calling me. She was also having a hard time letting me go home tonight, so I just conceded and agreed to stay until morning. Which is okay because I have an early morning meeting anyway, a meeting I was going to push off until next week. I am not saying she is being needy, but I have been told she is going to miss me 12,834 times in the last few days, give or take a few thousand times.

I am a little concerned about the daughter being home alone all that time however and have friend zone coming over to hang out and accompany her to classes on Thurs/Fri. I am still tracking the creep and so far he is staying far away from the apartment and the coffee shop. I will continue to monitor his whereabouts throughout the week/weekend. I may also come to town Saturday to check on her.
Remind her, dental spies may be at the conference! Like Dr. Dud's people! He is focused on her!!
Remind her, dental spies may be at the conference! Like Dr. Dud's people! He is focused on her!!

Very true, I will make that point. She knows the organizer and thumb-dick didn't register when the window closed a few weeks ago. Had he signed up to attend I don't think she would have gone or she would have hired me as a dental assistant and brought me with! I think it's good for her to get away for a few days and mingle with her dental friends.
The lady is leaving early Friday morning for her conference and not returning until Sunday evening or Monday morning. Should give me ample time to get some work done at the compound and lots of stuff moved into storage. She seems to be dreading the time apart however and is providing me itinerary details so I know when she will be calling me. She was also having a hard time letting me go home tonight, so I just conceded and agreed to stay until morning. Which is okay because I have an early morning meeting anyway, a meeting I was going to push off until next week. I am not saying she is being needy, but I have been told she is going to miss me 12,834 times in the last few days, give or take a few thousand times.

I am a little concerned about the daughter being home alone all that time however and have friend zone coming over to hang out and accompany her to classes on Thurs/Fri. I am still tracking the creep and so far he is staying far away from the apartment and the coffee shop. I will continue to monitor his whereabouts throughout the week/weekend. I may also come to town Saturday to check on her.
Be careful. I watch a lot of Dateline and those types of encounters can get volatile as they are filled with very strong, volcanic-like emotion and you don't want to end up on the wrong end of a gun. A family member was a death scene investigator and had to see some pretty horrid sights.
Be careful. I watch a lot of Dateline and those types of encounters can get volatile as they are filled with very strong, volcanic-like emotion and you don't want to end up on the wrong end of a gun. A family member was a death scene investigator and had to see some pretty horrid sights.

Thank you. Volatile situations are my happy place. Violence and I are old friends. That's not to say I don't follow the advice of Tsun Tsu: the supreme art of war is to subdue one's enemy without fighting and by breaking the enemies resistance.
Very true, I will make that point. She knows the organizer and thumb-dick didn't register when the window closed a few weeks ago. Had he signed up to attend I don't think she would have gone or she would have hired me as a dental assistant and brought me with! I think it's good for her to get away for a few days and mingle with her dental friends.
Just saying, you won't be there to help! Make sure she knows he could go to push her buttons
or bad mouth her!
Just saying, you won't be there to help! Make sure she knows he could go to push her buttons
or bad mouth her!

Worst case scenario I jump on Signal and find a brother in arms to swing over, snatch him up, chain him to an old pipe in some basement and eat an apple with a pocket knife while mumbling about the voices until I get there.

In other news, the woman who oversees my assignments, deposits my pay from the law firm and may end up as my landlord arranged for a face to face meeting this morning. I did not know what this meeting would entail as the KGB was more open and talkative than my contact was, I presumed it was about the condo. I just knew to be at the office at 9am sharp, to park in the back and use the employee entrance. Utterly immune to my sarcasm, snark, innuendos and my pretty face the handler wanted to discuss job assignments and relay that the “Firm” was pleased with my “performance and effectiveness” thus far and wanted to expand my employment opportunities. My “so you think I am doing a great job huh” crack just got me a brief stare before she looked back down at the pile of papers on the conference room table and continued. "Same rate and the same benefits offered prior, only now with double pay after 12 hours within a 24 hour period.” Which included liability insurance and they covered the withholdings. She continued by advising that the assignments would now include more unspecified tasks and escort duties. They also wanted exclusivity, as in no taking assignments from other potential employers without first clearing it through them. That also meant no contract security work in the US or other countries without first asking them for the go ahead or immediately ending my employment contract with them. And yes, there was an employment contract, a thick one. I didn’t think it would do much good to have my attorney review it since he was probably the person who wrote it. She handed me a copy in one of her tightly bound folders and told me to review it and get it back to her within 48 hours or the offer was null and void. That would require in house notaries as well.

On the ride home I called my direct contact at the global security corporation that has supplied much of the money in my bank account and who I just worked for just a couple months back. He started out with “I was just thinking I needed to call you”. I informed him that I was likely going to take on some local work and put contract work in my rearview mirror, for the time being anyway. He made a joke about my being long in the tooth and told me they were still looking for supervisory personnel, recruiters and instructors at various locations in the US and abroad and I could slide into any open slot with ease. He was compelling in his offer and talked about the money I would make and places I could live. I made it clear I was pretty set in my current location, but I would keep the option open if anything changed. He said he was sad to see me go but he would change my status from freelance to temporarily unavailable. “If your local thing doesn’t work out make sure I’m your first call” was the last thing he said to me, “Will do, thanks” was my reply. And with that our chat ended. I didn’t quit or retire, but I might as well have. Even if I called right back and said I changed my mind, getting them to offer me another freelance contract job after going to unavailable status would require some real effort, psych testing, a couple polygraphs and a fitness evaluation.

I made my choice and now I was going to have to live with it.

Before heading for home I stopped at the dental office, texting first to make sure it was okay. After a nice kiss on the lips and tight hug I explained the situation and the choice I had made. She seemed happy but also hesitant. “So no more going off to scary places to protect people?” I confirmed her analysis of the situation “Well, that doesn’t make me sad but are you really okay with all these major life changes coming at you all at once?” As we talked it occurred to me that this lady was not concerned about where I worked or how she felt about it, her genuine care and concern was solely focused on me, how I felt about things, how they affected me. She knew my career and my home were part of my identity and she was concerned how walking away from both of them would impinge or influence me and my way of life. After a moment of thought I just responded by saying that my career, my home, and my personal gratification were indeed the driving force behind parts of me, but; “Maybe it’s time to reshuffle my priorities and take a look at the big picture of life instead of living minute to minute.” I could see small tears well up in her eyes before she carefully dabbed them with a tissue to keep from ruining her makeup. Then she said “Don’t make me cry at work you *******” and jokingly invited me to leave.
Worst case scenario I jump on Signal and find a brother in arms to swing over, snatch him up, chain him to an old pipe in some basement and eat an apple with a pocket knife while mumbling about the voices until I get there.

In other news, the woman who oversees my assignments, deposits my pay from the law firm and may end up as my landlord arranged for a face to face meeting this morning. I did not know what this meeting would entail as the KGB was more open and talkative than my contact was, I presumed it was about the condo. I just knew to be at the office at 9am sharp, to park in the back and use the employee entrance. Utterly immune to my sarcasm, snark, innuendos and my pretty face the handler wanted to discuss job assignments and relay that the “Firm” was pleased with my “performance and effectiveness” thus far and wanted to expand my employment opportunities. My “so you think I am doing a great job huh” crack just got me a brief stare before she looked back down at the pile of papers on the conference room table and continued. "Same rate and the same benefits offered prior, only now with double pay after 12 hours within a 24 hour period.” Which included liability insurance and they covered the withholdings. She continued by advising that the assignments would now include more unspecified tasks and escort duties. They also wanted exclusivity, as in no taking assignments from other potential employers without first clearing it through them. That also meant no contract security work in the US or other countries without first asking them for the go ahead or immediately ending my employment contract with them. And yes, there was an employment contract, a thick one. I didn’t think it would do much good to have my attorney review it since he was probably the person who wrote it. She handed me a copy in one of her tightly bound folders and told me to review it and get it back to her within 48 hours or the offer was null and void. That would require in house notaries as well.

On the ride home I called my direct contact at the global security corporation that has supplied much of the money in my bank account and who I just worked for just a couple months back. He started out with “I was just thinking I needed to call you”. I informed him that I was likely going to take on some local work and put contract work in my rearview mirror, for the time being anyway. He made a joke about my being long in the tooth and told me they were still looking for supervisory personnel, recruiters and instructors at various locations in the US and abroad and I could slide into any open slot with ease. He was compelling in his offer and talked about the money I would make and places I could live. I made it clear I was pretty set in my current location, but I would keep the option open if anything changed. He said he was sad to see me go but he would change my status from freelance to temporarily unavailable. “If your local thing doesn’t work out make sure I’m your first call” was the last thing he said to me, “Will do, thanks” was my reply. And with that our chat ended. I didn’t quit or retire, but I might as well have. Even if I called right back and said I changed my mind, getting them to offer me another freelance contract job after going to unavailable status would require some real effort, psych testing, a couple polygraphs and a fitness evaluation.

I made my choice and now I was going to have to live with it.

Before heading for home I stopped at the dental office, texting first to make sure it was okay. After a nice kiss on the lips and tight hug I explained the situation and the choice I had made. She seemed happy but also hesitant. “So no more going off to scary places to protect people?” I confirmed her analysis of the situation “Well, that doesn’t make me sad but are you really okay with all these major life changes coming at you all at once?” As we talked it occurred to me that this lady was not concerned about where I worked or how she felt about it, her genuine care and concern was solely focused on me, how I felt about things, how they affected me. She knew my career and my home were part of my identity and she was concerned how walking away from both of them would impinge or influence me and my way of life. After a moment of thought I just responded by saying that my career, my home, and my personal gratification were indeed the driving force behind parts of me, but; “Maybe it’s time to reshuffle my priorities and take a look at the big picture of life instead of living minute to minute.” I could see small tears well up in her eyes before she carefully dabbed them with a tissue to keep from ruining her makeup. Then she said “Don’t make me cry at work you *******” and jokingly invited me to leave.
You need to write a book!
So the creeper is still staying away from the apartment, coffee shop and even the college. Neither the girl or friend zone have seen him and the tracker shows he has not been to class in a couple days. But he is moving around, going to work, going home at night, etc. One of his stops was at a community college, so maybe he plans on transferring. That would be good.

So I really need to stop calling that kid friend zone after tomorrow night when they are going out on their first date. Not sure what to call him yet, maybe FFZ, former friend zone. He may have a name but I don't care enough about him or his existence to know what it is. In fact now that they are dating, I don't like him as much anymore. He only gets minimal credit for actually punching that boy in the face.

The lady leaves in the morning for her conference, so tonight she keeps sending me "I'm going to miss you" texts. I have already been advised that when she is on her way back she will let me know and I should be waiting for her at the apartment when she arrives. Again, women just can't contain themselves. I have 3 days to kill now so I might as well keep working and get this place cleaned out. Still no keys to the condo, should be available by mid-week so I am thinking Thursday will be move in day.
Worst case scenario I jump on Signal and find a brother in arms to swing over, snatch him up, chain him to an old pipe in some basement and eat an apple with a pocket knife while mumbling about the voices until I get there.

In other news, the woman who oversees my assignments, deposits my pay from the law firm and may end up as my landlord arranged for a face to face meeting this morning. I did not know what this meeting would entail as the KGB was more open and talkative than my contact was, I presumed it was about the condo. I just knew to be at the office at 9am sharp, to park in the back and use the employee entrance. Utterly immune to my sarcasm, snark, innuendos and my pretty face the handler wanted to discuss job assignments and relay that the “Firm” was pleased with my “performance and effectiveness” thus far and wanted to expand my employment opportunities. My “so you think I am doing a great job huh” crack just got me a brief stare before she looked back down at the pile of papers on the conference room table and continued. "Same rate and the same benefits offered prior, only now with double pay after 12 hours within a 24 hour period.” Which included liability insurance and they covered the withholdings. She continued by advising that the assignments would now include more unspecified tasks and escort duties. They also wanted exclusivity, as in no taking assignments from other potential employers without first clearing it through them. That also meant no contract security work in the US or other countries without first asking them for the go ahead or immediately ending my employment contract with them. And yes, there was an employment contract, a thick one. I didn’t think it would do much good to have my attorney review it since he was probably the person who wrote it. She handed me a copy in one of her tightly bound folders and told me to review it and get it back to her within 48 hours or the offer was null and void. That would require in house notaries as well.

On the ride home I called my direct contact at the global security corporation that has supplied much of the money in my bank account and who I just worked for just a couple months back. He started out with “I was just thinking I needed to call you”. I informed him that I was likely going to take on some local work and put contract work in my rearview mirror, for the time being anyway. He made a joke about my being long in the tooth and told me they were still looking for supervisory personnel, recruiters and instructors at various locations in the US and abroad and I could slide into any open slot with ease. He was compelling in his offer and talked about the money I would make and places I could live. I made it clear I was pretty set in my current location, but I would keep the option open if anything changed. He said he was sad to see me go but he would change my status from freelance to temporarily unavailable. “If your local thing doesn’t work out make sure I’m your first call” was the last thing he said to me, “Will do, thanks” was my reply. And with that our chat ended. I didn’t quit or retire, but I might as well have. Even if I called right back and said I changed my mind, getting them to offer me another freelance contract job after going to unavailable status would require some real effort, psych testing, a couple polygraphs and a fitness evaluation.

I made my choice and now I was going to have to live with it.

Before heading for home I stopped at the dental office, texting first to make sure it was okay. After a nice kiss on the lips and tight hug I explained the situation and the choice I had made. She seemed happy but also hesitant. “So no more going off to scary places to protect people?” I confirmed her analysis of the situation “Well, that doesn’t make me sad but are you really okay with all these major life changes coming at you all at once?” As we talked it occurred to me that this lady was not concerned about where I worked or how she felt about it, her genuine care and concern was solely focused on me, how I felt about things, how they affected me. She knew my career and my home were part of my identity and she was concerned how walking away from both of them would impinge or influence me and my way of life. After a moment of thought I just responded by saying that my career, my home, and my personal gratification were indeed the driving force behind parts of me, but; “Maybe it’s time to reshuffle my priorities and take a look at the big picture of life instead of living minute to minute.” I could see small tears well up in her eyes before she carefully dabbed them with a tissue to keep from ruining her makeup. Then she said “Don’t make me cry at work you *******” and jokingly invited me to leave.
she has loved you from the start....or at least the hostel

you have fallen....just dont know it or want to admit to yourself....maybe just a couple of clicks from love at least.

enjoy it !
One of his stops was at a community college, so maybe he plans on transferring. That would be good.
That would probably be a really wise decision on his part. It's hard to know about someone and how they will react, but it seems he really got the message and has decided to change schools, maybe as much for self preservation as anything.
So the creeper is still staying away from the apartment, coffee shop and even the college. Neither the girl or friend zone have seen him and the tracker shows he has not been to class in a couple days. But he is moving around, going to work, going home at night, etc. One of his stops was at a community college, so maybe he plans on transferring. That would be good.

So I really need to stop calling that kid friend zone after tomorrow night when they are going out on their first date. Not sure what to call him yet, maybe FFZ, former friend zone. He may have a name but I don't care enough about him or his existence to know what it is. In fact now that they are dating, I don't like him as much anymore. He only gets minimal credit for actually punching that boy in the face.

The lady leaves in the morning for her conference, so tonight she keeps sending me "I'm going to miss you" texts. I have already been advised that when she is on her way back she will let me know and I should be waiting for her at the apartment when she arrives. Again, women just can't contain themselves. I have 3 days to kill now so I might as well keep working and get this place cleaned out. Still no keys to the condo, should be available by mid-week so I am thinking Thursday will be move in day.
I'm going to warn you again because I don't want to miss your funny future posts about your love life! Be careful. I've watched enough Dateline to know that "love triangles" are highly volatile and ex's can be dangerous. Years ago my brother foolishly spent a lot of money on his girlfriend. He was making good money at the time but she drained his bank account. Then, when her ex found out where my brother worked, he and his buddies came to his work and threatened him. Then the girlfriend turned out to be fickle and returned to her ex! She made out like a bandit. She broke my brother's heart and he never recovered - he spiraled completely downhill and never married. He was a very good-looking guy but she broke him.

That was years ago but I don't envy anyone dating in today's culture as it has been broken down so badly. If you watch "Dating Delusions" or Kevin Samuels' videos you can see the mentality of the majority of today's women (men don't get a pass but those two YouTubers only show the mentality of women).
I'm going to warn you again because I don't want to miss your funny future posts about your love life! Be careful. I've watched enough Dateline to know that "love triangles" are highly volatile and ex's can be dangerous. Years ago my brother foolishly spent a lot of money on his girlfriend. He was making good money at the time but she drained his bank account. Then, when her ex found out where my brother worked, he and his buddies came to his work and threatened him. Then the girlfriend turned out to be fickle and returned to her ex! She made out like a bandit. She broke my brother's heart and he never recovered - he spiraled completely downhill and never married. He was a very good-looking guy but she broke him.

That was years ago but I don't envy anyone dating in today's culture as it has been broken down so badly. If you watch "Dating Delusions" or Kevin Samuels' videos you can see the mentality of the majority of today's women (men don't get a pass but those two YouTubers only show the mentality of women).

The lady's ex hired a security guard to protect him at a boring meeting at a restaurant, so I am pretty sure he is scared of me. And he should be. I am a scary person.
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The lady's ex hired a security guard to protect him at a boring meeting at a restaurant, so I am pretty sure he is scared of me. And he should be. I am a scary person.
I wonder why he decided he needed a security guard for that meeting? He must have already had a heads up that you were far from a pushover and you would protect her in any way necessary (I assume).
I wonder why he decided he needed a security guard for that meeting? He must have already had a heads up that you were far from a pushover and you would protect her in any way necessary (I assume).

The daughter told a couple I met when we were at brunch that I was a "mercenary", a couple who were former friends of the lady and current friends with the dentist. That's my only guess. That and he's a complete simp.
The daughter just called to let me know that friend zone is on his way to pick her up for their first date. She wanted me to know, gave me a list of places they plan on going to and said she would text me when she got home. I am glad that she is keeping me apprised in case I have to go full Liam Neeson and kill my way to her, but it was also a little... weird. Like I am now somehow paternal. I could sense a little nervousness for the date but also for being home alone tonight. The building has good security and monitored video surveillance in the lobby and hallways, but still I set up a couple wifi cams in the apartment and told her once she was in her room I would turn them on and have them alert me to any motion. I think that will help. Plus she has her Taser Bolt 2 now, not the she paid all that much attention to my instructions. If moving stuff to storage goes well in the morning I might go in to the city tomorrow and show her again. She doesn't have a date for Saturday and will be home alone all day and all night.
How about that? Does it make you nervous? Or does it feel appreciated and important in someone's life?

I am not completely sure, a little of column A and a little of column B. I like that she appreciates my skills/talents, listens to my advice, apparently trusts and feels safe around me and sees me as a filling a missing roll in her life. A roll she is clearly missing not being there.

At the same time she feels like a client that I have to protect at all times or I have failed her and her mother. That's a lot of pressure. And if something does go wrong in our relationship I am losing and hurting two ladies not just one. More pressure. I am trying to navigate through being in a "real" relationship for the first time while simultaneously becoming a default male role model. Guess that comes with dating a single mom.

I also find it very unsettling that she is an attractive female that is almost 20 years old and I have absolutely no interest in her in that way. I didn't even see her friends at the college that way either, something that did not occur to me until just now. I don't even know when or how that happened. I was just an active participant in the 19-20 something market just a few years ago. I always just presumed I would just become too old for woman that age, not that I would mature beyond that demographic. Yuck.
Forgot to report that the lady texted me that she was back in her hotel room around 11pm last night, waking me up in the process, not that I minded. She told me she would call later today because she has a crazy story to tell me. I bet she was tired when she had to drag her ass out of bed for continental breakfast this morning. I could tell because her good morning text was very brief and did not include emojis.

90 minutes later the daughter arrived home and sent me a text, which woke me up again, to say she had fun and was safely back in the apartment. I turned on the cameras with motion alerts set to high sensitivity and went back to sleep. I am sure she will sleep for several more hours.

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