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Do you have one of these? Makes getting them thin so they can dry, much easier! The hubby is 1/4 Italian and one of the first dishes his full Sicilian great grandmother taught me to cook was homemade noodles!

the type of nukes out there.
Yes, a full out nuclear exchange is indeed survivaFortunately, that is not what Dr Peter Pry says. He says that a war can be won with nukes and not kill everyone. His video goes into lots of details. Keep in mind this is not my opinion as I know so very little about ble depending on a few variables.
Does your country have civil defence for civilians? Russia does, as do many European countries who have already stocked their shelters and have brought previous shelter up to standard - not so much in the UK however. If not - do some research into radioactive nucleotides.
Cheat sheet - anything with a short half life is going to very harmful to you and so stay indoors and take a certain mineral compound that the CDC's website are advising folks not to take. Wow it is almost like there is a CT to reduce carbon or somehitng - go figureDon't take it if you are allergic to shellfish. have 130mg potassium Iodide per person per day. If you have pets weight them and divvy out KI as you see fit: big dogs half a tab and smaller a quarter - they will excrete anything they don't need - birds (chickens may be harder to dose but maths is really not that f*king hard - weight them and work it out.
. and half the dose , anything with a half life longer than yours don't worry about it as it is not pushing much out.
Does the opponent have a valid reason to wipe you off the map? If they don't then you are likely to be okay with a widely available mineral and with some common sense and a bit of research.
I love auctions. I've got this

View attachment 18318
And these

View attachment 18319

Trained up and ready to go if and when needed. Simplicity, yes. I would *like* to have electricity, running vehicles etc but certainly don't *need* them.
May I congratulate you on your gorgeous and obviously well looked after horses.
How may acres do you have? And what soil are you planning to plough?
I respectfully ask this as these horse look quite light for ploughing. You may only have an a acre or so and may only need to turn it a couple of time a season. I do not know from this post or your info. Your beautiful horses may do just fine.
I have driven a 9 ft long wagon with 2 Percheron mares fully stocked with the most awful touristy humans, ridden an 18.3 HH late gelded black Percheron bare back at a galop in just a halter, ploughed with both Shires and Clydesdales, and chain harrowed with French Ardennes and Belgians teams.
Historically speaking, and I am sure you know this well, heavy horses who plough (depending on the acreage ploughed and the type of soil) have a much shorter life span the average riding horse today.
So in the county I'm from which has gorgeous soft soil a team (2) heavy horses once broken in and taking the plough working about 10 acres had a useful working life of about 7 years before their hips are blown out.
I had the privilege of caring for a 17.3 HH Clydesdale who was part of a Championship winning plough team UK (they won for many years and these guys were the boss) whose partner had to be put down due to an arthritic hip. This gorgeous Clyde lived his last few, short years surrounded by big heavies and was turned out to gallop (and he did!) and graze with his his massive cousins. One day I lifted one of his hind legs to pick his his hoof and he swayed and almost fell on me - then we knew we had a big problem. We put him on Bute and put in him a smaller pasture to limit his galloping and supplemented his feed to make up for the loss of pasture - 8 weeks later he could not get up on his feet after sleeping and the vet had to shoot him in the field. We used the Manitou to lift his body from the pasture.
I cannot tell very well from the photo posted (the angle does not show me very much shoulder or neck) but I really hope you have at the very least three stallions for our long term dream of sustainability.
I reckon you'll do just fine. Go get 'em.
Do you have one of these? Makes getting them thin so they can dry, much easier! The hubby is 1/4 Italian and one of the first dishes his full Sicilian great grandmother taught me to cook was homemade noodles!

View attachment 18321
This is the same one I have. I love that thing. Nothing like pasta made from freshly ground wheat! I need to probably break mine out and do it again.

I like to make ravioli with medicinal herbs like nettle. It's a nice way to get in some medicines. Kind of like a spoonful of sugar, but better for ya! Ha.
Living within 30-40 miles of target cities and 12 miles to the sprawl of 8m people, I kind of look at things differently.

The blasts probably won’t get me, but the fallout might. Sorry to say, but I have written off the outside critters. Hope the dogs remember how use puppy training pee pads, I have a 6x6 shower to put those pads in.

2-3 weeks of hunkering down inside. Exceptions being getting the nuke kit out of carport and starting the gen. Tyvek suits after that with limited exposure.

Best plan I can come up with until the hoards come, then I revert to my social unrest plan.
This is the same one I have. I love that thing. Nothing like pasta made from freshly ground wheat! I need to probably break mine out and do it again.

I like to make ravioli with medicinal herbs like nettle. It's a nice way to get in some medicines. Kind of like a spoonful of sugar, but better for ya! Ha.

Joining the pasta club too! I have that one and one that connects to my KitchenAid mixer that makes many types of pasta!
May I congratulate you on your gorgeous and obviously well looked after horses.
How may acres do you have? And what soil are you planning to plough?
I respectfully ask this as these horse look quite light for ploughing. You may only have an a acre or so and may only need to turn it a couple of time a season. I do not know from this post or your info. Your beautiful horses may do just fine.
I have driven a 9 ft long wagon with 2 Percheron mares fully stocked with the most awful touristy humans, ridden an 18.3 HH late gelded black Percheron bare back at a galop in just a halter, ploughed with both Shires and Clydesdales, and chain harrowed with French Ardennes and Belgians teams.
Historically speaking, and I am sure you know this well, heavy horses who plough (depending on the acreage ploughed and the type of soil) have a much shorter life span the average riding horse today.
So in the county I'm from which has gorgeous soft soil a team (2) heavy horses once broken in and taking the plough working about 10 acres had a useful working life of about 7 years before their hips are blown out.
I had the privilege of caring for a 17.3 HH Clydesdale who was part of a Championship winning plough team UK (they won for many years and these guys were the boss) whose partner had to be put down due to an arthritic hip. This gorgeous Clyde lived his last few, short years surrounded by big heavies and was turned out to gallop (and he did!) and graze with his his massive cousins. One day I lifted one of his hind legs to pick his his hoof and he swayed and almost fell on me - then we knew we had a big problem. We put him on Bute and put in him a smaller pasture to limit his galloping and supplemented his feed to make up for the loss of pasture - 8 weeks later he could not get up on his feet after sleeping and the vet had to shoot him in the field. We used the Manitou to lift his body from the pasture.
I cannot tell very well from the photo posted (the angle does not show me very much shoulder or neck) but I really hope you have at the very least three stallions for our long term dream of sustainability.
I reckon you'll do just fine. Go get 'em.

Those are not my horses...posting pictures after my husband ran over both my laptop computer and phone has become a real PITA; so those were the most expedient. I do have 7 horses and they are different breeds.

Two are good size for plowing and I use them to haul logs sometimes. The rest have different specialties (as do the two that can pull). Roping, cutting cattle, extreme mountain trails (a little like English cross country with Australian style bush riding thrown in), packing, western dressage...they overlap skill sets and I trained all of them. Six of them are over 15 hands and go shoeless even on rocky ground. We trim our own feet.

It isn't the activity of the horse that necessarily dictates life span. It is the size. As with dogs, the large ones have a shorter lifespan than the smaller ones. My oldest quarter horse lived to 35 and was still trotting around the day before he died.

Between the two BOL's I have about 100 acres. 84 at one and 12 at the other with a third lake house property at 1 acre. The 84 acres is very soft sandy loam in most spots and easily dug through. Neighbors have the breeding stallions, mine are all either mares or cut.

Sounds like your big guy may have had EPM, caused by a virus carried by opossums.
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Living within 30-40 miles of target cities and 12 miles to the sprawl of 8m people, I kind of look at things differently.

The blasts probably won’t get me, but the fallout might. Sorry to say, but I have written off the outside critters. Hope the dogs remember how use puppy training pee pads, I have a 6x6 shower to put those pads in.

2-3 weeks of hunkering down inside. Exceptions being getting the nuke kit out of carport and starting the gen. Tyvek suits after that with limited exposure.

Best plan I can come up with until the hoards come, then I revert to my social unrest plan.

We are well out of blast range at BOL2, fallout at the distance we are at *should* be minimal (<1 R ph) but, one never knows. Plan is to get them undercover ASAP and then when the real horse barn is built it will be a bit of a basement style which should offer some protection. If not. On to plan C.
We are well out of blast range at BOL2, fallout at the distance we are at *should* be minimal (<1 R ph) but, one never knows.
The only major city near me is over 65 miles away and not a target of Putin. Russia and Hungary are getting along well. We are not happy with the war, we are sustaining over a half a million refugees and we also understand that Putin WAITED 8 YEARS to go into Ukraine and only after those living in the east side which was being attacked by the nazis from the west side and having 14 thousand dead in those 8 years, finally ASKED him to help protect them.
There will be NO WINNER in Ukraine. There are already over 2 hundred thousand deaths. Putin and Zelensky both are wrong and it is terrible what the civilians are going thru with 60 % without water, gas/heat and little food.
But, as we now know, Ukraine is a corrupt puppet for corrupt politicians and Putin is against the NWO...
The only major city near me is over 65 miles away and not a target of Putin. Russia and Hungary are getting along well. We are not happy with the war, we are sustaining over a half a million refugees and we also understand that Putin WAITED 8 YEARS to go into Ukraine and only after those living in the east side which was being attacked by the nazis from the west side and having 14 thousand dead in those 8 years, finally ASKED him to help protect them.
There will be NO WINNER in Ukraine. There are already over 2 hundred thousand deaths. Putin and Zelensky both are wrong and it is terrible what the civilians are going thru with 60 % without water, gas/heat and little food.
But, as we now know, Ukraine is a corrupt puppet for corrupt politicians and Putin is against the NWO...
I really don't and didn't care how the Ukraine dealt with their people. That was for the Ukrainian people to deal with, not Russia. I don't like the way Mexico deals with their people but I don't want the USA to invade. Another countries politics, does not give a neighboring country the right to invade. Russia would not have been content to stop with taking control of the Ukraine. Russia wants to have other countries as a buffer against NATO and will find any excuse to move against those countries. A bully never quits until they get knocked on their azz.
I have no serious interest in the Ukraine war, I am a long long way from the fighting and its of no consequence to me, same as the war in Syria and elsewhere, but what does concern me is if Russia wins this war, I dont think it will because they have lost too many soldiers, 100,000 and counting, and military equipment and have been pushed back, but IF Russia did win the war Putin would not stop there, it is my opinion he wants to recreate the old Soviet Union and would invade other countries to try and accomplish this, so he MUST be stopped.
Britain, well London anyway, is a major if not the major target of the Putin regime if they did decide to use nukes, probably even before targeting Washington due to our support of Ukraine and sanctions against Russia which seemed to really upset Putin's cronies, I'm not much concerned about the actual blast zone strikes, anyone in that is dead anyway and their problems die with them, my main concern if such did happen is in the "nuclear Winter" fallout which some experts say could last anything up to 5 years and will block out the sun.
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I have no serious interest in the Ukraine war, I am a long long way from the fighting and its of no consequence to me, same as the war in Syria and elsewhere, but what does concern me is if Russia wins this war, I dont think it will because they have lost too many soldiers, 100,000 and counting, and military equipment and have been pushed back, but IF Russia did win the war Putin would not stop there, it is my opinion he wants to recreate the old Soviet Union and would invade other countries to try and accomplish this, so he MUST be stopped.
Britain, well London anyway, is a major if not the major target of the Putin regime if they did decide to use nukes, probably even before targeting Washington due to our support of Ukraine and sanctions against Russia which seemed to really upset Putin's cronies, I'm not much concerned about the actual blast zone strikes, anyone in that is dead anyway and their problems die with them, my main concern if such did happen is in the "nuclear Winter" fallout which some experts say could last anything up to 5 years and will block out the sun.

Your information is not accurate. It's Ukraine that's lost 100k + and the EU that's hurt by the sanctions.
Your information is not accurate. It's Ukraine that's lost 100k + and the EU that's hurt by the sanctions.
bollox. you've got it arse about face. Typical American BS.
the EU is only hurting because Putin shut off the gas, thats their problem.
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bollox. you've got it arse about face. Typical American BS.
the EU is only hurting because Putin shut off the gas, thats their problem.

Do you think sanctions only go one way? The Facts don't align with your beliefs, only the new world order controlled media.
but IF Russia did win the war Putin would not stop there, it is my opinion he wants to recreate the old Soviet Union and would invade other countries to try and accomplish this, so he MUST be stopped.

Putin has stated exactly that goal now for years; Pan-Slavism. Also, very much in line with the teachings of Alexander Dugin, a rather influential academic in Russia and an advisor to Putin.
It is interesting to see the UK member turning on America as their plight worsens . Unlike World War 2 . the Americans will not be coming to make their lives all better again .

Not there corrupt government, but there people we will. As someone infinitely greater than I once said... they know not what they do.
IF Russia takes Ukraine do you think Putin will stop there? the Baltic States will be next.
IF Russia nukes Britain do you think Putin will stop there? America is second on his list.
I am all for supporting Ukraine , even though I know the road leads to a Nuclear World War 3 . I suppose this is where the prepared , and underprepared have different reactions as the war becomes more of a certainty . Getting mad and lashing out at the prepared , is not much of a strategy for the unprepared . Denying a crises isn't much of a way of confronting it .
I am all for supporting Ukraine , even though I know the road leads to a Nuclear World War 3 . I suppose this is where the prepared , and underprepared have different reactions as the war becomes more of a certainty . Getting mad and lashing out at the prepared , is not much of a strategy for the unprepared . Denying a crises isn't much of a way of confronting it .

I don't know that it is only the unprepared who are against war. As prepared as I am, I do not want it to happen. But, as my father said "If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride".
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Oh yes indeed. And to spoil the own economy, increase the own inflation, raising the prices because the restrictions, forbidden the free speech in the own country and making the own citizens helping a lot to keep the social peace and of course it will impress the enemy so extremly hard he'll give up suddenly and crying for peace in the universe. And please never forget, the the refusal to talk about peace of course helps immensely.

I'm sorry Paul, but seems the propaganda of your own care-keeper in the country is working perfectly.

And hey, no worries - if the West goes ahead like this the East dosn't need even one single bullet to destroy everything in Europe and America. At the moment our caring leaders are doing this job better than every russian nuke will do.
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Joe apparently still does not know that he brings the USA and Europe day by day closer to World War 3. While Joe Zelensky is giving millions of dollars in weapons and other equipment every week, while Americans and Europeans are slowly impoverished by inflation, Russia is getting ready for a nuclear strike.

Russian nuclear forces have already successfully trained for a retaliatory nuclear strike in response to a possible use of weapons of mass destruction by the enemy.
Further, the Russian nuclear arsenal is now being modernized very rapidly and Mobile Launch Vehicles have been moved into Russia.
Russia will not start, but if there is radar activity that missiles are flying towards Russia, Russia will retaliate very quickly, faster than Idiot Joe can pick up the phone to Moscow.
The situation sucks, and it's getting more dangerous every day.
Call me a Putin lover, but as crazy as he is, I trust him more than Zelensky.
I know Ukrainians personally who left the area before this started. They were happy Putin invaded.

I don't think Putin has the plan to invade the whole world. Let's be realistic. He's had the country prepped for a nuclear war for decades and has kept relatively to his own corner of the world. Sure, he wants the Soviet Union restored, but that's not our business here in the US.

The US government's job is to protect the interests of US citizens. Backing the Ukraine as they have does not do that.

I don't see it as "stopping a bully." Kingdoms rise and fall. Our job isn't to orchestrate who takes power but to shore up our own defenses and work on trade relations with whomever is in power.

But that's just me being an isolationist, I suppose.
We are well out of blast range at BOL2, fallout at the distance we are at *should* be minimal (<1 R ph) but, one never knows. Plan is to get them undercover ASAP and then when the real horse barn is built it will be a bit of a basement style which should offer some protection. If not. On to plan C.
Plan your exposure time getting them in.
Plan your exposure time to try to decontaminate.
Plan your exposure time to care for them in the barn which by nature isn’t very airtight
With my probably higher levels, you can see why I came to my conclusion for 4 20-30 yr olds.

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