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Alright, another stupid question. My husband and I were talking about what to prioritize and this came up- If we had an total nuke-fest but no EMP attack, would the clouds of dust still inhibit radio transmission?

(If that is the most ridiculous question ever, know that I have strengths. This obviously isn't one of them.)
Alright, another stupid question. My husband and I were talking about what to prioritize and this came up- If we had an total nuke-fest but no EMP attack, would the clouds of dust still inhibit radio transmission?

(If that is the most ridiculous question ever, know that I have strengths. This obviously isn't one of them.)

Short answer is yes.
Ukraine Situation Report: Russia Training Belarus Pilots To Fly Jets With 'Special Warheads' --- Looks like they are getting ready for the Nuclear War . Like the Christmas saying , check your prepping list and check it twice . --- It appears though , those not ready yet , have a little more time as Russia is moving defensive missile systems from artic region and setting it up for defending the more populated areas of Russia . Another sign that we have a few more days is they are building domes over their existing missile silos to further harden them up . They have slipped a few new missiles into position in their launch pads and it looks like they are trying to get more missiles set and ready for launch . Anyway I am just trying to be optimistic that any that feel they are not ready yet may have a little more time to get ready .--- Just a couple of interesting tidbits , Their faster Nuclear Missile from launch time from Russia to impact time on the North American Continent is 30 minutes . Some of those satellites that are already floating around over our heads have a Nuclear Bomb in them set and waiting for detonation instructions from a key board to create a Electrical Magnetic Pulse . I suppose most of you guys already know these things but perhaps someone doesn,t .
Russia is currently moving a lot of heavy material on the railroad like tanks, vehicles and railroad cars with green Men to Belarus, currently there is a lot on the way to Europe's eastern border.
I think there is a common plan, if that goes off there the Ukraine will be gone or also a few Eastern European countries.
Russia is currently moving a lot of heavy material on the railroad like tanks, vehicles and railroad cars with green Men to Belarus, currently there is a lot on the way to Europe's eastern border.
I think there is a common plan, if that goes off there the Ukraine will be gone or also a few Eastern European countries.
This I find is the hope of many as they watch what has developed . Actually though I find it amusing even on News outlets or internet information sent out that the Russians will be content to just to limit their Nuclear response and not attack the entirety of the Nations that have supported Ukraine and its defiance against the Russian aggression . If someone lives in a NATO country their country has been deemed a potential Nuclear target .
Not to ruffle feathers…just stating this for discussion purpose.

IF it is true that Russia has the most nukes…the largest nukes …and most importantly, nukes that hit speeds that the USA cannot stop…as well as have nukes that break into 10 separate nukes which can hit different targets…It doesn’t make sense to me how we can win against them. Russia also has many low yield nukes. The Russian strategy, in print, is to strike first. Ours is not.

Canadian Prepper has some eye opening videos with the late Dr. Peter Pry regarding this most important subject.

I am like GeorgiaPeachie in liking to face the problem and prepare accordingly . Trying to change world events , I do not have the power to do so . But I do have the ability to analysis a threat and prepare for it . Actually this is something I have conceded was a real possibility many decades ago .and faced up to the threat . The reaction of some now that we are on the brink of Global World War 3 , is entertaining to be somewhat polite . -- Another fly in the mix . When this goes down , What is China's plan ? One thing for sure they want global domination " they have openly told us this " . So do they sit on the side line and wait for Russia and NATO to weaken each other , then step in to scrounge through the spoils of war or will they stand with Russia as a ally in attacking NATO ? Either strategy China employs will envolve Chinese troops taking a active roll .
people are entitled to their opinion, however I believe a nuclear war will escalate to the point nothing and nobody will be left alive.
think of the meteor that killed off all the dinosaurs then multiply it 100 times, thats about how much power will be expelled.
I do not bother preparing for something I cannot possibly survive.
The dire situations that we see ourselves being pushed into (coming food shortages, another bioweapon, nuclear war) by evil governments will bring out the very “nature” of each human being. Some will ignore the problems. Some will deny the problems, even though they see them. Like RC&Ds says, there are sheep, sheepherders and sheep dogs. I am a person who confronts things that can harm me and mine head on and always looks at the “worst case scenario “ for how to best combat the issue. Call me silly or whatever, I will never give up until I draw my last breath.
I do NOT prepare for this or that event, I prepare for what comes after, in my country that will be societal collapse.
thats what my planning is for, to survive when all the masses are going mental and panicking.
in a country the size of Britain nuclear attack is NOT survivable, it would only take a few missiles-especially the ones with multiple warheads- to bracket the entire country.
I will not give up either but nuclear war will kill off all the animals and plant life, it will also kill off the soil so life here will be impossible.
I do NOT prepare for this or that event, I prepare for what comes after, in my country that will be societal collapse.
thats what my planning is for, to survive when all the masses are going mental and panicking.
in a country the size of Britain nuclear attack is NOT survivable, it would only take a few missiles-especially the ones with multiple warheads- to bracket the entire country.
I will not give up either but nuclear war will kill off all the animals and plant life, it will also kill off the soil so life here will be impossible.

Preparing for this or that event includes what comes after. Your way can leave out essential equipment and materials that survival afterwards depends on, which is determined by a specific event. Even if you exclude the possibility of surviving a nuclear attack. It's a foolish plan in my opinion.
we cannot possibly prepare for every event, events that we have no control over anyway.
my plan is to survive what comes after any event, which as I've said is societal collapse.
I intend to live a simple life post collapse, one I already have experience of, most people try to make survival post event too complicated. most put their faith into and rely on some form of technology that wont work once the infrastructure has collapsed, if you cant make it or repair it, you probably wont have it.
I'm an old fashioned kind of guy, and my survival will be based on old fashioned methods, most of which todays populations have either sneered at or ignored, or both.
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If someone lives in a NATO country their country has been deemed a potential Nuclear target .
Hello from near Budapest and about 150 miles from Ukraine border.....but Hungary is not supporting any of the sanctions against Russia and Baba Wanga and also the Pater Pio both prophesied that Hungary would play a KEY ROLE in Europe one day....hoping for the best and prepping for the worst tho. Live free, Gary
we cannot possibly prepare for every event, events that we have no control over anyway.
my plan is to survive what comes after any event, which as I've said is societal collapse.
I intend to live a simple life post collapse, one I already have experience of, most people try to make survival post event too complicated. most put their faith into and rely on some form of technology that wont work once the infrastructure has collapsed, if you cant make it or repair it, you probably wont have it.
I'm an old fashioned kind of guy, and my survival will be based on old fashioned methods, most of which todays populations have either sneered at or ignored, or both.

I love auctions. I've got this


And these


Trained up and ready to go if and when needed. Simplicity, yes. I would *like* to have electricity, running vehicles etc but certainly don't *need* them.
Call me an optimist, but I don't think we'll have a total destruction of the world.... at least not for several decades. Those with the power to use nukes don't want to wipe all life off this planet and they're more well versed in the impact areas of their weapons than the average person. It makes no sense to nuke the whole world to smithereens just to prove a point. It could happen- anything could happen- but I don't think it's likely.

However, I see where BigPaul is coming from. He's not in the middle of Maine with an underground bunker, but on an island at which even a couple targets being struck would take them off the map.

Personally, if it were me, I'd be selling the farm and moving to another country to prepare, but I hate islands and I still believe in my delusions that I have some control over this life. 🙂
posts collapse there wont be any mains electricity, only solar and thats not cheap either, running vehicles wont without fuel and spare parts and someone to fit them.
4 horses in a back field here, nice to have as a pack animal but I wont be going far post collapse.

Diesel vehicles can run on a wood gasification system; pyrolysis.

Son is a mechanic and husband has been fixing our vehicles for decades. We have spare parts in sealed mylar bags and in a rubber lined faraday cage attached to the truck. If it works, then great. If not, plan B, C, D...


I bought 40 + solar panels at auction for $40 a piece for a total of 8,500 w. In our climate, they should work well enough, even used.

I can manage working in our hot summers without air conditioning, without electrically pumped water, without vehicles, without chainsaws. Is that the ideal? No. I have lived that way before, for a time and it is a hell of a lot more work and…more importantly, a hell of a lot more time needed, especially when doing it alone.

I am a healthy over fifty but, getting old sucks.

People used to do it in pre industrial times but, then again, by my age, most of them were dead (life expectancy in 1800 for city dwellers was 30, 41 in the rural areas). So, in a sense, most people who were working without technology day to day, were in their prime years. A lot of us would be past that expiration date.

It WILL take a toll on us more than most have experienced. You need to be prepared for that as well.
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Diesel vehicles can run on a wood gasification system; pyrolysis.

Son is a mechanic and husband has been fixing our vehicles for decades. We have spare parts in sealed mylar bags and in a rubber lined faraday cage attached to the truck. If it works, then great. If not, plan B, C, D...

View attachment 18320

I bought 40 + solar panels at auction for $40 a piece for a total of 8,500 w. In our climate, they should work well enough, even used.

I can manage working in our hot summers without air conditioning, without electrically pumped water, without vehicles, without chainsaws. Is that the ideal? No. I have lived that way before, for a time and it is a hell of a lot more work and…more importantly, a hell of a lot more time needed, especially when doing it alone.

I am a healthy over fifty but, getting old sucks.

People used to do it in pre industrial times but, then again, by my age, most of them were dead (life expectancy in 1800 for city dwellers was 30, 41 in the rural areas). So, in a sense, most people who were working without technology day to day, were in their prime years. A lot of us would be past that expiration date.

It WILL take a toll on us more than most have experienced.
That's awesome, RC&D!
Fatalism is simply about as opposite of prepping / survivalism as it gets . Most of the population will perish as A Nuclear World War three finishes it's final stage . Preppers are doing as preppers do " they prepare " . If St. Peter was sending me to " hell " I would be getting a bottle of ice water ready . That's my personality .
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Fatalism is simply about as opposite of prepping / survivalism as it gets . Most of the population will perish as A Nuclear World War three finishes it's final stage . Preppers are doing as preppers do " they prepare " . If St. Peter was sending me to " HELL " I would be getting a bottle of ice water ready . That's my personality .

That is my personality as well. Telling me I "can't" or "must" simply puts me into "wanna bet on that?" mode. As a child I managed to fit a square peg into a round hole, just because.

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It WILL take a toll on us more than most have experienced. You need to be prepared for that as well.
Already chopping my own firewood and I even have a two-man (woman?) crosscut tree saw that is over 80 years old, six feet long and I sharpened it last month. Hand drills, hand chisels, hand saws, hand planes, 4 axes, 3 hatchets and slowly just getting stronger with 64 and ready to chop, saw or drill what I need to repair and stay warm or fixed. Can still work a full day like Arctic and get well over night with some deep sleep. This country boy can still survive in a foreign land. The fish and deer are still the same, the trees still fall down under my as and my mindset will never change. Live free, Gary
Already chopping my own firewood and I even have a two-man (woman?) crosscut tree saw that is over 80 years old, six feet long and I sharpened it last month. Hand drills, hand chisels, hand saws, hand planes, 4 axes, 3 hatchets and slowly just getting stronger with 64 and ready to chop, saw or drill what I need to repair and stay warm or fixed. Can still work a full day like Arctic and get well over night with some deep sleep. This country boy can still survive in a foreign land. The fish and deer are still the same, the trees still fall down under my as and my mindset will never change. Live free, Gary

I can work a full day as after day. But, the deep sleep part is mandatory. There was a time I could go three days on an hour or two of sleep total. Not anymore!

When there is no "technology" to help, even making simple noodles can be an adventure; it takes you 15 minutes to haul the water from the creek; then time to purify it. Another 15 minutes to get the fire going (which you had to gather or split/chop and haul), another 10 to boil the noodles (and how long to grow, harvest, dry, de-chaff, grind the flour and make, dry the noodles), 10 to cook and then you get to eat. Then you have to have more water to wash the dishes, pots and utensils (and the soap had to be made too).

Something that takes about 20 minutes to do today, now takes you over an hour of work at some point in the process. Rinse and repeat for washing clothes among other things.

Without technology, everything takes longer and is more labor intensive.
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Without technology, everything takes longer and is more labor intensive.
We are still getting eggs daily and making noodles with wheat flour and eggs and freezing them immediately. We are gonna try to also make noodles and dry them on the dehydrator to see how that comes out and then vacume them into plastic bags. Putting rice into mason jars, putting them in the oven at 200°F for an hour to totally dry them and kill any bacteria or bugs/eggs and then capping them like any other canned food. Let them cool and the jar is sealed for years with no spoilage. Works with beans, lintels, dried corn and other dried veggies.

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