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This chart helped me. Here is an article with some instruction on shielding.​

Radiation Halving Thickness Chart​

Stone 2.211.717.622.0
Concrete 2.412.719.224.0
Aluminum 2.714.321.627.0
Brickwork 2.814.822.428.0
Sand 2.915.423.229.0
Packed Soil 3.619.128.836.0
Wood 11.058.388.0110.0
I thought I would remind our members , after Nuclear World War 3 , , there will be no hospitals , doctor offices or pharmacies so those that can . don't forget to stock up on antibiotics . I bought some yesterday at a livestock feed store , for $19.50 per bottle of 500 MG with 60 capsules per bottle , expiration date 02/2027 " Amoxicillin " , " fish antibiotics " .
I ordered the emergency antibiotics from Jase medical this week. Supposed to be on its way. It was super easy and only took a couple minutes, but pricey for antibiotics. I figure it's worth it not having to see a doctor to get it. I also had my mother order same and my son as well. I am suggesting everyone in our famiy order. Not sure if Larry will be a problem or not since he takes so many medications, so have held off on him ordering.

If anyone knows a reason not to order from them let me know. I ordered at "Canadian Prepper's" recommendation to order from there.
am put of buying any kind of pet anti biotics due to not knowing the dosage or strength relative to human anti biotics, or even if they are safe.
I can understand the hesitation . I gave my grandson the fish antibiotics to combat strap throat . The turn around in his condition changed overnight and was completely recovered within a few days .
I ordered the emergency antibiotics from Jase medical this week. Supposed to be on its way. It was super easy and only took a couple minutes, but pricey for antibiotics. I figure it's worth it not having to see a doctor to get it. I also had my mother order same and my son as well. I am suggesting everyone in our famiy order. Not sure if Larry will be a problem or not since he takes so many medications, so have held off on him ordering.

If anyone knows a reason not to order from them let me know. I ordered at "Canadian Prepper's" recommendation to order from there.

I don't order any antibiotics. There very expensive and highly inferior to CDS. Another benefit of CDS is it does not cause imbalance or toxicity like antibiotics.
I take fish/avian antibiotics. I just take the same mgs. They must list any additives and there are some that are not safe.

I take Aqua-Zithro and FishBiotics doxycycline with high dose vitamin C infusions for cancer treatment. Perfectly safe!

I also have a Jase Medical kit. I bought it and was happy with it because they do a good job on education for when to use them.

I stockpile any prescribed meds I don't take. If I still have a prescription but don't need them, I fill it anyway. I figure someone else may need them in the future.
Another thought I had on the basement . If the occupants kept low to the floor , it would also minimize exposure . But yes those windows would be a problem and apparently some of the basement is above ground so as " Proud Prepper " said , fortify the outside wall with something heavy . --- On that distance from the roof to the basement , I have no idea as to how quickly radiation dissipates with distance . The type of roof would make a difference as radioactive dust likely would be trapped on a rough shingle roof whereas a metal roof would shed it's deadly contents easier . Pitch of the roof would also make a difference .
It's a moderate-steeply pitched, high roof with asphalt shingles. I'm not sure of the pitch exactly... maybe 14/12?

Basement is completely underground except the one side. The wall is going up between that side and the rest. I like the sandbag idea for until it gets finished.

The wall won't be poured concrete, though, just cinder blocks. It sounds like that won't be enough.
It's a moderate-steeply pitched, high roof with asphalt shingles. I'm not sure of the pitch exactly... maybe 14/12?

Basement is completely underground except the one side. The wall is going up between that side and the rest. I like the sandbag idea for until it gets finished.

The wall won't be poured concrete, though, just cinder blocks. It sounds like that won't be enough.
You are very well set up in the radiation shelter set up . I have a cellar that I dug with a shovel and bucket underneath a concrete slab as a fallout shelter " I still own " , but that place is 500 miles away from the site , that I have now positioned myself for the final stand . There are caves around here but my plan for now is to ride it out in my wood frame house . If the ground wasn't so rocky around here , even at my old age would likely be back to my old habits of digging a fallout shelter . Then again my tribe has now grown from the time of that first fallout shelter to now 14 and growing . That would take a very big fallout shelter . -- My plan as soon as I know the Nukes are dropping is to grab the roofing felt " tar paper " that I have in position and ready and use it to cover my garden area so as to catch the contaminated dust which I can discard leaving my garden soil usable for the new apoplectic world . Second choir is to top off any water containing containers . Third choir is to get the family inside and start sealing up doors and windows to minimize radiation dust from entering the structure . --- I have all the components " I hope " to set up a home base station for a CB radio system . I plan to install it maybe around Dec. 26 or 27 th . Then I will distribute hand held CB radio's to the rest of the houses on our survival retreat . This will allow us the ability of communication from house to house as I suspect telephones and radio broadcasting stations to be down and will be down for years . I don't want anyone exposing themselves to the outside radiation walking from house to house so communications on a individual level will be very important . I have an old and operational Civil Defense radiation detector that I had the foresight to buy years ago before the crazy prices they have now gotten to . We will know when it is safe to venture outside .
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You are very well set up in the radiation shelter set up . I have a cellar that I dug with a shovel and bucket underneath a concrete slab as a fallout shelter " I still own " , but that place is 500 miles away from the site , that I have now positioned myself for the final stand . There are caves around here but my plan for now is to ride it out in my wood frame house . If the ground wasn't so rocky around here , even at my old age would likely be back to my old habits of digging a fallout shelter . Then again my tribe has now grown from the time of that first fallout shelter to now 14 and growing . That would take a very big fallout shelter . -- My plan as soon as I know the Nukes are dropping is to grab the roofing felt " tar paper " that I have in position and ready and use it to cover my garden area so as to catch the contaminated dust which I can discard leaving my garden soil usable for the new apoplectic world . Second choir is to top off any water containing containers . Third choir is to get the family inside and start sealing up doors and windows to minimize radiation dust from entering the structure . --- I have all the components " I hope " to set up a home base station for a CB radio system . I plan to install it maybe around Dec. 26 or 27 th . Then I will distribute hand held CB radio's to the rest of the houses on our survival retreat . This will allow us the ability of communication from house to house as I suspect telephones and radio broadcasting stations to be down and will be down for years . I don't want anyone exposing themselves to the outside radiation walking from house to house so communications on a individual level will be very important . I have an old and operational Civil Defense radiation detector that I had the foresight to buy years ago before the crazy prices they have now gotten to . We will know when it is safe to venture outside .
Great insights. Thank you!

We have a cheap Geiger counter, some long distance walkie talkies in a Faraday bag, and some row covers. I'm concerned none of them will work (other than the walkie talkies) but not sure how is even test them.

Stupid question, but how long would water be contaminated?

Water is so heavy, storing as much as we would need for a really long time in a protected container is a challenge. We have considered a cistern, but certain people in our group have said they get contaminated with vermin easily.
As for as streams and lakes , I would have no idea as how long they would be contaminated . My tribe have the good fortune to have a spring coming up out of the ground . I would think spring water would be fine for drinking or other uses . I have a hand cart ready with solid rubber tires so as to not have to worry about flat tires and water jugs to fit into the cart for fetching water from the spring . -- Actually there are 3 springs within walking distance " less than a 1/2 mile " so if the radiation detector shows one to be unsafe we can just go to a different spring . -- As for as testing a Geiger counter , for most I would have no idea how to test it , however the government issued one that I have has a self test function which I have periodically checked so I know mine does work just as well as the day it left the factory .
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Many years ago, remember someone from the military, talking about military psychological training. They said what they do is teach you that you are already dead.
that goes along with my training and experience. If a loved one is kidnapped, they are already dead. It it my job to bring them back to life. If you think they are alive all the time, you will make a mistake and maybe get them killed. It was hard to explain to my wife at a discussion once, but how does a man understand "giving birth" as compared to a women trying to understand something like this mindset...
My cellar is steel reinforced-poured concrete and the roof is 5 inches thick, no windows and the walls are already underground with 2 feet of packed earth above. The cellar itself is inside the garage which is built out of cinder blocks and cement. Water, food, heat and cooking is at hand down there and the garage is a double wood and sheet steel roof six feet above the cellar. The entire garage is insulated with 2 1/2 inch polyurethane on the outer walls also. Inside the garage is a 4 kw wood stove on which I can cook, bake and prepare simple 2 pot meals. In the single window of the garage is a solar panel which charges a 105 aH battery hooked to a 220V inverter to keep the freezer running and lights up. I can pull back into the garage and cellar for almost a year without leaving except to walk 10 feet to the handpump well. All lights are either 220V, 12 V or rechargeable battery powered and hook up to the solar digital controller over the USB connectors (4 each). I can cook on propane, butane, alcohol or wood and have enough wood for about 2 1/2 years of cooking and heating. Clothes and sleeping bags could extend the heating wood longer if I keep the inside temps below normal and down to about 10°C/50°F.
We have a nuclear power plant 7 miles away which is the same type as the Chernobyl plant back in 1986...but it has been updated and improved over the years and is almost new. Gotta be ready for anything tho.
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we left our previous location and moved here because they announced a new nuclear power station was to be built 15 miles away on the coast, we lived on top of a high hill the only high ground down wind of the new site, shouldnt have worried too much as its been well over 10 years and it still isnt finished and wont be producing any electricity for a few more years longer.
My cellar is steel reinforced-poured concrete and the roof is 5 inches thick, no windows and the walls are already underground with 2 feet of packed earth above. The cellar itself is inside the garage which is built out of cinder blocks and cement. Water, food, heat and cooking is at hand down there and the garage is a double wood and sheet steel roof six feet above the cellar. The entire garage is insulated with 2 1/2 inch polyurethane on the outer walls also. Inside the garage is a 4 kw wood stove on which I can cook, bake and prepare simple 2 pot meals. In the single window of the garage is a solar panel which charges a 105 aH battery hooked to a 220V inverter to keep the freezer running and lights up. I can pull back into the garage and cellar for almost a year without leaving except to walk 10 feet to the handpump well. All lights are either 220V, 12 V or rechargeable battery powered and hook up to the solar digital controller over the USB connectors (4 each). I can cook on propane, butane, alcohol or wood and have enough wood for about 2 1/2 years of cooking and heating. Clothes and sleeping bags could extend the heating wood longer if I keep the inside temps below normal and down to about 10°C/50°F.
We have a nuclear power plant 7 miles away which is the same type as the Chernobyl plant back in 1986...but it has been updated and improved over the years and is almost new. Gotta be ready for anything tho.
That's impressive!
Water is so heavy, storing as much as we would need for a really long time in a protected container is a challenge. We have considered a cistern, but certain people in our group have said they get contaminated with vermin easily.

Water does not hold nuclear fall out, particles in the water do however. Mike Adams aka Health Ranger explains this very well In a few of his videos. What you need is a good water filter to get all the pollutants out. Big Berkeys are great for this…with back up filters.

Actually there are 3 springs within walking distance

Thought I was reading my own post! LOL. We have 3 on our property and they are all easily accessible and close.
Iodine-131 is a radioactive gas that can be dissolved in water as a gas instead of suspended particles. It's a bit more difficult to remove than particles, and it's recommended that you use a combination of reverse osmosis, carbon filter, and ion exchange.

Reverse osmosis by itself cannot remove dissolved gas, but the reverse osmosis systems usually include a carbon filter which can.

Even though the Berkey uses ion exchange, it doesn't list iodine-131 as one of the contaminants it removes. However, I suspect that it reduces it.

So, in short, a combination of an inexpensive carbon filter and a Berkey should reduce the iodine-131 to safe levels.
Water does not hold nuclear fall out, particles in the water do however. Mike Adams aka Health Ranger explains this very well In a few of his videos. What you need is a good water filter to get all the pollutants out. Big Berkeys are great for this…with back up filters.

Thought I was reading my own post! LOL. We have 3 on our property and they are all easily accessible and close.

When removing radiation particles from water, always pre filter first.
I would use triple filtration with the first 2 being reverse osmosis/activated carbon and a ion exchange filters. Store the first 2 in separate isolated locations, then your third closer to your usage area. Test your water in the third for Gross Beta, Radium 226, Uranium, Cesium 137, Strontium, Plutonium, Radioactive Iodine 131, and Radon 222.

You will need to safely flush out the first 2 filters regularly and I'd change the third often. This water is for drinking and cooking only.

Also note, that you can use radioactive water to wash away radioactive fallout. Use protective clothing when doing this.
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When removing radiation particles from water, always pre filter first.
I would use triple filtration with the first 2 being reverse osmosis/activated carbon and a ion exchange filters. Store the first 2 in separate isolated locations, then your third closer to your usage area. Test your water in the third for Gross Beta, Radium 226, Uranium, Cesium 137, Strontium, Plutonium, Radioactive Iodine 131, and Radon 222.

You will need to safely flush out the first 2 filters regularly and I'd change the third often. This water is for drinking and cooking only.

Also note, that you can use radioactive water to wash away radioactive fallout. Use protective clothing when doing this.

This is some very valuable instructions PP!!
Ukraine Situation Report: Russia Training Belarus Pilots To Fly Jets With 'Special Warheads' --- Looks like they are getting ready for the Nuclear War . Like the Christmas saying , check your prepping list and check it twice . --- It appears though , those not ready yet , have a little more time as Russia is moving defensive missile systems from artic region and setting it up for defending the more populated areas of Russia . Another sign that we have a few more days is they are building domes over their existing missile silos to further harden them up . They have slipped a few new missiles into position in their launch pads and it looks like they are trying to get more missiles set and ready for launch . Anyway I am just trying to be optimistic that any that feel they are not ready yet may have a little more time to get ready .--- Just a couple of interesting tidbits , Their faster Nuclear Missile from launch time from Russia to impact time on the North American Continent is 30 minutes . Some of those satellites that are already floating around over our heads have a Nuclear Bomb in them set and waiting for detonation instructions from a key board to create a Electrical Magnetic Pulse . I suppose most of you guys already know these things but perhaps someone doesn,t .
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