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No plan of battle survives contact with the enemy.

Actually the original quote from Helmuth von Moltke the Elder was:
"No plan of operations extends with certainty beyond the first encounter with the enemy's main strength."
But that isn't "pithy" enough so people paraphrase it.

Which is why you need to have plan B-F one of which is according to Tsun Tsu:
“To win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.”
I dont define anything as a game, I dont do games, ever, cant you understand that?

I can understand that but...I will stop before I fall off the recovery wagon for the tactless and say what I really see.
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Survival is not game but there will be winners (survivors) and losers (the dead). Logistic (location, supplies and materials), Knowledge, skills, planning and preparation will be part of the survivors ability to win (survive). BUT there is no guarantee that even will all the bases covered, will a person be part of the survivor group. Mr. Murphy will always have his say.
Survival is not game but there will be winners (survivors) and losers (the dead). Logistic (location, supplies and materials), Knowledge, skills, planning and preparation will be part of the survivors ability to win (survive). BUT there is no guarantee that even will all the bases covered, will a person be part of the survivor group. Mr. Murphy will always have his say.

Perhaps the point of contention is my definition of "Game". An event in which their are rules (in this case, human nature, laws of physics and nature) a goal and an end with a measurable outcome.
Different people will be faced with different needs.

By virtue of where some live and the laws in certain countries, unless it is your own military, you are largely prepping for a knife fight or perhaps a shotgun fight.

A nuclear event has need for tactics as well though, that will in part be determined by remaining population and livable land mass in addition to preps.


Perhaps in the UK a one man army is all you will need. It is different here.

I have a 78 year old horse friend over there in England, that beat three young “hoodlums” who tried to rob her, into submission with her walking cane. The Bobbies thought it quite humorous when they showed up and she had them sitting on the ground cross legged, hands behind their heads, against a building, keeping them from escaping with the threat of her cane.

On the other side of the pond, I see a need for battle tactics in my group because of the difference in the ability of populations to migrate (we are not on an island and border Mexico with their drug cartels) and the types of weapons available.
Our events will not be fought with shotguns and knives and it won’t matter if it comes in the form of a nuclear holocaust or an economic collapse.

For the preppers here, it will be a necessity because a good sniper (we have a couple of those in our group) can take you out with a rifle before the sound of the shot even gets to you and long before you get anywhere near your intended target. Shoot, shovel and shut-up.

Yep, it is a game. A deadly serious one which if you do not learn how to play well and learn from your mistakes before the dice start rolling, you will be out of the running. Learning on the fly is a fools errand. Yes, murphy's law is always in effect. But, the more experiences you have, the better you can make decisions that might mitigate the effects.

Eg. Your gun jams right when you need it most. If you have never had that happen because you didn't practice enough time to have it happen, will you be able to clear it?

What some call “games” I call the process of learning survival skills. If you choose not to develop those or see no necessity for those so-called games, that is your choice, but, don’t belittle those of us who find a dress rehearsal for a real event, to be a pre-requisite to successful survival.
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I have a lot of training in human behavior. I also have a lot of experience in reading body language both human and animal. I don't believe what someone is saying until everything jibes. Everyone, even psychopaths, have a give. I am pretty good at finding that give, often before they even open their mouths.

Thusly, I have a handful of people who I trust out of a lifetime of social interactions. I can do the loner thing as well but, I don't fight to survive for myself. I am already dead.

Many years ago, remember someone from the military, talking about military psychological training. They said what they do is teach you that you are already dead.

It seems counterintuitive. Why would they do they do that? Because fear of death is the main reason a soldier makes bad, emotional and irrational decisions that often, not only kill them but, many of their brethren.

If you have already accepted that you are dead, then psychologically, it takes that fear induced and panicked behavior off the table, clearing the way for rational thought even in the worst situations. Being dead, keeps you alive.

I have no fear for myself.
I feel the same.

I consider my only responsibility to be keeping my kids alive. My husband and I have talked about this quite a bit. If ever there is a risk to personal safety, I'm the one that will take it. I have made my peace. My only concern is living long enough to raise them to relative safety.

On a other note, I had to laugh about your weight comments. I just talked about this with a friend.

I think I'm pretty average weight wise, but I think they recently changed the BMI recommendations. I have paid close attention to my weight for the first time in my life due to treatment. It is still considered a healthy weight to be 159lbs at 5'7" and the lower threshold is 118lbs! I have never been a rail by any means, but when my weight was 150 postpartum, I felt incredibly sluggish, uncomfortable, and unhealthy. I have a hard time picturing a healthy 5'7" woman who weighs about 160lbs unless she is a body builder maybe?

Whenever I go to community events, it saddens me how many people are so morbidly obese they can barely walk. It is just rampant.
I don't have satellites and when the grid goes down "commanders" won't either.
Being on the ground is going to be the only way to get truthful, eyes on info.

Yes, my survival group will all have walkie-talkies so they'll be able to keep each other in the picture if starving gangs show up.

GANG LEADERS- "Hey you in the farm, you better give us food or we'll come in and get it, y'hear what we're saying?"


Propwash quote- Yup, if the bad guys are coming at us, a man's gotta do what he's gotta do to defend himself, his family and his group with a clear conscience..:)
Easy to say, just hard to do in real life...

It's as easy as pulling a trigger..:)

Propwash, you're so loveably weird but I worry for your survival.

Check out this vid of me under my wargaming name 'PoorOldSpike', play it fullscreen for maximum dramatic effect and note the superb fearless arrogance and confidence oozing from my every pore that gives out the message "Survivor" loud and clear..:)

post SHTF is not the time to start trusting strangers.
I trust no one now and in SHTF that goes 10 fold.

Right, here in 'Survivors 1975' Greg bumps into a friendly group in the woods, what could go wrong?-

Full episode 'The Last Laugh'-
Incidentally are there any women here who can handle a gun?

Because nobody better mess with them when they're protecting their young..:)


This trespasser learned that the hard way, but at least they're giving him a decent burial, how sweet...:)
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I feel the same.

I consider my only responsibility to be keeping my kids alive. My husband and I have talked about this quite a bit. If ever there is a risk to personal safety, I'm the one that will take it. I have made my peace. My only concern is living long enough to raise them to relative safety.

On a other note, I had to laugh about your weight comments. I just talked about this with a friend.

I think I'm pretty average weight wise, but I think they recently changed the BMI recommendations. I have paid close attention to my weight for the first time in my life due to treatment. It is still considered a healthy weight to be 159lbs at 5'7" and the lower threshold is 118lbs! I have never been a rail by any means, but when my weight was 150 postpartum, I felt incredibly sluggish, uncomfortable, and unhealthy. I have a hard time picturing a healthy 5'7" woman who weighs about 160lbs unless she is a body builder maybe?

Whenever I go to community events, it saddens me how many people are so morbidly obese they can barely walk. It is just rampant.

BMI is a farce. My third son when he was playing hockey was 5'8" and 150. The BMI charts had him as borderline obese! He was a well sculpted bean pole. Muscle weighs more than fat. My eldest daughter is 5'2 and weighs 135 she was also a nationally ranked power lifter. According to charts she is obese but, not an ounce of fat on her. In her training days she could lift over 200 lbs. over her head in practice.

I don't own a scale and never have. Only know my weight based on doctor's appointments. I have always controlled my weight based on how I feel.
BMI is a farce. My third son when he was playing hockey was 5'8" and 150. The BMI charts had him as borderline obese! He was a well sculpted bean pole. Muscle weighs more than fat. My eldest daughter is 5'2 and weighs 135 she was also a nationally ranked power lifter. According to charts she is obese but, not an ounce of fat on her. In her training days she could lift over 200 lbs. over her head in practice.

I don't own a scale and never have. Only know my weight based on doctor's appointments. I have always controlled my weight based on how I feel.
F the charts and the fancy scales.
When I was 50, I had body fat pinches done (like they do for wrestlers) according to the chart I was a 4% body fat.
When I was 55, I had to have a CDL physical. Same weight, I stepped on a Tanika scale. Still have the report that said I was borderline obese with my BMI.
Finally Gained 30 lbs and for the first time in my life I feel good, don’t have to worry about hypoglycemia attacks.
Do I want to gain more? Would have to get suspenders. I will take feeling good over stupid charts and scales anytime.
Look up Murphy's laws of combat. Universal application for all era's and military's. Murphy does not take leave.

Thus the evolution of the term FUBAR.
I feel the same.

I consider my only responsibility to be keeping my kids alive. My husband and I have talked about this quite a bit. If ever there is a risk to personal safety, I'm the one that will take it. I have made my peace. My only concern is living long enough to raise them to relative safety.

My husband and I have had the same conversation; same conclusions. But mine are grown and three of them have babies of their own. They have multiple protectors which does give me peace of mind.
Some people use humor as a coping mechanism for stress. It annoys people who see little humor in life.

I have one friend who is a goof but, the second stuff gets serious, he flips a switch and is all business. Wouldn't judge a book by its cover.
humour is one thing, stupidity is something else.

That is the thing about humor. Some see stupid or crass. Some will pay money for tickets! It is in the eye of the beholder.
we are talking about nuclear war survival on this thread, I see nothing to joke about.
we are talking about nuclear war survival on this thread, I see nothing to joke about.
My former son-in-law was Special Ops USMC. He was deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan six times (that are known). The first time his MRAP was blown up by an IED, the vehicle was blown into the air and flipped.

Once they all regained consciousness, had no immediate serious injuries (one soldier had a broken wrist) and realized that they were not taking fire, all of them just started laughing hysterically. It lasted for quite some time.

Here they are, sitting ducks out in the middle of the desert, in a war zone, and they are laughing to the point of tears. To you and I there is nothing funny about that situation.

These are highly trained, deadly serious, soldiers and not some mess ups.

Humor, is part of the human condition. It is a healthy mental release of stress. Without it, you will become mentally and emotionally constipated and start making bad decisions if you don't drop dead of a heart explosion first, which would kind of mess up any survival plans you have.

Relax a bit. Nothing has started yet. Take a couple of seconds out of the day to get a good laugh while the getting is good; save it up for a rainy day that is coming soon!
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I am well known for my one line ad libs, so I am no stranger to humour.
however there is a time and a place.
fighting a battle or even a war is a time limited thing, at some point it will end and the combatants will all return home, survival is finite, it is non ending, its a permanent state of affairs, certainly in a post societal collapse situation it is, that is what I am planning for, and that is no laughing matter.
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I am well known for my one line ad libs, so I am no stranger to humour.
however there is a time and a place.
fighting a battle or even a war is a time limited thing, at some point it will end and the combatants will all return home, survival is finite, it is non ending, its a permanent state of affairs, certainly in a post societal collapse situation it is, that is what I am planning for.

Glad to know you do have a sense of humor. That is healthy.

Not everyone sees survival the same way and everyone deals with situations differently. When I received word that my mother had died suddenly, I did not cry one tear not then, not at the funeral, never. Some people might see that as strange, tell me I needed to cry as a form of acceptance that she was gone...that wasn't why I didn't cry and it wasn't because I hated her either.

The point is, there is not a "my way or the highway" approach to survival. There are white lines to keep you on the road, but, many roads to take, that lead to the same destination.

Constructive criticism is much more effective than plain old criticism.

To be on alert 24/7 when there is no high immediate threat can lead to adrenaline fatigue and leads to decreased performance when it is most crucial. there is a difference between holding your weapon at low ready, and constant ready.
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Glad to know you do have a sense of humor. That is healthy.

Not everyone sees survival the same way and everyone deals with situations differently. When I received word that my mother had died suddenly, I did not cry one tear not then, not at the funeral, never. Some people might see that as strange, tell me I needed to cry as a form of acceptance that she was gone...that wasn't why I didn't cry and it wasn't because I hated her either.

The point is, there is not a "my way or the highway" approach to survival. There are white lines to keep you on the road, but, many roads to take that lead to the same destination.
we all prepare in our own way, nobody said one way was right and another was wrong, but the basics are fairly obvious to most and getting them wrong is not a good start. we probably prepare differently in the UK than someone in the US.
we all prepare in our own way, nobody said one way was right and another was wrong, but the basics are fairly obvious to most and getting them wrong is not a good start. we probably prepare differently in the UK than someone in the US.

Yes, we do. Telling someone though that they are an idiot and providing no guidance in that, produces few results though.

Why take the time? I see it as the more people who are self sufficient the fewer people I have beggaring at my gates when the time comes.

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