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Tier 2 also here but with the ability to easily slide into tier one on most but perhaps not all listed requirements . We don't do military style training and we see no reason to deprive ourselves from using the power grid while it is still available . We also enjoy getting into a gas powered vehicle and buying stuff at a store instead of being totally reliant on our homestead . -- This place is impressive enough that I had a tour group stop by , this past summer , coming from several hundred miles away . They found this place beyond their expectations and they only saw a glimpse at the life of a prepper . I am expecting another group next fall , but they are coming for a different reason . There is a wedding planned in my garden area as it is quite an impressive spot . --- Yes the go to ploy for most preppers is to keep their prepping a secret . In my case my prepper lifestyle was quickly spread throughout the local area , mostly by teenage youngsters that liked to have sleep overs here . Sometimes perhaps 20 or so kids at a time . My prep's is a little more than some extra food stuffed back . -- This calls for very tight security measures .
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We have most of Tier 3 covered, and some into Tier 2.

The Tier 3 part:

"They know some things and have done some things but, don’t have a depth of experience/knowledge that a group can provide. WSHTF they plan to ride it out with just immediate family/close friends."

I am stil trying to learn as much as I can, and am still relying somewhat on others for direction in a lot of areas. I don't care if anyone knows I am a prepper but also don't announce it around. Have not looked into reaching out for purpose of adding to our small family group.

Most of the money goes toward preps outside normal monthly bills that have to be paid.

We definitely have gaps: "such as nuclear shelters, complete energy independence or the ability to renew resources under ALL circumstances, may still fall short". Definitely falling short in these areas.
There comes a point where I think each of us hits a "comfort zone" where we take a deep breath and say, we're going to do okay, even if TSHTF today. It might be rough at times but, we have the knowledge and emotional strength to tough it out for as long as we need to.

Yeah, mindset is EVERYTHING..:)
Snowflakes won't last 5 minutes before cracking up, but the real survivors will be the ones with a sense of humour and a christian mindset as exemplified by Bear Grylls..:)-

Paul said-
"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want"- (Philippians 4:12)

"Our gospel came to you not simply with words but also with power"- (1 Thess 1:5)

That's ok sis, ROUND is also a SHAPE.
Overweight is just another name someone uses to describe persons who are SKINNIER than they are to make themselves feel better.

I've always been as thin as a rake and each winter seems to be colder than the one before, costing me a fortune in heating bills even though I'm wearing 4 woolly jumpers.
I eat well enough but it never seems to put any fat on my skinny frame to keep me warm.
Also I've had an underactive thyroid for years which makes me feel like a cold-blooded reptile and long for summer when I can bask on warm rocks along the seafront..:)
Yeah, mindset is EVERYTHING..:)
Snowflakes won't last 5 minutes before cracking up, but the real survivors will be the ones with a sense of humour and a christian mindset as exemplified by Bear Grylls..:)-

Paul said-
"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want"- (Philippians 4:12)

"Our gospel came to you not simply with words but also with power"- (1 Thess 1:5)

Bear Grylls wont survive, he takes too many chances, jumping down waterfalls and eating dead and rotting animals, thats okay when there is a film crew with a medic on standby, post collapse none of that is available and his first mistake will be his last.
Bear Grylls wont survive, he takes too many chances, jumping down waterfalls and eating dead and rotting animals, thats okay when there is a film crew with a medic on standby, post collapse none of that is available and his first mistake will be his last.

Yeah Grylls is too slap-happy and I'm surprised he's lasted this long, but at least he's demonstrated that we needn't be afraid to eat creepy-crawlies for protein, and not be afraid to face down harsh environments..:)
I like Ray Mears carefully planned approach much better, comedian Jack Dee once said of Mears- "What a man, he comes out of the wilderness fatter than when he went in"..:)
PS- I'm still undecided about Ed Stafford, as I'm almost certain most of his shows are faked, and he makes blunders, for example he went into Siberia without a proper map, and in Africa he was soaked to the skin in a downpour one night because he never brought a tent, and in another show he never tethered his camel properly and it wandered off carrying his water supply, duh..
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Ray Mears is a Woodsman, slow and careful, Grylls is a Showman or rather a SHOW OFF!
Grylls is the last person I would want near me is a catastrophe, he is an accident waiting to happen. anyone with him will suffer the same fate.
I like watching "survival" shows just to see what they get wrong, most of the mistakes are so basic.
Tier 2 also here but with the ability to easily slide into tier one on most but perhaps not all listed requirements . We don't do military style training and we see no reason to deprive ourselves from using the power grid while it is still available . We also enjoy getting into a gas powered vehicle and buying stuff at a store instead of being totally reliant on our homestead . -- This place is impressive enough that I had a tour group stop by , this past summer , coming from several hundred miles away . They found this place beyond their expectations and they only saw a glimpse at the life of a prepper . I am expecting another group next fall , but they are coming for a different reason . There is a wedding planned in my garden area as it is quite an impressive spot . --- Yes the go to ploy for most preppers is to keep their prepping a secret . In my case my prepper lifestyle was quickly spread throughout the local area , mostly by teenage youngsters that liked to have sleep overs here . Sometimes perhaps 20 or so kids at a time . My prep's is a little more than some extra food stuffed back . -- This calls for very tight security measures .

I was a "mean" mom. Out of five kids we hosted four sleepovers of non-relatives. All of those happened after I realized that BOL1 was going to be eventually invaded by Suburban Sprawl and we needed a second location.
I'll give y'all a tip on starting to train with your group. It is actually fun and you can involve the young kids. Mine were 7 but, not prone to complaining at a little pain or bruises.
Air soft/paintball.

It started in our family as a holiday/birthday thing when my oldest two started working at a paintball place. They have replicas these days of weapons that work and feel a lot like your chosen firearms. Not exactly no, but, it is a great way to learn tactics, how to work together and communicate as a team. There are even competitions,

My oldest kids got good enough at it that they and a couple of friends entered one of the biggest national competitions and won!

To give you an idea of what you can learn from oldest son dropped out of University of Texas and joined the USAF. During basic he called out his training officer on a tactical issue (a big no-no and it was the reason he was no 2 in his class instead of no 1), and it turned out he was right. He learned it from playing paintball/airsoft.

It seems like a big game but, is a good place to start training together. It is also a great way to hone in on quick accuracy under a stressful (but non lethal) situation. My fourth child was able to hit a 2" cluster at 50 feet with my 9mm the first time he ever fired a real handgun at age 12. Airsoft bb's are much less expensive.

You may not be a crack shot but, excellent tactical skills can make up for it.

I played with a recently added group member. It was just the two of us during COVID. He is a much better shot than me (feels comfortable going for headshots at 300' while hunting) and had some military training. I am better at tactics. My score was three times his.

Target practice and knowing your weapon is important but, tactics can win battles you wouldn't have otherwise won. Combine accuracy with tactics and you will be golden.
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..My fourth child was able to hit a 2" cluster at 50 feet with my 9mm the first time he ever fired a real handgun at age 12..


76% of Americans polled believe WWIII is coming. Yeah, if 5% are actually reasonably prepared, I would be shocked.
In Europe maybe 10% believe that the third world war will come, when it comes these at most 10% will be prepared, the rest will be gone.

This is dumbing down of the people by television and politics what is going on here.
Target practice and knowing your weapon is important but, tactics can win battles you wouldn't have otherwise won. Combine accuracy with tactics and you will be golden.

Yay, and the wargame table is a great way to hone those skills.
As I tell my computer wargaming team- "Fight with your brain first and your weapons second"..:)

In Europe maybe 10% believe that the third world war will come, when it comes these at most 10% will be prepared, the rest will be gone.

This is dumbing down of the people by television and politics what is going on here.

The numbers in Ireland, that were quoted in the video were somewhere in the range of 70% if I recall correctly. England and Germany were lower but not 10%.

I think people can feel it in their gut, but think if they ignore it, it will go away.
Yay, and the wargame table is a great way to hone those skills.
As I tell my computer wargaming team- "Fight with your brain first and your weapons second"..:)

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LOL. It is a little different being on the battlefield and making decisions instead of looking at a map.

I am talking about being in a battle and figuring out how to surround an enemy without them knowing you are there, and without getting shot or surrounded in the process. Being able to fire, move, advance and take a target, using what you have to work with on the ground.

Map rooms are no substitute for on the ground tactics.
I've done a lot of paintball and airsoft Milspec practice,as well as many in my family and prepper group. We also played a lot of military strategy and tactical gaming. Trains your skills, reflexes and mind.

Yes, you can plan your fields of fire, kill zones, sniper nests and booby traps etc, and it's FUN..:)

As for mindset, I like Jimmy Garland's attitude in the 'Survivors 1975' episode 'Garland's War', he's living in a post-apoc cave being hunted by the bad guys but is loving every minute of it..:)

I can actually relate to that as being a former Viet Nam Green Beret attached to the 173rd. airborne . Yes I was terrified , slept every night with a bayonet by my head , my loaded M 16 on one side and a hand grenade on the other side . However I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Nam . An Adrenalin rush that left me a adrenalin junky . Even after my war years I would do things for that adrenalin rush by doing things that would leave a lot of men running the other way . Actually I did see a guy or two running away when I cheerfully waded into a forest fire to put it out . That was my civilian job fighting forest fires . The worse it was the more I enjoyed it .
I can actually relate to that as being a former Viet Nam Green Beret attached to the 173rd. airborne . Yes I was terrified , slept every night with a bayonet by my head , my loaded M 16 on one side and a hand grenade on the other side . However I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Nam . An Adrenalin rush that left me a adrenalin junky . Even after my war years I would do things for that adrenalin rush by doing things that would leave a lot of men running the other way . Actually I did see a guy or two running away when I cheerfully waded into a forest fire to put it out . That was my civilian job fighting forest fires . The worse it was the more I enjoyed it .

I never went to war, I was just born an adrenaline junkie and a little crazy from the get go.

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--- Here is todays news on the war situation we are in today . This is another broadcast by " Canadian Prepper " . If we have anyone on this site that prefers to deny a probable Nuclear World War 3 , as if denying will make it become true "simply don't watch it " .
As of now Russia is moving missile defense systems from the artic region to the mother land . Anticipation of incoming Nuclear missiles attacking Russia in a response measure , seems to be the reason . As I reported yesterday Puttin has now disappeared .
--- Here is todays news on the war situation we are in today . This is another broadcast by " Canadian Prepper " . If we have anyone on this site that prefers to deny a probable Nuclear World War 3 , as if denying will make it become true "simply don't watch it " .
As of now Russia is moving missile defense systems from the artic region to the mother land . Anticipation of incoming Nuclear missiles attacking Russia in a response measure , seems to be the reason . As I reported yesterday Puttin has now disappeared .

December 17th is "Strategic Missile Forces Day" in Russia. Could be used for a cover story.
Didn't Bear Grylls get busted (found out) for actually staying in hotels while claiming to be camping out in wildblue yonder battling all the elements?
Yep. A program consultant let the cat out of the bag. A lot of the show was staged with Grylls sleeping in a hotel while he was supposedly stranded out in the wilderness.
Strategy games can be beneficial but I have learned that war games that involve actual pain is the best teacher. I really enjoyed my paintball days. Nothing like getting hit by a paintball, at close range, to impress mistakes upon you or your opponent. LOL

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