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Strategy games can be beneficial but I have learned that war games that involve actual pain is the best teacher. I really enjoyed my paintball days. Nothing like getting hit by a paintball, at close range, to impress mistakes upon you or your opponent. LOL

Ever run a white rabbit?
Its where everyone lines up on either side, and you run through" the rabbit hole" between them with everyone shooting at you...done for fun.
Its where everyone lines up on either side, and you run through" the rabbit hole" between them with everyone shooting at you...done for fun.
No, I have never volunteered to get shot. I am skinny but not that skinny. I was almost always the designated sniper. I like sneaking up on the opposing forces or ambushing folks.
Its where everyone lines up on either side, and you run through" the rabbit hole" between them with everyone shooting at you...done for fun.
That's called "running the gauntlet." The term itself goes back to the 1600s but the practice goes way way back.
Sometimes a form of corporal punishment, but sometimes (especially with the Indians) it was a test of courage and fortitude.
isnt that what the native indians did to white prisoners using big clubs? or is that only in movies?
Yes. And also for the purpose of testing courage.
LOL. It is a little different being on the battlefield and making decisions instead of looking at a map..
Map rooms are no substitute for on the ground tactics.

Ah, but the troops on the ground are only seeing what's in their vicinity, but the commanders at HQ are seeing the big picture and can order units to "go here, go there, kill, don't kill"..:)
Didn't Bear Grylls get busted (found out) for actually staying in hotels while claiming to be camping out in wildblue yonder battling all the elements?

Yeah Grylls admitted he did that against his better judgement in an early show, but later took more control over his shows, but even now his (and other "survivalists") shows still contain lots of fakery like Ed Stafford's 'First Man Out' series where Stafford has to get from A to B without a map or compass, who does he think he's kidding?..:)
my experience is that of being on my own, being alone is not a problem for me, where most people would go gaga with no company, I thrive on being alone.

Me too, I usually get on alright with people but in a shtf survival situation if anybody wants to join my group they better remember I run the show..:)
Ah, but the troops on the ground are only seeing what's in their vicinity, but the commanders at HQ are seeing the big picture and can order units to "go here, go there, kill, don't kill"..:)
View attachment 18244

I don't have satellites and when the grid goes down "commanders" won't either.

Being on the ground is going to be the only way to get truthful, eyes on info.
post SHTF is not the time to start trusting strangers.
I trust no one now and in SHTF that goes 10 fold.

I have a lot of training in human behavior. I also have a lot of experience in reading body language both human and animal. I don't believe what someone is saying until everything jibes. Everyone, even psychopaths, have a give. I am pretty good at finding that give, often before they even open their mouths.

Thusly, I have a handful of people who I trust out of a lifetime of social interactions. I can do the loner thing as well but, I don't fight to survive for myself. I am already dead.

Many years ago, remember someone from the military, talking about military psychological training. They said what they do is teach you that you are already dead.

It seems counterintuitive. Why would they do they do that? Because fear of death is the main reason a soldier makes bad, emotional and irrational decisions that often, not only kill them but, many of their brethren.

If you have already accepted that you are dead, then psychologically, it takes that fear induced and panicked behavior off the table, clearing the way for rational thought even in the worst situations. Being dead, keeps you alive.

I have no fear for myself.
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I have no fear either, but the only time I will think I am dead is when I am.
my philosophy is to be Last Man Standing, not because I have killed everyone else but because I have outlived them because they didnt know how to survive without modern resources and technology.
That's called "running the gauntlet." The term itself goes back to the 1600s but the practice goes way way back.
Sometimes a form of corporal punishment, but sometimes (especially with the Indians) it was a test of courage and fortitude.

We call it "white rabbit" it is a local thing....or maybe it is a loco thing? LOL
I have no fear either, but the only time I will think I am dead is when I am.
my philosophy is to be Last Man Standing, not because I have killed everyone else but because I have outlived them because they didnt know how to survive without modern resources and technology.

Yes. Survival is a game. In my case, a team game.
survival is not a game, post SHTF it will be real life, and its time a few more people realised that.

Ah, and yet, you refer to it in terms of a game as in you intend to "win" by surviving where they can't.

It is a game; one with real consequences, not unlike life itself.
I've got no time for games, games are for foolish sheeple who dont know any better,
surviving is serious, its no game.
I've got no time for games, games are for foolish sheeple who dont know any better,
surviving is serious, its no game.

Define for me the difference?

Prepping is war gaming. SHTF is when you hope your strategy works.
When you have no fear; when you do not believe in a power higher than yourself, when you only fight to “win”/prove you are better than everyone else, you have already reduced it to a game/competition.

Games have consequences. Real ones : war gaming, the game of love, the game of life.

There is a reason those phrases appear in the common vernacular. They all elude to there being winners and losers which is exactly what you just stated a few minutes ago is your goal. You intend to win while the sheeple, lose.

I see it differently. WTSHTF, we will all lose. None will come out unscathed or unscarred. As terrible as that will be, it will be hopeful, because it means you are still reachable. You are still human.

There will be those who will have no rules, fight without boundaries and will lose their life none the less because they will be untouchable. Then they are worse than dead, they are the undead, because they will be void of that which makes us human.

There was a movie back in the 80’s about Nuclear War called War Games…spoiler alert. At the end, the AI states “The only way to win the game, is not to play”.

You already stated your goal. Let me ask you this. Why do you want to survive? What is your purpose after you have "won"?
I dont do games. survival is serious, anyone who thinks it isnt is a fool, post SHTF they will be a dead fool.
I want to survive because I dont want to die, my purpose after that is to adapt to the new lifestyle which will be nothing like the old "normal" but will be "closer to the earth" as we say here. I dont suppose there are many people who know what I mean, certainly not over here.
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I dont do games.

You say that but then define your purpose as a game. As for being a dead fool...try me darlin'. Nothing fights like a mother protecting her young.
I dont define anything as a game, I dont do games, ever, cant you understand that?
as far as nuclear war is concerned Britain will be taken out of the fight fairly quickly, it wont take many strikes to bracket the entire country, if its only London that gets hit then we out in the countryside might MIGHT just have a chance of survival.

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