Observations from Pearl's pool

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We call those hedge balls. Have tons of those trees lining our property up to the dirt road. And we use the wood (hedge wood) for our wood burning stove, it burns just right. So we call them hedge trees, but I know they're also called Osage orange. These trees are planted for windbreaks in the fields here, and grow very fast.
That wood makes WAY too much gooey creosote for burning, be careful!! It literally gums up chainsaws!!
That wood makes WAY too much gooey creosote for burning, be careful!! It literally gums up chainsaws!!
In Alabama they are called 'mock orange' and the big green balls were called 'horse apples' (even though horses don't eat them). The trees have vicious thorns and we fought with them to make fence posts.
You are right about them taking a toll on chainsaws.
The yellow center wood is so hard, it can turn a sharp chain into a dull chain in just an hour, and is almost impossible to drive a fence-staple into :mad:.
But to say they last only 50 years as a fence-post would be wrong, they last longer:rolleyes:.
Oh, and in an open fireplace, they will shoot sparks into the room when stirred.:oops:
It can be a real wildlife extravaganza out here on the edge of the woods somedays! The pool float is truly therapy for me. Lately I have been watching a mom turkey and her five little ones. Everyday they make the rounds from the woods to shade trees in the back pasture. There are five little deer fawns around too! One or two of the moms will babysit while the others go off for a while. The Scissor Tails have been busy lately, and there is a pair of Painted Buntings hanging around. Buddy has a pair of cowbirds that follow him as he grazes. They go after an insects he stirs up. It is very interesting watching all the different critters!
Now that’s just completely romantic. I was expecting the insight of “Mmm beer good” 🍺 😂
In Alabama they are called 'mock orange' and the big green balls were called 'horse apples' (even though horses don't eat them). The trees have vicious thorns and we fought with them to make fence posts.
You are right about them taking a toll on chainsaws.
The yellow center wood is so hard, it can turn a sharp chain into a dull chain in just an hour, and is almost impossible to drive a fence-staple into :mad:.
But to say they last only 50 years as a fence-post would be wrong, they last longer:rolleyes:.
Oh, and in an open fireplace, they will shoot sparks into the room when stirred.:oops:
Now I knew southerners talked funny but this is what we call mock orange. I have one right out my window.

And this is what we call horse apples. 😂
Ok, I am back from night pool, wow! Beautiful night out there!! Still 86° , the water temp is 90°😮! Half moon!! Three different sized bats tonight! Lots of coyotes in the distance! Old Linda the deer now lives in Buddy's pasture at night, her kid is with her sometimes, or it is outside the fence right behind his shed!! She hunkered down for the night close to the pool!! Beautiful night!
We have something similar kinda. In front of our remote cabin is a small pond. 10 to 12 acres or so. It's also the meeting place for the wild animals in the area. Moose, lynx in the morning and there is a pack of wolves near. Not uncommon to see them.
We've been able to use this now for a 6-8 years now. The wolves know exactly when we're there. And often leave me welcome turds on the corner of a freight sled that is stuck there. With a bunch of traps on it. What a way to sent traps. We generally all get along. I kinda say we as after spending a lot of time sitting in a small blind on the corner of the pond. I often will sit there and watch the sun set over the ak range. Denali .And watch another world wake up. Moose are hungry and hot and big enough to not care. There is a swan nest on a small mat of an island that gives them protection from the wolves. Usually there. The are not uncommon on a lot of pot holes around.
Yeah it's kinda magical for me and sooooo inspiring. Just nature how it should be. We do not harvest the spruce hens around the cabin. We feed them sunflower seeds n peanuts while drinking a cold beers n watch them. Wild chickens. They stay near and not unusual to have one roost just outside a living room window 8' away. They go under the cabin for grit n getting out of the rain. Listening to a few under the floor is fun while it is raining. They have kept our cabin mouse free. Just nice to have around.
The cabin has also kinda grown into the woods. So animals aren't spooked with us as much. I'm sooooo blessed to be able to just call our pilot Dave n say take me to the cabin. Walk a couple miles straight north from the little lake we use. And take a left at the wolf turds.
Open er up n air out and drink a cold beers on the deck n visit with the spruce hens.
And a new world opens up and I'm home again
My daughter found a pond turtle in the pasture yesterday.
There used to be a lot of them but I haven't seen one in several (10?) years.
They walk from the small lake across my pasture, over the road, across the neighbors pasture to a low swampy area to lay eggs. Probably around 150 yards distance.
The irrigation company put in pipe and don't use open ditches any more so the swampy area is pretty dry now.
My daughter found a pond turtle in the pasture yesterday.
There used to be a lot of them but I haven't seen one in several (10?) years.
They walk from the small lake across my pasture, over the road, across the neighbors pasture to a low swampy area to lay eggs. Probably around 150 yards distance.
The irrigation company put in pipe and don't use open ditches any more so the swampy area is pretty dry now.
We get many turtles that cross from stock tank (pond) to stock tank. Snappers and regular big ol' turtles. Our neighbor has soft shell turtles in his big fishing pond. It's spring fed and he also has a well for it. Hope whoever buys the place keeps the pond in good condition, so many critters depend on it!
They do grow here, but aren't readily accessible .
I've never seen one in Michigan. A friend of Hubby's family up there has a tree farm, he also owned about 50 acres of woods. He sold that years ago, but he used to sell firewood off of it. Beautiful for hiking, never saw a Bois D'arc there!
I've never seen one in Michigan. A friend of Hubby's family up there has a tree farm, he also owned about 50 acres of woods. He sold that years ago, but he used to sell firewood off of it. Beautiful for hiking, never saw a Bois D'arc there!

I see the fruit on the ground when they shed in the fall when out driving around,usually in a farmers hedgerow, I should take note and go back and hit them up for bow wood.
There are a lot of turtles in Texas. I wish I had dragonflies over here.
Neighbor has a bug zapper. I thought about getting one too because of the mosquitoes.
Do you know if those only attract certain types of insects?
We have a zapper over by Hubby's shop. It gets mosquitoes, June bugs, moths, and gnats!

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