YES!!Hey Pearl, do you have one of those floating pool coolers for drinks? Just curious.

YES!!Hey Pearl, do you have one of those floating pool coolers for drinks? Just curious.
WOW........A "Cathouse" with a beer bar.YES!!But it's too small! I have a better one I set on the deck, keeps the beer nice and cold!!
Meowzers,WOW........A "Cathouse" with a beer bar.
A lot of people down here slice the "fruit" and put it in their cupboards to deter pests!!Osage orange trees started this spring. Not common in western NY apparently. We picked up some fruits last fall and my daughter started these. Each fruit has probably hundreds of seeds. She started maybe 2 dozen and improper care (me) has claimed a few. We want them because of the beautiful wood and to make a good fence. Sorry, couldn’t type words with the picture.
Yes, I heard they are, too.Fleas & ticks don't fare well in arid climates... and guinea fowl are great for killing bugs, my brother in the Ozarks has some of those birds, and they really help keep the bug population down. Chickens also help, but my bro said the guinea fowl are stone cold bug killers, lol.![]()
My Hubby saw a local deer with a fawn. I wasn’t with him so I missed it. At night, here, the land is LOUD with bugs and frogs. I love it.So I got Hubby to join me for night pool!! No meteors or space junk, but a beautiful sky tonight!! Lots of bats! Linda the deer is all settled in for the night by Buddy's water trough! Nice frog and cricket music!!
You need one with a remote control like an RC boat. make getting that next Mickey's fun!YES!!But it's too small! I have a better one I set on the deck, keeps the beer nice and cold!!
I have hummingbirds at my feeders, too. But they don’t share very well. There is only one at a time at the feeders as they chase each other off all the time.There were so many hummingbirds yesterday!! Had to put out extra feeders!! There were many birds enjoying the bird baths too! Cardinals, Mockingbirds, Wrens, and Bluebirds!
I call them buzzards because that's what they do.I have hummingbirds at my feeders, too. But they don’t share very well. There is only one at a time at the feeders as they chase each other off all the time.
I have a feeder outside the dining room window so we can watch a bird show while we eat. To hanging off the eaves of the back porch near where I sit to watch them. They do not play well with each other.Hummers are territorial and downright greedy when it comes to feeders... having said that, I can remember each hummingbird feeder at my brother's house in central Missouri (Lake of the Ozarks area) just teeming with hummers, there'd be 8-10 hummers circling each feeder like some aerial ballet, it was crazy! My bro had a second-story deck out back, really nice with feeders set up along the rail and in nearby tree branches... great place to sit and watch all the birds while having a cold beer. We'd BBQ out there too, it was a primo deck with a nice view down the sloping lawn to the wood line. In the yard, there were three trees: oak, hickory & cedar, with the green lawn below, it was really pretty.![]()
You need me to send you some more cicadas? We got plenty!Beautiful night tonight!! Moon rises late, awesome sky!! Tons of various birds lately. Saw mom turkey by herself today. Guess she weaned the little ones. Amazing quiet days and nights!!![]()