Observations from Pearl's pool

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Beautiful night tonight! May have been the last 'night pool ' night!! Blazing hot day. No wind and very warm tonight. Great clear sky! Awesome Milky Way, big glow to the east, DFW area! The city lights are far away, but really light up the eastern sky!!☹️ Tomorrow will be hotter, 🙄🤔🌡️, but the last day of that, rain soon and cooler temps! It gets dark too early now!
We were discussing how early it's gettin dark last night. 8:15 the light is getting dim.
We got some flowers on the front porch and everytime we sit out there we have humming birds flying by like we are invading their territory. They'll hover and watch us for a bit. Funny to watch
I guess I'm hard to please. I grump about the long days of summer but then I was cutting grass after supper this week and grumped because I lost the light and my tractor headlights aren't good enough to mow by. Got in the pool for a while since we were in the 90s and humid but that week we had lows in the 40s really bled the heat out of the water. Getting all the way in was brisk and refreshing to be sure! Last evening three large flocks of geese went over headed south.
I am seeing NO hummingbirds!! The dragon flies have been heavy every afternoon, they keep all other bugs away! The roadrunner's husband finally showed up yesterday, I can't imagine they would nest this time of the year!?🤔 All the critters are out and about, and happier with the cool weather (alright, cooler)!
Must be the month for fawns. Saw twins then 2 singles this week. They've lost their spots, looked healthy. All were moving in the afternoon. Thought that was odd, probably the hunters clogging the woods. Been seeing a lot of trailers and quads. Hunters preparing, out placing game cameras, sowing plots for turkey and deer. Got the deer upset and moving...

One year, first day of deer season i took a trailer to town to get tire work. The woods were full of hunters... and all the deer were grazing on the sides of the road.... laughed my butt off all the way to town. 🤣 Saw about a dozen deer in the first few miles.
The hummingbirds are still around my area, I have not been feeding them this year. This area (and yours, @Pearl ) are of course major migration flyways for birds. It’ll be interesting to hear about what else you see in the next few weeks.
I filled a couple of Humm feeders just in case! I figure if they are leaving others might be passing through from up north!
I filled a couple of Humm feeders just in case! I figure if they are leaving others might be passing through from up north!
I was thinking about doing that too but if I am going to, I want to remember to change the solution every morning. What do you use for hummers? Store bought (red or clear) or home made stuff?
I was thinking about doing that too but if I am going to, I want to remember to change the solution every morning. What do you use for hummers? Store bought (red or clear) or home made stuff?
I try to catch the packets of the vitamin humm food at TSC each fall. I'm out right now so it's sugar water!! It will at least get them to town where there are flowers in yards unlike the vast desert I live in!!
BUTT BALL! Buddy (the donkey) has a stall ball hanging from a rope on a wooden post in his pasture. He usually just walks by it and gives it a whack with his nose. Today he played and played with it. Then he turned around, rubbed his posterior on it, and swished it around with his tail! Wish I had a video of that!! Also, a lot of Scissor Tail birds around, and the baby deer are all spotless!
Got to watch t-storms develop in Ft. Worth yesterday afternoon!! Got no rain again, I have had less than an inch since the beginning of May!!😮☹️ Observed the many large trees that are not doing well in this drought!! Watched a Kestrel swipe a bluebird out of the birdbath!! It was hanging around, I thought the bluebirds would have been on alert! That ended bath time!!
Got to watch t-storms develop in Ft. Worth yesterday afternoon!! Got no rain again, I have had less than an inch since the beginning of May!!😮☹️ Observed the many large trees that are not doing well in this drought!! Watched a Kestrel swipe a bluebird out of the birdbath!! It was hanging around, I thought the bluebirds would have been on alert! That ended bath time!!
I heard a hoot-owl last night. They are very rare down here, only hear one every 2 years or so.
The eerie thing is, all of the other birds go completely silent to not give away their location, must be in their DNA...
I heard a hoot-owl last night. They are very rare down here, only hear one every 2 years or so.
The eerie thing is, all of the other birds go completely silent to not give away their location, must be in their DNA...
We have a screech owl in the neighborhood, damn thing keeps waking me up! I thought the Mexican was beating his wife again! She outweighs him by a hundred pounds, she ought to bear hug him and then do a body splash, he'd never beat anybody again in a body cast!
I heard a hoot-owl last night. They are very rare down here, only hear one every 2 years or so.
The eerie thing is, all of the other birds go completely silent to not give away their location, must be in their DNA...
We have too many Great Horned Owls and Grey Owls! They answer each other from all around, gets crazy sounding sometimes!
Buddy has a 50 gallon water trough, but during the heat of summer I put an extra tub of water in his front pasture, because he's spoiled!♥️😉 So I didn't fill the extra tub today, taking it out tomorrow. A squirrel came to get a drink from it, Buddy drank it down a little lower than half full. The squirrel tried to hang from it's back feet to reach down and get a drink. In it went!!😮 That little booger jumped straight up out of the tub and took off, amazing!! It sat on a tree branch and dried itself off. After a while it went to one of the birdbaths to get a drink!😃♥️
Awesome pool float afternoon! 94° today, no wind! Two young hawks hanging around in the pasture behind me, they swooped at the ground several times, one of them got something the last time!! Tons of deer! A pair of roadrunners were eating grasshoppers in Buddy's field. Nice sunburny, beer drinking time (only a few)!! One of the last days in for a while! Oh, I did get all the way in and gave it a good vacuuming. The water temp was only 73°!
I’ve went through this whole damn thread and not one damn bikini photo!
i want you to get one of them metal fingers for your bad finger...you would look so badass and be baddass driving that dozer with wearing your hello kitty shirt on....and sporting a red sonja lunch box !..that thing work like your real finger i bet !!

old timber cutter i worked for out west had a wide array of kids lunch boxs he took to work...it was a hoot i tell ya ! i loved that old man !!

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