But I don’t see how they, or the lack there of, can be overlooked. Few politicians are free of some scandal. Face it, lawyers and politicians are usually the least moral people in the world, but trump excels at it. I agree with that immigration needs to be fixed, just not with the way he is trying. I agree he is right about the country needing to be opened, but think there should be more measures in place for it. But no matter how many good ideas he could have can’t negate how rude, boastful, childish and divisive he is. Is there no place for civility and compassion in the world anymore?
you need to get off your moral high horse,,,,,he is doing a job and doing pretty well at it,,,you don't have to like him but he deserves the respect that goes with that office,,,,,,now he won the election there is a good chance he will be in office another term,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,my only bitch about him is he talks to much,if not for TWITTER his ratings would be higher
and I will vote for him again