I had a dog mix mastiff/great dane while I was living in the same old house I still live inI've seen animals, mainly cats and dogs, do the same thing. Their looking at something and following it. I figured it was a bug or something like that but I look and nothing there. It wasn't until I became an investigator that I learned, some I already knew, animals can see, hear and smell way more than humans, except my mom, she could hear a fart clear across town. At early ages we're told "there's nothing there" or "you have a wild imagination" so we start to filter out things and when we become adults we no longer believe in ghosts.
that she was for awhile always staring a corner in the house and she was sitting then standing then slowly wagging her tail then sitting again and when I was asking her (her name was Sheba)
What are you doing there ...she was not even looking at me but keep staring at that corner
by the door...weird ...weird ...weird
I took photos of her doing it ...its somewhere in a sd card...
I will one day sit and try to find it
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