Paranormal activity

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I've seen animals, mainly cats and dogs, do the same thing. Their looking at something and following it. I figured it was a bug or something like that but I look and nothing there. It wasn't until I became an investigator that I learned, some I already knew, animals can see, hear and smell way more than humans, except my mom, she could hear a fart clear across town. At early ages we're told "there's nothing there" or "you have a wild imagination" so we start to filter out things and when we become adults we no longer believe in ghosts.
I had a dog mix mastiff/great dane while I was living in the same old house
that was for awhile always staring a corner in the house and she was sitting then standing then slowly wagging her tail then sitting again and when I was asking her (her name was Sheba)
What are you doing there ...she was not even looking at me but keep staring at that corner
by the door...weird ...weird ...weird
I took photos of her doing it ...its somewhere in a sd card...
I will one day sit and try to find it
How I met the girls. We had gathered for an investigation and were waiting for the "medium" to arrive. I was sitting on the other side of the breakfast bar where the pic of me sitting was taken. All of a sudden my legs felt cold. I said as much and our photographer took an IF temp of my legs. There was a 15 degree difference between my thigh and calf. We were all talking about it and she continued to take readings and the cold went away temp back to "normal". About ten minutes later it happened again and went away. The medium arrived and introductions made all around with some Q&A time. My legs got cold again and the medium (without saying anything to him) said there's two small girls running around you. One about 6-7 the other about 4-5. He said they like you very much and we all broke out the equipment. When ever I would visit my mom I'd make time to play with the Neiborhood kids, they'd come ask my mom if I could come out and play asking for the giant (I'm 6'6"). Was told the girls, all or most spirits, pick up on our energy and know what kind of people we are. Tomorrow, the fun and games then the hissy fit.
Please be careful. You may be opening the door to something meant to remain closed.
I had a dog mix mastiff/great dane while I was living in the same old house
that was for awhile always staring a corner in the house and she was sitting then standing then slowly wagging her tail then sitting again and when I was asking her (her name was Sheba)
What are you doing there ...she was not even looking at me but keep staring at that corner
by the door...weird ...weird ...weird
I took photos of her doing it ...its somewhere in a sd card...
I will one day sit and try to find it
This is a truly interesting topic. I think that we're under-utilizing pets and this makes me want to get a dog even more. I think that we can learn a lot just by observing them as you have done. I'll bet that we can learn a lot.
As far as I know all the kids, now grown, are doing fine. The girls. After the medium told us of their presence we started talking to them letting them know we would hurt them and setting up our gear. We set out two K2 meters (detectors for electromagnetic fields) placing them far enough apart they wouldn't get interfered with by 2 fields. We told them they could make them light up where we could not. Just put your hand by one and watch. One lit up a little then a little more then the 2nd one started lighting up, independent of the first. The show was on! They played with the K2's for a while then we started asking them to turn on the flashlights. Mini mag lights turned on the point of flickering then just barely off. They were able to turn them on and off as we asked, We started working with the oldest (according to the medium) trying to get yes or no answers. The younger one quit playing with the K2 meter then nothing. The medium said she was mad because we were giving her older sister more attention and was having a hissy fit by the back door. Then the older sister quit responding as well.
When the family member had that presence in their house the last straw was when she was alone one night and a sound of something being dragged across the floor in the attic was the last straw. She fled the house and never went back. I called around trying to find a priest to cleanse the house but couldn't get anyone to come out. The bank took the house over and the last I heard someone had bought it. It gave me the creeps. I don't know how anyone is living there.
As far as I know all the kids, now grown, are doing fine. The girls. After the medium told us of their presence we started talking to them letting them know we would hurt them and setting up our gear. We set out two K2 meters (detectors for electromagnetic fields) placing them far enough apart they wouldn't get interfered with by 2 fields. We told them they could make them light up where we could not. Just put your hand by one and watch. One lit up a little then a little more then the 2nd one started lighting up, independent of the first. The show was on! They played with the K2's for a while then we started asking them to turn on the flashlights. Mini mag lights turned on the point of flickering then just barely off. They were able to turn them on and off as we asked, We started working with the oldest (according to the medium) trying to get yes or no answers. The younger one quit playing with the K2 meter then nothing. The medium said she was mad because we were giving her older sister more attention and was having a hissy fit by the back door. Then the older sister quit responding as well. View attachment 164534
Here's some paranormal activity for you; What about the Simpsons accurately predicting things?
Sorry, I haven't watched the Simpsons in a long time. Ironic that the city in the Simpsons is modeled after the real life town that this paranormal activity happened. So then, after the girls stopped due to the hissy fit we asked the medium about other spirits in the house and he said none that will come forward. We talked about what happened for some time and then started breaking up the meeting. I stayed and talked to the group leader, it was her house, and was sitting on the other side of the breakfast bar and my legs got cold again. Telling her that, the leader snapped a quick pic which is the one I posted with me in the vortex with the girls. I stayed a bit longer and said I needed to go. Very shortly then the girls must have left as temp back to normal. The things I talk about here are either facts I've lived or my speculations, I am not an authority on the subject. I will give advice and help anyone I can. I do not ask anyone to come over to my beliefs and way of seeing things. We all need to look at things and make our own decisions.
Sorry, I haven't watched the Simpsons in a long time. Ironic that the city in the Simpsons is modeled after the real life town that this paranormal activity happened. So then, after the girls stopped due to the hissy fit we asked the medium about other spirits in the house and he said none that will come forward. We talked about what happened for some time and then started breaking up the meeting. I stayed and talked to the group leader, it was her house, and was sitting on the other side of the breakfast bar and my legs got cold again. Telling her that, the leader snapped a quick pic which is the one I posted with me in the vortex with the girls. I stayed a bit longer and said I needed to go. Very shortly then the girls must have left as temp back to normal. The things I talk about here are either facts I've lived or my speculations, I am not an authority on the subject. I will give advice and help anyone I can. I do not ask anyone to come over to my beliefs and way of seeing things. We all need to look at things and make our own decisions. View attachment 164645
I do hope that you exercise caution as I don't believe that we're to seek to communicate with the dead or evil spirits.
This thread now has me thinking of any paranormal experiences I've had. I wondered how dogs could sense people and situations intuitively and have an instant like or dislike to them, or know we're in danger. The topic interested me and I read some interesting things! I'm trying to convince my hub to get another dog because their senses far exceed ours. When I got home from shopping and was walking into the house my little terrier sensed danger in a huge dog that came onto our lawn. She was jumping up with all her might to bite the huge dog's throat. I wasn't cognizant of what was really going on until the big dog bit me. My little terrier thwarted a bad attack. But I think for protection dogs are probably the best deterrent that we can get.
Brian Wilson's mother told him that the dogs were barking because they didn't like the people down in their driveway...because..."dogs know vibes". That's the point where "Good Vibrations" got its name......
I should feel ashamed because I haven't done my EVP's as I said I would post. I will change that. What I have, after the purge, is a 6.5 minute recording of what was to be a training session. Things worked out where the photographer led the session and as neither (2) trainee had a voice recorder I let them use mine. This was a mistake as she didn't do it very well. You can tell it's a training session because no one is asking questions. They didn't identify who they were, where they were, what they were doing, and the time. You do this so you can ID the investigators voices. Which case such as in the living room of case B 12. We're doing an EVP session and it's 12:30 am Oct 13th 2024. Anyway I can vouch for the legitimacy of the recording. It is loaded with EVP's but has a lot of noise as well. Some are residual and some active/interactive. I wish I'd not erased my others but I did not have permission to use them. I wouldn't have posted them for profit or other personnel gain anyway.
I should feel ashamed because I haven't done my EVP's as I said I would post. I will change that. What I have, after the purge, is a 6.5 minute recording of what was to be a training session. Things worked out where the photographer led the session and as neither (2) trainee had a voice recorder I let them use mine. This was a mistake as she didn't do it very well. You can tell it's a training session because no one is asking questions. They didn't identify who they were, where they were, what they were doing, and the time. You do this so you can ID the investigators voices. Which case such as in the living room of case B 12. We're doing an EVP session and it's 12:30 am Oct 13th 2024. Anyway I can vouch for the legitimacy of the recording. It is loaded with EVP's but has a lot of noise as well. Some are residual and some active/interactive. I wish I'd not erased my others but I did not have permission to use them. I wouldn't have posted them for profit or other personnel gain anyway.
It's funny when my grandpop told me that he used to hear my nan calling him I never questioned whether he had really heard her or not. I assumed that he imagined it. Now, all these years later, I wonder if he really did hear an audible voice. My dad was a straight lace kind of man but he told me that he woke up one time and my deceased mother was sitting on the edge of the bed. Both my father and my grandfather had stable personalities.
I hear my name being called and wake up. I don't know who it is calling me but it's clear and plain like someone, something wants or needs me to wake up. It doesn't happen as much as it used to. Here are some more EVP's and I'll not say what I think their saying so I don't influence anyone. Through the years I've lost a little of my mid range hearing from doing industrial trades. Because of this people may hear things I don't. Tell us what you hear please!

I hear my name being called and wake up. I don't know who it is calling me but it's clear and plain like someone, something wants or needs me to wake up. It doesn't happen as much as it used to. Here are some more EVP's and I'll not say what I think their saying so I don't influence anyone. Through the years I've lost a little of my mid range hearing from doing industrial trades. Because of this people may hear things I don't. Tell us what you hear please!

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I thought that happened to me a few times. I never found out if it was me dreaming or something really called me.
It could have been my guardian angel as I have sleep apnea. They told me I quit breathing 37 times in 1 hour and 34 times another hour in a 6 hour sleep test which caused my blood oxygen to drop to a pretty bad level. Those are the 2 worst hours. Perhaps my angel was waking me to start breathing again, I don't know. I remember it being a masculine voice but a couple times it was feminine. I must be working him so hard he was taking a break!
It could have been my guardian angel as I have sleep apnea. They told me I quit breathing 37 times in 1 hour and 34 times another hour in a 6 hour sleep test which caused my blood oxygen to drop to a pretty bad level. Those are the 2 worst hours. Perhaps my angel was waking me to start breathing again, I don't know. I remember it being a masculine voice but a couple times it was feminine. I must be working him so hard he was taking a break!
I hope that you saw a doctor for treatment.

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