What's everybody doing today?

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Up and walked early.
Lady who helps keep the house in shape is here- every other month- and I clean in between.
Made some phone calls.
Did 2 loads of laundry.
Will cook a couple of boneless ribs in the air fryer.
Find something to make with refrigerated biscuits dough that has been hanging around.

Waiting for the VA to contact us about DH getting a midline.
Boy, the VA takes their time, Snappy.
The weather has started to turn here, but it's a welcome. In the 60's now, high of 70 in a bit. Last week hitting 90 was a bit much.
Just doing the regular stuff around here, no school for little granddaughter, so she helped with random stuff needing doing.
Fed X just dropped off a mountain of boxes husband ordered from Walmart online for the amish funeral wagon. It's very specific Hefty brand styrofoam compartment plates, each pack containing 40 plates, 400 total. For some reason the Walmart in the bigger town stopped carrying them, but online is free, and the funeral wagon needed restocking. They should be picked up by Dave the builder guy this afternoon. Husband does the on line ordering around here that the amish need, but can't do, because they're not allowed to use the computer. And other random computer stuff.
Think I'll get to painting again after I clean up the kitchen.
Had a doctor appointment this morning. The doctor said I was doing very good for someone my age, and my test results came back negative too.
It's in the 60's here with lows in the 30's. Perfect working weather.
Going to work on the coop now, then later I'll haul some gravel down and fill in a section on our road that washed out this spring.
A Wishing sent to Our Northern Neighbors and Members :

This afternoon I'm back to organizing finances and logins/passwords into a new password manager program. This morning was an anxious morning for this parent. My son decided, for no good reason, to jump out of a perfectly good airplane. He's back on the ground now - in one piece and shaped similar to how he was shaped before - so I guess everything's good.
^^^ Not a little shorter...?!?
We got up and did a few things around the house. Decided to get out and head into the mountains. Stopped and got a couple chicken salad sandwiches and found a nice spot by a creek to park at. Got some lawn chairs out and spent a couple hours listening to the music of the water. Got home unloaded the truck, fed the birds. Sittin on the porch waiting on dark.
It was a great day Tater
Had a doctor appointment this morning. The doctor said I was doing very good for someone my age, and my test results came back negative too.
It's in the 60's here with lows in the 30's. Perfect working weather.
Going to work on the coop now, then later I'll haul some gravel down and fill in a section on our road that washed out this spring.
Whew! Glad to hear your test was negative. The last thing you need is to be pregnant at your age 😂🤣😂

Hubby has a bunch of hot peppers on the smoker. I put more chips on before I left for work this morning. Went and checked (since I forgot at lunch time) and the ones for this morning weren't burnt. It's plugged into a surge protector - must have tripped. It's now smoking again. Also got him more pecan chips at HD this morning.

One more note: I received a notice that auto insurance will now pull a credit report as part of figuring our insurance rate. Glad we have a +++ score. That's pretty messed up. If you go through some catastrophe (divorce, medical, etc.) doesn't mean you are a poor driver.
Whew! Glad to hear your test was negative. The last thing you need is to be pregnant at your age 😂🤣😂

Hubby has a bunch of hot peppers on the smoker. I put more chips on before I left for work this morning. Went and checked (since I forgot at lunch time) and the ones for this morning weren't burnt. It's plugged into a surge protector - must have tripped. It's now smoking again. Also got him more pecan chips at HD this morning.

One more note: I received a notice that auto insurance will now pull a credit report as part of figuring our insurance rate. Glad we have a +++ score. That's pretty messed up. If you go through some catastrophe (divorce, medical, etc.) doesn't mean you are a poor driver.
Yeah, that was quite a relief. Can't afford any more kids.
We're supposed to get some rain/snow later this week. If that happens I'll fire up the smoker and smoke a couple pounds of habanaro peppers.
For dinner I'm grilling a couple filet mignon's, and a side of bacon wrapped jalapenos stuffed with cheese and dried ghost pepper flakes.
my day did not go as planned. I couldn't get anyone to answer the phone at the county, so the dump was probably closed for columbus day. So we went shopping for stuff to put up our new solar panels and finish the greenhouse instead. I saw like a million Trump flags and signs along the way. Some houses have huge flags up, one even in a cow pasture. If the rest of the country looks like that he will win by 99 %...LOL
The only places that have Harris signs are empty lots and on the side of the road ( the one that says Harris Lies is still up) LOL, not actual people. Saw a FEMA sign at the fairgrounds . Not sure why now, it's been a few weeks since the storm.
Shopping was sort of crazy, tons and tons of people at Aldi and walmart. Strange for a Monday afternoon. I thought most people shopped on weekends
Spent way too much money and having a German beer from Aldi now
Did nothing for most of the day. Turned the calf out this morning, warmed up something for lunch, took a nap. I finally dragged myself outside about 3pm. Ran the bush hog for an hour or so. Would have finished down in the hollow about 5 but was about to run out of fuel so I called it a day.

Actually cooked dinner, no plans but tv this evening.
my day did not go as planned. I couldn't get anyone to answer the phone at the county, so the dump was probably closed for columbus day. So we went shopping for stuff to put up our new solar panels and finish the greenhouse instead. I saw like a million Trump flags and signs along the way. Some houses have huge flags up, one even in a cow pasture. If the rest of the country looks like that he will win by 99 %...LOL
The only places that have Harris signs are empty lots and on the side of the road ( the one that says Harris Lies is still up) LOL, not actual people. Saw a FEMA sign at the fairgrounds . Not sure why now, it's been a few weeks since the storm.
Shopping was sort of crazy, tons and tons of people at Aldi and walmart. Strange for a Monday afternoon. I thought most people shopped on weekends
Spent way too much money and having a German beer from Aldi now
Which German Beer do They have...?!?
Which German Beer do They have...?!?
but not always

today I am debating what should get done, there is so many projects....
We should make the trip to the dump and feed store but after yesterday's massive shopping trip I don't want to go anywhere. Greenhouse needs finishing it is supposed to get cold tonight, freezing so I will put the plants inside for now
We have not hit freezing yet, and hoping not this week...alot of work before it hits. I do have a bunch going in the greenhouse, but our tomatoes and peppers are still kicking out a ton, so it'd be a couple of days picking all those green tomatoes for the basement.
Not sure what today brings, hopefully get an hour or so of painting in. I know I have to go into the bigger town to drop off at the lab.
Already walked and walked dogs.
Taking DH to a pre-scheduled doc appt. this afternoon and then to Aldi.
Taking my friend to local clinic at 3:15 as she fell outside with her dog last night. Her foot and ankle are swollen.
Maybe make some jalapeno garbage bread.
Water roses this evening as we are still in a dry spell.
Hope husband gets his line in, Snappy, and hope your friend is ok.
Milkhouse freezer went out. I know what I'll be doing in the bigger town this afternoon. If I'm lucky, I can order in advance, and have it brought out to the truck. Depends how busy Home Depot is. Things are still fairly frozen, so not worried as long as I get another one this afternoon.
Got home from Nebraska around 0130, slept til 10, and have been wandering around aimlessly for a couple hours. I have to meet with a law firm to sign a document and pick up a check for a small inheritance from a distant relative at 1430. When I say a small inheritance, I'm talking about a down payment on a used car type of amount. It's nothing life changing, but it's a lot better than a kick in the butt! Actually it's probably just enough to mess up my taxes for the year and I'll use most of it to pay the taxes off...🙄