Paranormal activity

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Not my story, but my pops.

One night my pops comes home from work, had a beer or two, ate his supper, watched some boob-tube and went to bed. The next more morning he tells me that he had a vivid dream about one of his good buddies. In the dream his buddy walked into his bedroom, sat at the edge of his bed and told him "Hey pal, just relax, everything will be okay. Now go back to sleep." He said it was an odd dream to have. He found out later that day that his buddy had died the evening before in a car wreck, obviously back in the days before smart phones or internet. He told me he was sad about losing his friend, but for some reason just not as sad as maybe he should be. He was convinced the ghost of his buddy came to visit him one last time.
Not my story, but my pops.

One night my pops comes home from work, had a beer or two, ate his supper, watched some boob-tube and went to bed. The next more morning he tells me that he had a vivid dream about one of his good buddies. In the dream his buddy walked into his bedroom, sat at the edge of his bed and told him "Hey pal, just relax, everything will be okay. Now go back to sleep." He said it was an odd dream to have. He found out later that day that his buddy had died the evening before in a car wreck, obviously back in the days before smart phones or internet. He told me he was sad about losing his friend, but for some reason just not as sad as maybe he should be. He was convinced the ghost of his buddy came to visit him one last time.
That's an interesting story!
In honor of Lenny's Friday Fives questions, I thought it would be neat to have a place to post our ghostly and paranormal experiences!! So what have you seen and experienced???
Thanks Pearl. I took a course in Ventura (California) college called Ghosts and Hauntings, given by Richard Senate. He is on Facebook using his name.
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yes, but I've posted the one I experienced before here on the forum when I was a young teen. That was a ghost story.
I dream about my family members who have died, but it is never anything weird or scary. I feel like they're checking in on me and letting me know everything is okay.
I've had spiritual experiences that I may or may not have shared here that had to do with being made aware of my nephew's death. So unreal and sad feeling. A couple of days after he passed away (car accident), I was having a dream about him visiting us, it startled me, I woke up crying. My husband comforted me, then we fell back to sleep. A little while later my husband woke up with a jump and WEIRDLY his dream started where mine had left off. My nephew, I felt, didn't want us to forget about him. He was 18.
I don't call it intuition on some of these, I call it being warned or made aware from the other side.
The only paranormal experience I have ever had was the one I posted in Friday Fives, but I heard a very good one from a friend of friends.

This couple was managing the restaurant and gift shop in an old estate that was haunted. The husband was working in the gift shop when an electric floor fan went on by itself. That was unusual enough, but what made it even more strange the fan wasn't plugged in.
If anyone is in Santa Barbara on a Sunday, stop by the Spiritualist Church of the Comforter and attend the service. Part of the service is someone pointing to people and asking if they want a reading. If you say yes then you get a short message from the spirit world.
Grandpa’s aunt read tea leaves and told him, among other things, how many kids he and each of his brothers would have, before any kids were born.

Dad used to do table tipping.

Various dead family members have visited various living family members.

As a kid I had several OBE’s (out of body experiences).
Fun that you did bring that thread PEARL :)

Its maybe not a story...but this probably did happened in my mind
cuz I dont really believe in things like it

The whole week ( from day 1) after someone died,
that person and I were very very close and that I really loved

It happened for a whole week every day ..I was not scared but I was thinking
maybe my grieving was too deep ... and my mind was playing games to me
who knows...

Each time I was alone and quiet reading something or a book..I was feeling
like someone was behind me and sometimes almost breathing close to my neck

Then I was stopping reading and not moving ..then I was turning my head to see
and there was nothing and it was stopping never happened after ( this did last for a whole week though !)
I have posted numerous times about my experiences growing up in an antebellum house with 8 ghosts.
Too many to hunt down and copy and paste here. :(
Not a great place to grow up:
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When I had a college course on ghosts back in the 1980s, I was told that ghosts are residual energies from someone who had a tragic death. The professor,Richard Senate, said that if you confront the ghost and say something like, "You're dead. You don't exist anymore, so go away" it usually will go away forever.
Again, ghosts are a residual energy, not someone's soul.
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When I had a college course on ghosts back in the 1908s, I was told that ghosts are residual energies from someone who had a tragic death. The professor,Richard Senate, said that if you confront the ghost and say something like, "You're dead. You don't exist anymore, so go away" it usually will go away forever.
Again, ghosts are a residual energy, not someone's soul.
...Well that would be no fun. :(
When I had a college course on ghosts back in the 1908s, I was told that ghosts are residual energies from someone who had a tragic death. The professor,Richard Senate, said that if you confront the ghost and say something like, "You're dead. You don't exist anymore, so go away" it usually will go away forever.
Again, ghosts are a residual energy, not someone's soul.
I've heard similar such things.
You'd be surprised how after years, 'paranormal stuff' becomes normal. Example:
Three teenagers are playing cards on the dining room table.
Suddenly the closed and latched room door swings wide open.
One kid: "Whut tha' hell was that?!!!"gaah
Other kid: "Mamaw Hatch. Now shuddup and deal".
First kid: "Should I deal her a hand?"
Other kid: "Of course".
*True story. She didn't play well and chose to fold. I think she just wanted to watch.
Another example:
We were in the gun room in the big house loading ammo.
My brother had left his keys on the work bench.
He got ready to leave and they were gone! :oops:
He looked everywhere in the room and finally found them on the mantle.
There is no way he would have put them up there.
He looked at me and said: "Mamaw Hatch"! :rolleyes:
I just nodded.
Normal. Everyday.
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When I had a college course on ghosts back in the 1908s, I was told that ghosts are residual energies from someone who had a tragic death. The professor,Richard Senate, said that if you confront the ghost and say something like, "You're dead. You don't exist anymore, so go away" it usually will go away forever.
Again, ghosts are a residual energy, not someone's soul.
I think they are energy from any death!! I also think we all leave some form of residual energy! Reincarnation 🤔
I think they are energy from any death!! I also think we all leave some form of residual energy! Reincarnation 🤔
Of course we do!
And, contrary to popular beliefs, most of it is good. :)
Like in the story I told of "Happy Ghosts":dancing:.
In honor of Lenny's Friday Fives questions, I thought it would be neat to have a place to post our ghostly and paranormal experiences!! So what have you seen and experienced???
A family member lived in a demonized house. I would never have believed it had I not heard the voices caught on tape. It was the scariest thing I'd ever heard. The only thing I remember, as it was so long ago, was a raspy voice saying "Get out of my house!"

Gives me the creeps even remembering it.
I used to go looking for paranormal activity as a teen. I went to multiple "haunted places" at the appropriate times, never saw anything that could not be essily expained- never felt any presense other than my own. I was once in the car with another crew member from work driving home late at night- a black from darted up in front of the car and he screamed as I swerved a little and pulled into the breakdown lane. He immediately told me it was the "grim reaper". I called BS and got out of the car with a strong flashlight and found the reaper. It was a trash bag. I called him over to look at it hut he literally would not leave the car. Frustrated I hopped the barrier to the other side of the highway and grabbed the bag- I brought it to the car and showed him and he said that it was a trash bag that I found on the side of the road but what had come in front of us was the grim reaper and he had "seen his scythe".

It was an awkward ride the rest of the way to drop him off.

A week later his grandmother died and to this day he still tells people he saw the grim reaper coming for her in my car and randomly every other year someone whos spoken to him asks me about it.

Needless to say I am skeptical of the paranormal. I do however believe we are more vulnerable while dreaming, all bets are off concerning dreams imo.
Could be. like I've said before, I think the soul is one thing and the residual energy is another thing. And the soul could very well be a guardian angel for you and/or others.
I think they are different too! Recently a friend lost her mom. She said when she was cleaning out her room at the memory care place, she could feel mom in there. I think that was energy. About a week later my friend was sitting in her living room and a pretty little table lamp her mom gave her flashed on and off a few times! I think that was mom's soul visiting! 🤔
Whatever it is - it choked one of their friends who was laying on the couch. He left there and refused to ever go back to that house.
I apologies for being a party pooper.
At night in the dark I have seen things & not know what they are, but I do not believe in ghost, werewolves, walking dead or vampire's or vampiric ghost, ghoul or elves.

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